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Thanks for the info, this issue have been corrected, will be available in the next release.
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
I havent been able to scrape movies for themoviedb, maybe something changed in their site?

Scraping Title: Blue Velvet
Unable to scrape body with refs "Blue Velvet", "1986"
TMDB may not be available or Movie Title is invalid

Scraping Title: Sansho the Bailiff
Unable to scrape body with refs "Sansho the Bailiff", "1954"
TMDB may not be available or Movie Title is invalid

(2019-09-29, 03:19)Edworld Wrote: I havent been able to scrape movies for themoviedb, maybe something changed in their site?

Scraping Title: Blue Velvet
Unable to scrape body with refs "Blue Velvet", "1986"
TMDB may not be available or Movie Title is invalid

Scraping Title: Sansho the Bailiff
Unable to scrape body with refs "Sansho the Bailiff", "1954"
TMDB may not be available or Movie Title is invalid

Yes, there is a glitch that has been fixed, but waiting for the next release.
In the mean time, please enable the option Enable Advanced Title Search at the bottom of the TMDB Scraper section of Movie Preferences.

This should get those movies scraped. Tested with Blue Velvet and scraped from TMDb OK
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
Something I noticed in Movies table view, is if you sort on rating or userrating, it sorts 0, 1, 10, 2 etc

scott s.
Lol. Looks like it's sorting it as text not as numerical value.

I'll look into it.
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
some of my blurays are showing this:

<codec>MLP FBA 16-ch</codec>

edit 1:
same movie with version


I now tested the latest version of MC ( Last tested version myself was 2 versions ago.
TvShow scraping is working but Movie scraping is broken on my side.

Currently workaround: 
  • Preferences -> Movie Preferences -> Uncheck: If failed scrape, do NOT save an .nfo file!
  • Search -> All scrapes will fail but fallback .nfo will be created
  • For each individually do the manual scrape with -> Change Movie
A batch/bulk scrape is currently not possible. I am only talking about movies.

I only made this screenshot but i tested it out extensive:
(2019-10-10, 08:27)chrissix Wrote: @vbat99 

I now tested the latest version of MC ( Last tested version myself was 2 versions ago.
TvShow scraping is working but Movie scraping is broken on my side.

Currently workaround: 
  • Preferences -> Movie Preferences -> Uncheck: If failed scrape, do NOT save an .nfo file!
  • Search -> All scrapes will fail but fallback .nfo will be created
  • For each individually do the manual scrape with -> Change Movie
A batch/bulk scrape is currently not possible. I am only talking about movies.

I only made this screenshot but i tested it out extensive:

Sorry for late reply @chrissix
In Movie Preferences -> Scraper tab, Check the Enable Advanced Title Search Will fix the TMDb scraping till a new release comes out.
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion

WARNING: Major scraping issue for those guys using online Metadata stuff in their skins (AEON MQ and so on...)
EDIT: Fixed in New Release. Media Companion 3.7316

I have a major problem with the latest .nfo scrapes and don't know if it have something to do with the problem the previous 2 posts above:

Since ever kodi user i am using the "Metadata and Artwork Module" from Skinhelper wich provides additional metadata via online real time scraper as bypass wich contains data the kodi cannot handle (scraper or .nfo's)
On the latest .nfo scrapings the metadata isn't getn't fetched anymore in my skins. But on the old ones all is still working fine.
So i investigated. I made a copy of a movie, deleted the .nfo and scraped it with the kodi internal TMDB scraper, voila everything was working again.
I came to the conclusion there must be a difference of the new and old .nfo content and i found what the problem is.

On all my .nfo's the unique id is always IMDB as default, but on the newer ones TMDB is as default. This causes the problem.
Cause the kodi .nfo scraper and internal TMDB work quite same and need the equal same data and the internal scraper working fine and the old .nfo also working fine but the new ones does not i am pretty sure IMDB has to be always default to work proberbly.

I swear I have not changed any settings, just made MC version updates.


Until the movie "Son of God (2014)" scraped on 2019-08-17 the scraping is IMDB default since ever.
Since the movie "Iron Sky: The Coming Race (2019)" scraped on 2019-10-04 the scraping is TMDB default and Metadata Services in Kodi not working anymore.


Something has changed in this period of scraping behavior. My current workaround is to re-edit the .nfo's the manual way.
Any chance for a fix or any advice?
Yes, it was requested by a user that if the movie was scraped by TMDB then shouldn't TMDB Id be the default.

I will revert this for the next release.
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
(2019-10-08, 03:21)Edworld Wrote: some of my blurays are showing this:

<codec>MLP FBA 16-ch</codec>

edit 1:
same movie with version


A Fix is in place for the next release.
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
This might be an issue with Plex and not so much MC3 - but I have to scrape the movie once, then "scan for media files" in Plex.  The movie shows up in Plex but just the actors names show up, no pictures.  If I go back to MC3, scrape specific, Actors then go back to Plex and refresh Metadata, the Actors portraits will show up.  
There's been so many updates to both Plex and MC3, I can't recall if it ever showed up the Actors pictures without the above process?

Also, side question, where in the heck is this thing pulling Movie tags from?  None of the tags that scrape with the movie has anything to do with said movie.  Some of the tags are downright comical. LOL  I just recently scrapped "The Meg" and some of the Tags were: "woman with masculine hair"
(2019-10-19, 16:37)Usafle Wrote: This might be an issue with Plex and not so much MC3 - but I have to scrape the movie once, then "scan for media files" in Plex.  The movie shows up in Plex but just the actors names show up, no pictures.  If I go back to MC3, scrape specific, Actors then go back to Plex and refresh Metadata, the Actors portraits will show up.  
There's been so many updates to both Plex and MC3, I can't recall if it ever showed up the Actors pictures without the above process?

Also, side question, where in the heck is this thing pulling Movie tags from?  None of the tags that scrape with the movie has anything to do with said movie.  Some of the tags are downright comical. LOL  I just recently scrapped "The Meg" and some of the Tags were: "woman with masculine hair"
Not sure what is happening there, I do not have Plex.
I suggest you scape a new movie, import it into Plex, if there are no actor images, then make a Copy of the nfo and move it to a safe place, Then rescrape actors and import again into plex.
If the actor images appear, can you compare the original nfo and the recently updated nfo to see what differences there are.

If there are differences, please zip them, upload somewhere and PM me a link please.
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
New Release.
Media Companion 3.736
Date: 2019-10-20

Fix to TMDb scraper, Media Tag for MLP FBA, and revert UniqueId tag default type..

  • MC - addition of overlay icon for MLP Lossless.

  • MC - Transpose MLP FBA audio as Dolby TrueHD stream.
  • Movie - Revert Set default UniqueId tag in nfo depending on scraper. Causes issues with online metadata scraper in kodi if default is not IMDb.
  • Movie - Update Kodi TMDB scraper.

And, Please, if you experience any crashes, create a Ticket on Media Companion's SourceForge site
Feedback would be appreciated.

Download Link for MC 3.736b x86 & x64

Revision History
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
(2019-10-20, 06:04)vbat99 Wrote: Not sure what is happening there, I do not have Plex.
I suggest you scape a new movie, import it into Plex, if there are no actor images, then make a Copy of the nfo and move it to a safe place, Then rescrape actors and import again into plex.
If the actor images appear, can you compare the original nfo and the recently updated nfo to see what differences there are.

If there are differences, please zip them, upload somewhere and PM me a link please. 

I did what you asked.  The first scrape on the NFO looks like this:
        <name>Patton Oswalt</name>
        <role>Remy (voice)</role>

Upon scraping the actor roles specifically, the NFO turns to this:

<name>Patton Oswalt</name>
<role>Remy (voice)</role>

I tested it out again with another new movie. Same thing happened above. If you still need the actual NFO, let me know and I'll send them to you.
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