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[RELEASE] Rom Collection Browser - Browse and launch emulator game ROMs
Some videos show RCB with a big wall view. How can i get it?
Hi, not sure, didnt do anything special.

Just *.lnk *.url

And thegamedb as scrapper.

About sound, there is an option to mute kodi when a game is launched, maybe you should try to turn it off
/ on to see how it goes.
Also try and use different audio settings in main kodi settings.
I do not use direct sound there. Maybe you do?
I also turn off navigation sounds.

I fixed my fullscreen issue by turning off 'minimize kodi' setting in RCB

I`m trying to add my games with this.
I use an Android machine (NSTV). And the emulator is John NES Lite (https://play.google.com/store/apps/detai...lite&hl=no)
When I`m running it the first time, it will try to set it up for me. But when I choose NES, it don`t show my emulator,
it shows others I have not installed, how can I add the one I use?

Maybe I can use other to, but this one just looked so easy to set up. Just an really simple setup in that emulator.
Tried RetroArch, did not understand anything. Tried NESoid to, could not get it to work.

Hope someone can point me in the right direction.
Petter :-)
Many thanks for all the effort YOU all do! THANKS! :-)
nVidia Shield TV (2015), Samsung QE75Q70R and Yamaha RX-V767
same here
I didn't want to fix the scrapers in the script. It's too hard to manage metadata within xbmc anyways so...

I created a tool that converts a LaunchBox xml into a RCB sqlite database!
It also copies LaunchBox scraped images into filenames compatible with RCB.

It is very rough so don't get too excited but it runs through my 5122 roms and it works.
* I have not tried mame roms. They will not likely work.

Rough instructions.
  1. Get roms imported into LaunchBox with the metadata like you want it.
  2. Ensure RCB is configured with all your emulators (Don't bother importing roms. I configure my emulators manually through the config.xml file. Ensure the id field is different for all emulators)
  3. Edit the paths in the top portion of my script. These need to point to various config files for both launchbox and RCB. Its pretty self explanatory
  4. Run the script with python or paste the code into an open python interpreter.
  5. Image structure will be generated in the output directory. Edit your RCB config.xml or rename the folder in the output directory to match
  6. Run RCB. Your games should be there with metadata. There will be no images.
  7. Go through each emulator type. Open the context menu. Select "Rescrape Selection"
  8. Enable "change scrapers for this run". Set all three scrapers to "local artwork"
  9. Repeat for each emulator type (sorry havn't found a faster way to do this)
  10. Now all your images are there! Done!

  • This script deletes your entire RCB database! Backup everything before using it.
  • There is no error checking in this script. If you configure it wrong it will fail poorly an give you ugly errors and incomplete copied data.
  • It can't delete your launchbox data but it WILL nuke your RCB game database each time you run it. RCB emulator settings will not be deleted.
  • Because of the way I wrote paths this script will likely only work on windows platforms. Launchbox is windows only anyways...

Hope this is useful for others out there to get images and metadata into RCB
Hello, just trying to import my ROMS (N64) and I get error when scraping (for each ROM) "Error could not create artwork file" check xmbc log for details.

Only few games have desc/artwork and scraping takes forever. When I try to launch game, it does nothing... I have emulator installed...

BTW what is the difference between Mupen64 AE and Mupen64 AE (root) Huh

Hi all!
I have the same problem a s DLanik have. Kodi v16.1rc2

Anything broken in RCB?
Yes I've found the scrapers in RCB to be extremely broken.
I select the NFO scrapers for all three scrapers when I import Roms

When I use the "none" scraper it does not work for me so I use NFO

I couldnt get images or metadata imported so I wrote the script I posted above

Is it possible to manually add an emulator to the emu_autoconfig file on android?
I would like to use a zx spectrum emulator but there isn't an entry for it.

Regards Pintglass
hey guys,
hope someone can help me out.
im using a asustor nas AS5104T v2.6.0.R4R1 with kodi v16.0.3.R12 (on it running rcb 2.1.2)
i dont no if there is a particular os version of emulator i should be using. (could be my problem there)
atm i have tried n64 windows emulator and a linux verson (dont no what verson of linux kodi is runing on due to it saying "Unknown Linux Distribution 0.0 (kernel: Linux4.1.0)). i set everything up correctly i think. all the roms show up without any details other then names due to scrapers not working. when i launch a rom screen goes blank for a sec then back to rcb list.

any help would be fanatic!!

(2016-04-26, 23:26)Pintglass Wrote: Hello

Is it possible to manually add an emulator to the emu_autoconfig file on android?
I would like to use a zx spectrum emulator but there isn't an entry for it.

Regards Pintglass

Yes I had to do this for Atari 7800 using retroarch.
Just copy the code for another retroarch core and changed it to match the retroach core fuse.

For example

<platform name="Atari 7800">
            <emulator name="Prosystem (RetroArch)">
                <detectionMethod name="packagename">
                    <emulatorParams>start --user 0 -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER -e ROM "%rom%" -e LIBRETRO /data/data/com.retroarch/cores/prosystem_libretro_android.so -e CONFIGFILE /data/data/com.retroarch/retroarch.cfg -e IME com.android.inputmethod.latin/.LatinIME -n com.retroarch/.browser.retroactivity.RetroActivityFuture</emulatorParams>
            </emulator>        </platform>

becomes this,

<platform name="ZX Spectrum">
            <emulator name="Fuse (RetroArch)">
                <detectionMethod name="packagename">
                    <emulatorParams>start --user 0 -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER -e ROM "%rom%" -e LIBRETRO /data/data/com.retroarch/cores/fuse_libretro_android.so -e CONFIGFILE /data/data/com.retroarch/retroarch.cfg -e IME com.android.inputmethod.latin/.LatinIME -n com.retroarch/.browser.retroactivity.RetroActivityFuture</emulatorParams>
            </emulator>        </platform>
I am sorry if I seem a little long winded or inconsistent. I'm low on ram these days.
And how that will be to add new emus on windows build of rcb?
(2016-05-03, 15:49)trihy Wrote: And how that will be to add new emus on windows build of rcb?

I believe the autoconfig.xml is only for Android.
I am sorry if I seem a little long winded or inconsistent. I'm low on ram these days.
(2016-02-26, 21:55)mystik_al Wrote:
(2016-02-25, 06:23)Aubins Wrote: So since this is basically abandoned...are there any other viable rom collection launchers?

This works fine 99% of the time.
I follow these points and it works like a charm here.

1 for mame use the offline scraper ,instructions and an update to 0.159 are in this thread somewhere.
you will need the correct mame titles,screenshots,videos as well but it works fine as long as you have a sub 4000 piece romset.
I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "you will need the correct mame titles". I have all the roms with correct names audited through MAME UI FX (a front end). Are you saying I should be renaming them to the game's name? Not sure that I'd like to do that, as MAME expects roms to be named very precisely if I'm not mistaken. But in MAME_DESC_154.txt you linked to... I don't see rom names anywhere. So how is it supposed to work?

Edit: I was mistaken, rom names are there, under "Game Filename" (what a surprise... Big Grin)... so I don't get what you mean by "you will need the correct mame titles". You mean for people with uncorrectly named roms?
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first (usually it's enough to follow instructions in the second post).
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[RELEASE] Rom Collection Browser - Browse and launch emulator game ROMs20