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[MOD] Xperience1080++
Any chance still that you'd maybe be able to add the original banner list to the configuration screen of Plexbmc?
(2014-01-25, 18:19)im85288 Wrote: @fanatasticN - good to see you back! I'll look into your queries regarding the kiosk mode at a later date..it is not an option I have tried out as I love to tweak! With regards the problems with the artwork and the dependancy on using the artwork downloader and possibly artwork organiser these are issues that go away if you switch to the MediaBrowser server solution. It has probably the best metadata editor built into its web client so fix it in one place and all your clients benefit..another huge benefit I have seen is that it is an open source project which actively encourages people to start participating..which I have begun doing with the xbmb3c video add-on. They are soon to release Linux and Mac flavours of their servers too so everyone should be covered. By using the xbmb3c mode of the skin it switches all widgets on the home screen to that from your media browser server...so potentially allowing you to continue watching a tv show you had previously been watching on your roku, or iOS or any of the other clients they have. The aim is for the xbmb3c add-on to replace any need for having a local database for your media. Currently as it stands it can replace the need for the Skin widgets add-on and the NextAired script..as that info now comes from the server. Hopefully we can get the add-on to also provide the fanart backgrounds and so make the need for the script.fanart redundant...if your still looking for reasons as why you would want to switch to the MB3 server it also offers a lot more info such as the rotten tomatoes critic rating and reviews from critics..other things like similar tv shows etc etc I think allows for great potential with this as compared to the restricted info we got from using PlexPMS. And finally they also seem to be pro-actively pushing for new kinds of things such as two new image types: back images for blurays and spine images: http://www.avsforum.com/t/1455591/media-...t_24241310 allowing for potential new views

Oh and just in case you had not seen it this is a really useful add-on for upgrading/downgrading openelec: http://ls80.github.io/script.openelec.devupdate/

Hi im85288,

sorry for not comming back to you earlier. I was following you thread thoroughly, but I was still on Frodo. I kept waiting for at least kind of a Beta-Version of Gotham, which I finally gave up because almost everybody was already using the nightly builts and - like you - the develepers meanwhile had started to only concentrate on Gotham. So here I am.

Thanks for the hint on MediaBrowser. But It is the same issue that I have with the Plex-Addon: I am using a NAS (QNAP) as my centralized data-storage and four OpenElec-Clients as media-pcs. My only Windows-PC is just for office usage and administrating my home network. It is not supposed to run 24/7. That's why I have my NAS. I once had a Windows-Server running, but it was too much work to administrate and too much permanent power consumption for a private home-network. I find NAS the sneak and modern alternative to that. But as a result I cannot run services that are depending on the permanent accessibility of a Windows-Server. Though I see the idea of having kind of a server doing all the work of decoding and trancoding for the clients I do not feel comfortable by straining it this much when running certain tasks (like an automatic backup. file access from a pc or tablet, etc.) while also accessing it from serveral clients for doing various transcoding and/or recording jobs at the same time. At least that would need a powerful server which not only makes it an expensive solution (consuming all potential savings on the client-side) and leads to much permanent power cosumption. But mostly I do not want to have the administrative work for the server anymore which I was quiet happy to get rid of by using a NAS. So currently I am not so much into solutions that are depending on such server. Btw. it was also the reason I bought the TBS MOI.

Many thanks for the hint to the dev-repo for the nightly-builts of openelec. That really is very helpful. I will install it right away.

So keep up the good work. I am quiet excited what features and gadgets you will implement next :-)



Edit: One minor issue I just came across: It seems I am not able to enable "Expert"-settings correctly. I can select it, but it would remain in standard mode. So I have to switch back to counfluence, select the setting and return to XPerience1080++. Then it's fine, but only for a moment. After a while I somehow seem to be thrown back to standard view.

Edit2: Maybe its not just an issue of switching back and forth from Expert- to Standard-mode, but some of the settings just seem to "disappear" on all my four PCs, like some energy-settings and the video frame rate setting. It's very strange. When I switch back to confluence and then to Xperiecne180++ again the settings suddenly return - but after a while they are gone again.
Hello im85288
Please can you tell me how to activate,NearEvents.%i.Artists in your skin.
I also trying to integrate the NearEvents.%i.Artists option in my skin,whether it works at all, or am I missing something.

Best Regards
hi im85288,

thank you for the new update. Your skin is my favourit it contains every view I like to have...
So I played a little bit with the skin and found a little thing, we must change for Gotham...
In the Viewtypes you use
as condition for moviesets... for Gotham we have to use as follow


I tried and it works again... so maybe you will change ist...

There are so many rows of code you can't see everything. If it's okay for you I will spend more time to
test and maybe find some issues...
Board: B85M-ITX
CPU: i3 4330
GPU: Geforce GTX 750ti
Update to 3.0.30

-- contains wider TV and Movies widget in Alternate Metro View
-- supports BoxSets scraped from MB3 server (in XBMB3C mode only!) - pretty cool as things like Collection Logo and Collection Disc (when available) are shown



(2014-01-25, 18:55)wex101 Wrote: Any chance still that you'd maybe be able to add the original banner list to the configuration screen of Plexbmc?

I'm not sure where I would start to get that feature implemented...have you tried adding the section you want to view as a custom video node? In a similar way that it is done for the XBMB3C add-on, you can do the same for Plex. I think that way it will remember the view next time you access it. Also by using the video nodes you could make tiles in the Movies section pointing at for example your dvds, animated movies etc

(2014-01-26, 09:22)fantasticn Wrote: Edit: One minor issue I just came across: It seems I am not able to enable "Expert"-settings correctly. I can select it, but it would remain in standard mode. So I have to switch back to counfluence, select the setting and return to XPerience1080++. Then it's fine, but only for a moment. After a while I somehow seem to be thrown back to standard view.

Edit2: Maybe its not just an issue of switching back and forth from Expert- to Standard-mode, but some of the settings just seem to "disappear" on all my four PCs, like some energy-settings and the video frame rate setting. It's very strange. When I switch back to confluence and then to Xperiecne180++ again the settings suddenly return - but after a while they are gone again.

Hi fantasticn, this is not something I can reproduce...maybe something strange with your setup or something? Hopefully it dissapears soon Smile

(2014-01-26, 10:02)senna99 Wrote: Hello im85288
Please can you tell me how to activate,NearEvents.%i.Artists in your skin.
I also trying to integrate the NearEvents.%i.Artists option in my skin,whether it works at all, or am I missing something.

Best Regards

Hi, Yes if you go UP from the Music menu on the Home Screen there is an entry called "Concerts" - once you press this it retrieves the data from the properties you mentioned. It works fine for me under gotham. If you look in CustomConcerts.xml you should see everything you need. And good luck on our new skin release Smile
(2014-01-28, 17:01)sveni_lee Wrote: hi im85288,

thank you for the new update. Your skin is my favourit it contains every view I like to have...
So I played a little bit with the skin and found a little thing, we must change for Gotham...
In the Viewtypes you use
as condition for moviesets... for Gotham we have to use as follow


I tried and it works again... so maybe you will change ist...

There are so many rows of code you can't see everything. If it's okay for you I will spend more time to
test and maybe find some issues...

Hi sveni_lee, many thanks for your changes for the LiveCDs they look much better now Smile

I did see those needed changed and was all set out to do it when I read that they will keep it backwards compatible in Gotham...so it did not become a priority to get them changed. However it's definitely somewhere on the todo list.

I really appreciate you finding issues, so please yes keep it up..if there is an area you would like to maybe fix if needed it is the subtitles section. Things were changed in Gotham and I think I included all the necessary changes..but it is not an area I ever use so would not know if it works as it should or not.
I don't know what they mean when they say will keep it backwarts...Blush
Ich have the following issue when I use the view without the changes I told you...


and with the changes, it looks like this...


I don't know, maybe the are some problems in my database...

Board: B85M-ITX
CPU: i3 4330
GPU: Geforce GTX 750ti
Update to 3.0.31
-- full integration of the XBMB3C add-on when entering XBMB3C mode
-- one or two big fixes

(2014-01-29, 16:01)sveni_lee Wrote: I don't know what they mean when they say will keep it backwarts...Blush
Ich have the following issue when I use the view without the changes I told you...


and with the changes, it looks like this...


I don't know, maybe the are some problems in my database...


Thanks for the bug report...the tomato should only be shown for xbmb3c movies. I also changed all of the sets to use the new gotham version so hopefully this is fixed for you too.
(2014-01-17, 23:21)im85288 Wrote: Update to 3.0.21

-- This release includes an Alternative Metro Home Section, utilising more space and the skin widgets a lot more.
-- The default colour has changed to what was previously dark, default changes to white and white changes to extremewhite.

watch gallery

(2014-01-16, 02:13)jodit Wrote: im85288 nice mod!
Just one thing, the Live TV section is an area I'm still not happy with (channel list, epg, ...) it is posible to re-design it with a more modern look? (for example add transparency, colors, big logo channels, ...). is the only are i'm still not happy with.


I am totally with you on this one, however I cannot think of anything good to put there. I thought about a widget with images like the TV shows section..but then what images would go there..I am open to suggestions if you have a sort of mockup that is achievable? In fact anyone reading this with ideas for the Live TV section please share them as I do agree six tiles on their own are a bit boring!

(2014-01-16, 04:18)wex101 Wrote: I didn't realize you could still edit those in the skin menu thanks! I am almost ready to switch, the only thing I feel like is missing is a good banner view for episodes. I am finding I am really missing the original bannerlist view from xperience 1080, ie: No poster, viewing many items off the list with ratings and all. The original bannerlist for viewing episodes is just simply brilliant in my opinion, my favorite for browsing episodes in any XBMC skin.

Yeah that should be simple enough to include, I'll keep it in mind and include it in a future update.

For me I'd love the ability to have live TV take me right to the EPG or have another menu location for it.
is there a way to edit the main links? So I can have movies link to my Mediabrowser 3 movies collection, and tv shows link to mediabrowser 3 tv show collection?
(2014-01-30, 00:15)im85288 Wrote: I also changed all of the sets to use the new gotham version so hopefully this is fixed for you too.

Thanks for update, yes is fixed for me...
Board: B85M-ITX
CPU: i3 4330
GPU: Geforce GTX 750ti
I also can not see the set to XBMB3C I do see go pleXBMC?
I have updated everything,
the skin is ver. 2.3.8
XBMB3C is 0.7.5

any ideas? I have restarted, and refreshed skin.

I have lost my Main movie entry point and music entry point. I am using XBMB3C Plugin. Updated master from git.

First part of the Log XBMB3C Debug off.

XBMB3C Debug On.

Thank you very much for your response.
Nice update.

Best Regards
Sorry can not find,CustomConcerts.xml in your skin.
Now everything is ok,I found everything on github.
I apologize ,my fault.
(2014-01-30, 19:05)ernicoats Wrote: I also can not see the set to XBMB3C I do see go pleXBMC?
I have updated everything,
the skin is ver. 2.3.8
XBMB3C is 0.7.5

any ideas? I have restarted, and refreshed skin.

You need to be running Gotham and get the skin from the repo in the first post.
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