(2013-07-30, 10:28)Mudislander Wrote: Thanks for that. Yep 1st post needs editing - For now I've just thrown in your Gallery
You are welcome, just trying to help since most developers love developing, but hate writing docs.
My setup is orientated towards to low powered devices, so should work well on aTV, iPad1, other Tablets, RPi, and other small boxes.
Maybe some other uses will also create galleries from more powerful fat boy machines
<<<< users see here please
- with all options switched on, and showing CCM in full power mode. It doesnt take too long to take the screenshots and write a description for each one showing what features are in use. (how to create free Imgur gallery:
http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid...pid1461374 )
(2013-07-30, 10:28)Mudislander Wrote: ...working on increasing submenu items to 10 per submenu set.
Wow, this could be cool - it certainly is a sort after feature. I guess this means the size ill be reduced a little bit to fit them all in? Or will there be 2 rows?
I also update the summary with a couple of things, and to get it on a current page.
* REQUESTS OUTSTANDING (approved, but no time frame yet)
- Add Arrow Buttons to Weather widget to enable change of Location
(and not require needing to go into weather once to enable this function)
- EPG/PVR Screen Mod
- Add some type of Trailer button
(I dont quite understand what this is... maybe needs to be optional?)
- Improve background image showing for 1second before a movie starts playing
- Modify animated 'working' Spinner to use less resources
(NB: static 'Working...' image without any spinner already available - set Enable Busy Animation to OFF in skin settings)
- Increase SubMenu items from 5, to 10 per set.
* NEW REQUESTS (pending approval by Mudislander)
- If the Play Action is set to 'Choose' can Widgets also respect this and show the Play / Show Information / More pop up menu?
(Mudislander reply: "does anyone know another Theme that can do this, so we can look at the code?")
- Ability to have TV Show banner view use the whole screen
(Mudislander reply: sorry not ATM, that's original view - this is under consideration again)
- Fix 'In Progress Movies' preset functionality
- Ability to change AddOn name Text Colour on the Home Screen Widget for better readability vs chosen background
(I think this was way back in the thread)
- Showing 'End Time in 'M' key Fullscreen OSD
- Show Title in Wide View
- Add a toggle on Fanart view to switch between the thumbs / logos / clear art
- Ability to set what Fullscreen OSD button will be highlighted as default (eg: SubTitles instead of Pause)
- Check again the 'Duplicate Year' issue (duplicates are fixed but some users report no Year at all now)