Picture-Slideshow as Screensaver and/or Visualisation
ok, i see, thanks.

but, as i always view my pictures in (date taken) order that would mean having to toggle the 'shuffle' on/off switch all the time.

would it not be better to have a seperate 'shuffle' setting that applies just to the 'screensaver' ?
i'm not arguing what may be better. i'm merely stating that you can do this today. feel free to provide a patch on sourceforge.
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no, i apprciated your feedback. i was just trying to get over that the solution as we have it today is awkward and a 'developer' patch/solution would be appreciated by many people.

nothing's ever good enough. first its, "i want a slideshow screensaver" and it was added. now, its "why cant it be better?".

in the opensource world you have three options if you dont like how something works: 1) dont use it, 2) wait for someone else to fix it, or 3) fix it yourself.

i suggest you find someone with a minimum level of c++ knowledge. its actually a rather trivial change. the hardest part would be implementing the actual option into the settings gui. good luck.
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i'm sorry i thought this was a suggestions forum. my mistake
suggestions are always welcome. however, dont expect them to be implemented. if you want something bad enough, you have to do it yourself. i'm just setting the level of expectation here. thats all.

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(kraqh3d @ feb. 10 2006,15:44 Wrote:in the opensource world you have three options if you dont like how something works: 1) dont use it, 2) wait for someone else to fix it, or 3) fix it yourself.
i'm coming to this forum a bit late, so i don't understand kraqh3d's vehemence.

so can we invoke a request for option 2 please? as you say, it's a trival fix.

nice nick. i think i'll play a little nostalgic simpsons road rage later on today. "i am evil homer!"

you can certainly request any feature you like. i'm just setting the level of expectation. and providing enough info to hopefully inspire someone to take some initiative and do this one themself. it really is minor change. (i refuse to call it a fix as nothing is broken. it works as designed.)

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i agree its not broken, was a suggestion for enhancment.

as you've suggested, i've submitted it to sourceforge and will wait for it to be picked up.

sourceforge request id: 1429216

Is it possible to view a slideshow of My Pictures while playing a CD+G file? It would be nice to have this feature. Thank You.
I've been using the slideshow screensaver in place of a visualisation when playing music for some time. It works very well and is the best way to view digital pictures that I would never normally look at. What would be great is it the transport controls still controlled the music, rather than the slideshow. At present you have to exit the slideshow and then choose next track etc and then wait for it to kick in again. I assume this is not a simple change?


Tried pressing "Start" ?
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I'm probably being silly, but I'm not sure what you are trying to tell me with that question (other than that I should try pressing start). Bearing in mind I exclusively use the xbox remote. Can you express exactly what the 'start' button should do ie toggle between slideshow and gui, restart show etc. etc...


Not sure if it can be called up by the remote though... but most definately mappable.
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OK, I'll see what that does. I'm not absolutely convinced though as the article is specifically about control of video playback, not music when a slideshow is playing. http://www.xboxmediacenter.com/wiki/inde..._SlideShowb Huh

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Picture-Slideshow as Screensaver and/or Visualisation0