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Broken OpenWeatherMap Extended
depends on which kodi version they're using.

gotham / helix: personal api key is mandatory
isengard / jarvis: personal api key optional
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(2016-01-23, 13:47)ronie Wrote: depends on which kodi version they're using.

gotham / helix: personal api key is mandatory
isengard / jarvis: personal api key optional

Its Isengard since its the one OSMC ships with it. Any ways I can troubleshoot this? Or nothing can be done without a log?
nope, i really need a debug log. (see instructions in the first post)

if weather is important, perhaps you can guide them how to switch to the yahoo weather addon instead.
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I already did but yahoo weather is so poor in terms of features. Only 3 days forecast and not hourly or maps or weekends. I guess I have to find a way to connect to the RPi from abroad then.
There is a bug in Open weather maps(3.2.3) is not showing the icons in weather..and yes I am on 16.0 rc1 with a working skin (aeon nox 5.8.1).when I try to use the skin default icons it only shows weather on the overview but no where else then I switch to the default icons it shows everywhere but not in the overview I even tried uninstalling and reinstalling.at first I thought I needed to update the addon but that is not the case I usually can find the problem but I'm stuck hereConfused
sounds more like a skin issue to me.
Do not PM or e-mail Team-Kodi members directly asking for support.
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(2016-01-23, 19:38)Short Wrote: There is a bug in Open weather maps(3.2.3) is not showing the icons in weather..and yes I am on 16.0 rc1 with a working skin (aeon nox 5.8.1).when I try to use the skin default icons it only shows weather on the overview but no where else then I switch to the default icons it shows everywhere but not in the overview I even tried uninstalling and reinstalling.at first I thought I needed to update the addon but that is not the case I usually can find the problem but I'm stuck hereConfused

You can try the solution I proposed for Jarvis + bello fredo at post 453 not sure it will fix your isuue but who knows?

I'm having the same issue Kodi RC2 with Transparency! v10.0 trunk from github, a failed repository update of the icons left me without, I get the temps and maps ok. Treid @petitdroud patch without success..re-installed etc.. Looking deeper.

eeps what a dummy.... I guess the failed repository update killed the images, I cleared it all out and downloaded the animated icons anew... and great stuff, it worked.
I am using Windows 10 Jarvis RC2 last night it quit updating on my Lenovo Q190 and today quit working on a Dell using Windows 10 Jarvis RC2.
Does not work with or without API key.
Any clues?
(2016-02-01, 02:56)melons2 Wrote: I am using Windows 10 Jarvis RC2 last night it quit updating on my Lenovo Q190 and today quit working on a Dell using Windows 10 Jarvis RC2.
Does not work with or without API key.
Any clues?

works fine here.
please follow the steps in the first post to create a log.
Do not PM or e-mail Team-Kodi members directly asking for support.
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Hi, my weather forecast wont work and i get this in my logs

11:56:50 T:4828 DEBUG: weather.openweathermap.extended: daily data: {"city":{"id":265507,"name":"Aitoliko","coord":{"lon":21.35,"lat":38.433331},"country":"GR","population":0},"cod":"200","message":0.0132,"cnt":16,"list":[{"dt":1454839200,"temp":{"day":10.13,"min":8.45,"max":11.37,"night":8.45,"eve":11.37,"morn":10.13},"pressure":1035.98,"humidity":100,"weather":[{"id":800,"main":"Clear","description":"clear sky","icon":"01d"}],"speed":2.42,"deg":124,"clouds":0},{"dt":1454925600,"temp":{"day":11.54,"min":8.34,"max":12.77,"night":10.39,"eve":12.77,"morn":8.34},"pressure":1031.58,"humidity":100,"weather":[{"id":802,"main":"Clouds","description":"scattered clouds","icon":"03d"}],"speed":2.47,"deg":113,"clouds":48},{"dt":1455012000,"temp":{"day":13.09,"min":9.85,"max":14.29,"night":11.51,"eve":14.29,"morn":10.04},"pressure":1031.53,"humidity":100,"weather":[{"id":800,"main":"Clear","description":"clear sky","icon":"01d"}],"speed":1.61,"deg":119,"clouds":0},{"dt":1455098400,"temp":{"day":14.54,"min":13.02,"max":15.08,"night":13.47,"eve":14.03,"morn":13.02},"pressure":1021.3,"humidity":100,"weather":[{"id":502,"main":"Rain","description":"heavy intensity rain","icon":"10d"}],"speed":7.81,"deg":196,"clouds":88,"rain":19.39},{"dt":1455184800,"temp":{"day":15.98,"min":13.33,"max":15.98,"night":15.35,"eve":15.23,"morn":13.33},"pressure":1010.54,"humidity":0,"weather":[{"id":501,"main":"Rain","description":"moderate rain","icon":"10d"}],"speed":4.83,"deg":213,"clouds":42,"rain":6.4},{"dt":1455271200,"temp":{"day":16.08,"min":14.54,"max":16.08,"night":14.63,"eve":14.54,"morn":14.93},"pressure":1013.27,"humidity":0,"weather":[{"id":501,"main":"Rain","description":"moderate rain","icon":"10d"}],"speed":3.86,"deg":254,"clouds":73,"rain":4.2},{"dt":1455357600,"temp":{"day":16.54,"min":14.76,"max":16.54,"night":14.76,"eve":15.38,"morn":15.19},"pressure":1008.29,"humidity":0,"weather":[{"id":502,"main":"Rain","description":"heavy intensity rain","icon":"10d"}],"speed":9.63,"deg":200,"clouds":41,"rain":14.39},{"dt":1455444000,"temp":{"day":15.64,"min":14.49,"max":15.64,"night":15.37,"eve":15.34,"morn":14.49},"pressure":1009.6,"humidity":0,"weather":[{"id":501,"main":"Rain","description":"moderate rain","icon":"10d"}],"speed":7.52,"deg":231,"clouds":14,"rain":8.18},{"dt":1455530400,"temp":{"day":15.11,"min":14.1,"max":15.19,"night":14.1,"eve":14.39,"morn":15.19},"pressure":1004.01,"humidity":0,"weather":[{"id":502,"main":"Rain","description":"heavy intensity rain","icon":"10d"}],"speed":10.9,"deg":241,"clouds":37,"rain":22.63},{"dt":1455616800,"temp":{"day":14.77,"min":12.65,"max":14.77,"night":12.65,"eve":13.53,"morn":13.77},"pressure":1010.29,"humidity":0,"weather":[{"id":502,"main":"Rain","description":"heavy intensity rain","icon":"10d"}],"speed":10.09,"deg":261,"clouds":24,"rain":22.6},{"dt":1455703200,"temp":{"day":14.84,"min":12.56,"max":14.84,"night":12.56,"eve":13.74,"morn":12.56},"pressure":1012.17,"humidity":0,"weather":[{"id":501,"main":"Rain","description":"moderate rain","icon":"10d"}],"speed":9.07,"deg":324,"clouds":2,"rain":6.79},{"dt":1455789600,"temp":{"day":15.6,"min":11.68,"max":15.6,"night":13.37,"eve":13.83,"morn":11.68},"pressure":1022.12,"humidity":0,"weather":[{"id":500,"main":"Rain","description":"light rain","icon":"10d"}],"speed":2.95,"deg":221,"clouds":5,"rain":0.33},{"dt":1455876000,"temp":{"day":17.24,"min":13.47,"max":17.24,"night":16.37,"eve":16.33,"morn":13.47},"pressure":1016.49,"humidity":0,"weather":[{"id":800,"main":"Clear","description":"clear sky","icon":"01d"}],"speed":8.36,"deg":168,"clouds":19},{"dt":1455962400,"temp":{"day":16.48,"min":14.71,"max":17.02,"night":14.71,"eve":15.28,"morn":17.02},"pressure":1011.99,"humidity":0,"weather":[{"id":502,"main":"Rain","description":"heavy intensity rain","icon":"10d"}],"speed":6.29,"deg":191,"clouds":98,"rain":15.66},{"dt":1456048800,"temp":{"day":14.49,"min":12.27,"max":14.49,"night":12.27,"eve":12.91,"morn":13.97},"pressure":1009.12,"humidity":0,"weather":[{"id":501,"main":"Rain","description":"moderate rain","icon":"10d"}],"speed":5.51,"deg":206,"clouds":28,"rain":9.36},{"dt":1456135200,"temp":{"day":12.27,"min":12.27,"max":12.27,"night":12.27,"eve":12.27,"morn":12.27},"pressure":1009.55,"humidity":0,"weather":[{"id":500,"main":"Rain","description":"light rain","icon":"10d"}],"speed":2.19,"deg":213,"clouds":63,"rain":1.01}]}
11:56:50 T:4828 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
Error Type: <type 'exceptions.TypeError'>
Error Contents: a float is required
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\bleo8onhs\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\weather.openweathermap.extended\default.py", line 904, in <module>
forecast(location, locationid, locationdeg)
File "C:\Users\bleo8onhs\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\weather.openweathermap.extended\default.py", line 250, in forecast
daynum = daily_props(daily_weather)
File "C:\Users\bleo8onhs\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\weather.openweathermap.extended\default.py", line 502, in daily_props
set_property('Daily.%i.WindSpeed' % (count+1), SPEED(item['speed']) + SPEEDUNIT)
File "C:\Users\bleo8onhs\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\weather.openweathermap.extended\resources\lib\utils.py", line 331, in SPEED
return str(int(round(speed)))
TypeError: a float is required
-->End of Python script error report<--

The weather add-on seems to have stopped working recently? Running OpenElec 6.0.1 Kodi v15.2

09:14:35 T:140659759511296   ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                             - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                            Error Type: <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>
                                            Error Contents: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'has_key'
                                            Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/weather.openweathermap.extended/default.py", line 904, in <module>
                                                forecast(location, locationid, locationdeg)
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/weather.openweathermap.extended/default.py", line 249, in forecast
                                                if daily_weather != '' and daily_weather.has_key('cod') and not daily_weather['cod'] == '404':
                                            AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'has_key'
                                            -->End of Python script error report<--

Do we need to use a personal API key now or something ?


EDIT: I've added a personal API key now and rebooted Kodi and it seems to have started working again.

However reading the first page it suggests it should still work OK with no API key but with restrictions etc.
(2016-02-16, 14:04)cw-kid Wrote: However reading the first page it suggests it should still work OK with no API key but with restrictions etc.

read it again and pay attention to the part in red. ;-)
Do not PM or e-mail Team-Kodi members directly asking for support.
Always read the Forum rules, Kodi online-manual, FAQ, Help and Search the forum before posting.
Oh sorry. Wonder if I remove the API key will the error come back and then I can post a debug log. Will try.


That's typical I removed the API key turned on debug and reboot but the Weather seems to be working anyway's now.

Will leave it like this for a bit see if it errors again.


basically works the addon - very nice.
But, there is an error with the maps.

XBian - Kodi 15.2 on Raspberry Pi 2


Perhaps you have an idea.
Thank you very much

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OpenWeatherMap Extended2