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I was was able to build successfully and install.

This is the current status:

Exclusive mode on. Nvidia GTX 460 HDMI out on latest drivers.
7.1 configuration.

The HD audio when playing a movie continues to be fine.

24 bit multichannel flac files play, but produce no sound.
24 bit stereo flac files play, but produce no sound.
16 bit stereo apple lossless files play, but produce no sound.

In my opinion, when playing music, the output should switch to match these characteristics of the sound file:

1. Sample rate
2. Number of channels

The output should always be 24 bit because in 24 bit output mode it is possible to achieve bit perfect from either a 16 or 24 bit source. No need for that to switch based on the source, but sample rate should definitely match the source. It would also be nice for the channels to match the source.

Where can I find the log file to send?
rayhawk0 Wrote:I was was able to build successfully and install.

This is the current status:

Exclusive mode on. Nvidia GTX 460 HDMI out on latest drivers.
7.1 configuration.

The HD audio when playing a movie continues to be fine.

24 bit multichannel flac files play, but produce no sound.
24 bit stereo flac files play, but produce no sound.
16 bit stereo apple lossless files play, but produce no sound.

In my opinion, when playing music, the output should switch to match these characteristics of the sound file:

1. Sample rate
2. Number of channels

The output should always be 24 bit because in 24 bit output mode it is possible to achieve bit perfect from either a 16 or 24 bit source. No need for that to switch based on the source, but sample rate should definitely match the source. It would also be nice for the channels to match the source.

Where can I find the log file to send?

Try this...

In music volume is zero DB, try press + in keyboard, this solve your problem..volume up do 1...and ok for me...

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I'm so happy that this work is going on!

I'm running ubuntu 10.10 minimal 64 bit, with nvidia gt430 video card. I compile and install AE branch, delete guisettings.xml, and still no sound. Files "appear" to be playing, but no audio. Checked that XBMC audio is all the way up. Also, movies don't have sound, but they do play. The video is playing super fast though... I should say that i upgraded from dharma and sound was working fine. I've also tried upgrading ALSA. Any ideas?

liquidskin76 Wrote:@Montellese,

Just tested the most recent windows build however when launching XBMC you get an error saying libmicrohttpd-10.dll is missing.


That's probably because of the time since gnif last merged the latest commits from master into his AE branch. There was a change in the version of libmicrohttpd but then we ran into some problems and changed it back to the old version. gnif probably merged right in between which leaves win32 builds in an unstable state.
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I got the music sounding. Still at the wrong sample rates. Once you play something with a higher sample rate, it will switch up to that rate, but then it won't go back down when you play something with a lower rate....
Hi Guys,

The FLAC issue is due to PAPlayer trying to play gap-less. What is occurring is this...

PAP prepares file, decodes into a buffer...
PAP schedules queue next file at end of file - 5 seconds to allow buffer time
PAP reaches time to queue next file, opens a new AE stream paused, and buffers the data into the stream.
PAP finishes last file, and starts playback of the next stream.

Because there are two streams open at the same time, AE rather then causing a pop/gap in playback retains the original sample rate and re-samples the new stream to it.

You can force a sample rate using the advanced options to overcome this:
Be aware however if your hardware doesn't support the requested rate it will default to the old behaviour of choosing the next best thing the hardware supports.

This is not an option by default as this causes higher CPU load due to up-sampling streams to the requested rate.

Gap-less cant work if the sample rate of the hardware device has to change as there is time needed to re-open the sound device, and time needed to fill its buffers.
I am not scared of SVN - Cutting my hands open on the bleeding edge.
Hummmm... I don't like resampling. Also, when I was doing my test, the song were not queued : I actually changed manually of folder after the playback was done. So I don't see why gap-less would be in effect.

I've checked the advanced settings, and it doesn't seem that paplayer gap-less can be disabled... But anyway, I guess that explains why the replay sounded OK even though the sample rate was not the real one.
gnif Wrote:Hi Guys,
Because there are two streams open at the same time, AE rather then causing a pop/gap in playback retains the original sample rate and re-samples the new stream to it.

Actually, since AE is all about quality, I'd prefer if the behaviour was to introduce a gap when the sample rate of the source material changes.

Reason: The average music listener will usually only have a single format/samplerate for his files and will not be affected by any gaps. Audiophiles on the other hand will have all kinds of mixed materials, from redbook to scarletbook and DVD-A, and would thus prefer them to be replayed in the best quality possible without resampling.

cdhesse Wrote:I'm so happy that this work is going on!

I'm running ubuntu 10.10 minimal 64 bit, with nvidia gt430 video card. I compile and install AE branch, delete guisettings.xml, and still no sound. Files "appear" to be playing, but no audio. Checked that XBMC audio is all the way up. Also, movies don't have sound, but they do play. The video is playing super fast though... I should say that i upgraded from dharma and sound was working fine. I've also tried upgrading ALSA. Any ideas?


So, I switched back and compiled the bleeding edge code, and didn't change anything else. Sound works. Switch back to audio engine branch no sound again. Is there anything I'm missing?
If you have weird issues, such as no sound, PLEASE POST YOUR DEBUG LOG, Unless you do, there is nothing I can do about it.
I am not scared of SVN - Cutting my hands open on the bleeding edge.
cdhesse Wrote:So, I switched back and compiled the bleeding edge code, and didn't change anything else. Sound works. Switch back to audio engine branch no sound again. Is there anything I'm missing?

May be try to raise the volume (press +). For some reason AE, the first time, has the volume set to zero, or at least it was the case for a few people.
gnif Wrote:If you have weird issues, such as no sound, PLEASE POST YOUR DEBUG LOG, Unless you do, there is nothing I can do about it.

Here is my debug log: http://pastebin.com/A6vVkGAb - FYI i've tried deleting/recreating guisettings.xml and turned up the volume.

Here's my debug log http://pastebin.com/3bqfytSc.

If exclusive mode is enabled I get no sound output at all, with it disabled I get output from everything apart from content with HD audio, which just plays really fast without sound. Had a quick look at the debug log and it seems that for some reason xbmc can't get exclusive mode.

system specs:

win 7 32Bit
ati 4800 gfx card.
Thanks for the logs, I will look at them shortly

I just pushed in a fairly major update, here is the changelog:

[AE] removed post-proc filters from the interfaces and engines
[AE] removed pull model from the interfaces and engines
[AE] added new method IAEStream::GetSpace
[AE] added new method IAEStream::FadeVolume
[AE] added new method IAEStream::IsFading
[PAP] re-write to work as a push model (incomplete, no seek yet)

Those that are using AE on their HTPC and want it to all work should NOT update yet, PAP has had a major re-write and is not complete yet.

Also: Windows build is broken again

Check/change your output device in the audio settings.
CAESinkWASAPI::Initialize: Could not locate the device named "default" in the list of WASAPI endpoint devices.  Trying the default device...

Please provide me with a clean log, eg:
1) run xbmc
2) play ONE file
3) exit xbmc

AE is NOT all about audio quality, it is about getting the best audio quality possible within the limitations of the system and requirements of the general user, not audiophile. I am striving to reach the best of both worlds however, and I am intending on adding an advanced setting (eg: "audio.audiophile") which will override the smooth behaviour and re-open the sound device even if it will introduce gaps/pops on track change.
I am not scared of SVN - Cutting my hands open on the bleeding edge.
gnif Wrote:AE is NOT all about audio quality, it is about getting the best audio quality possible within the limitations of the system and requirements of the general user, not audiophile. I am striving to reach the best of both worlds however, and I am intending on adding an advanced setting (eg: "audio.audiophile") which will override the smooth behaviour and re-open the sound device even if it will introduce gaps/pops on track change.
many thanks for this! Nod
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