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[RELEASE] ustvnow
(2015-03-24, 06:13)learningit Wrote: For those struggling with this you will find a simple EPG program addon in my git: https://github.com/learningit/script.USChannels/
For those familiar with my earlier Canadian EPG program, this is the same except it understands how to play the ustvnow urls. I'm surprised it hasn't shown up yet.
1) remember this is a PROGRAM addon, not a video addon
2) goto to the addon settings and set your timezone, email and password for ustvnow account
3) the channels that are in there beyond the ustvnow ones are direct from the respective channels' websites and are very likely to disappear with time
4) I have only included the trial channels, I'm sure that any number of folks know how to extend this
5) DO NOT ask or PM with requests for pirated channel streams.
6) I'm likely to take this out of my git once it shows up in places that I don't want to support.

I offer this script up because I think it can be used to learn how to create a simple program addon that displays info and I hope that folks will use it for their own use/education and not abuse it.

Thank You for your efforts. Appreciate the EPG for USTVnow... Regards,,,
Help all links dead on ustvnow, im signed up on website and have tried password change. Just getting the 9 channels like im supposed to but get error on links or no response at all. Attaching. kodi log .
15:25:05 T:140242917742784 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: Opening: rtmp://lv9.ustvnow.com:1935/dvrtest?key=NYOKIEAT5127492B3F7383BBFC03E22F07BD6F0B1E7/mp4:7B402WHP0USTVNOW1
15:25:05 T:140242917742784 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player):Tongueut MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
15:25:05 T:140242917742784 DEBUG: CRenderManager::UpdateDisplayLatency - Latency set to 0 msec
15:25:05 T:140242917742784 DEBUG: LinuxRendererGL: Cleaning up GL resources
15:25:05 T:140242917742784 DEBUG: CLinuxRendererGL:TonguereInit - precision of luminance 16 is 16
15:25:05 T:140242470119168 NOTICE: Thread DVDPlayer start, auto delete: false
15:25:05 T:140242470119168 NOTICE: Creating InputStream
15:25:05 T:140242470119168 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(librtmp.so.0)
15:25:05 T:140242470119168 DEBUG: Loading: librtmp.so.0
15:25:05 T:140242470119168 ERROR: Unable to load librtmp.so.0, reason: librtmp.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
15:25:05 T:140242470119168 DEBUG: Dll librtmp.so.0 was not found in path
15:25:05 T:140242470119168 ERROR: CDVDPlayer::OpenInputStream - error opening [rtmp://lv9.ustvnow.com:1935/dvrtest?key=NYOKIEAT5127492B3F7383BBFC03E22F07BD6F0B1E7/mp4:7B402WHP0USTVNOW1]
15:25:05 T:140242470119168 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit()
15:25:05 T:140242470119168 DEBUG: OnPlayBackStopped: play state was 1, starting 1
15:25:05 T:140242470119168 DEBUG: Thread DVDPlayer 140242470119168 terminating
15:25:05 T:140242917742784 DEBUG: OnPlayBackStopped: play state was 3, starting 0
15:25:05 T:140242917742784 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnStop from xbmc
15:25:05 T:140242917742784 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 1, from xbmc, message OnStop
15:25:05 T:140242917742784 ERROR: Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: 0, path [rtmp://lv9.ustvnow.com:1935/dvrtest?key=NYOKIEAT5127492B3F7383BBFC03E22F07BD6F0B1E7/mp4:7B402WHP0USTVNOW1]
15:25:05 T:140242917742784 DEBUG: Playlist Player: one or more items failed to play... aborting playback
15:25:05 T:140242917742784 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogOK.xml) ------
Have the full log link but has content in it i cant delete?
The log says that you are missing librtmp which is necessary to play. Do not put logs in the forum - post them on xbmclogs.com or pastebin.com.
(2015-03-28, 23:37)learningit Wrote: The log says that you are missing librtmp which is necessary to play. Do not put logs in the forum - post them on xbmclogs.com or pastebin.com.
thanks sorry it had passwords in the log.... ive had it on xbmclog.com
but didnt see a edit option
any direction on replacing the file i would appreciate, im running helix on ubuntu 14.1
thanks for the program, nice work.
updated kodi to 14.2 and it restored lbrtmp for any other with this issue
is there any help for this for the 28 channels? or show me how to ....
Thanx for all your efforts!
for the uschannels script, the stream quality doesn't work. Any chance of fixing it?

BTW, excellent plugin.

(2015-04-26, 14:25)mobarton Wrote: for the uschannels script, the stream quality doesn't work. Any chance of fixing it?

BTW, excellent plugin.

This should fix the bitrate selection and adds the PageUp / PageDown buttons for use on a tablet.
Version 1.0.8 in my git: https://github.com/learningit/script.USChannels/
Excellent, thanks! Any chance you can add an exit button for the tablet now?

The universal 2 finger swipe does work, but it would be nice to have an exit button as well.
I'm trying to install this addon and when I select the Addon Installer and then select USTVNow, it looks like it's installing and then I get .... Script failed addon installer USTVNow...

I'm on fire TV with kodi 14.1

Can anyone possibly help with above problem?

Thank you
Is your FTV rooted? I had a similar issue with one of my rooted ones, where I had a permissions issue on my userdata folder. If not, you might try downloading the addon to a network share and installing from the zip file.
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[RELEASE] ustvnow4