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Ember Media Manager NFO/Poster/FanArt Manager for Movies (Open Source VB.NET)
Yeah seriously. Over 751,000 views and 5000 replies. That's almost 500,000 views more than the next one in the Supplemental Tools section of these forums.

Luckily EMM is still scraping like a pro here. Haven't run into any issues, but it is a great loss if development has been abandoned as honestly, no other media manager comes close to what Ember provides out of the box, not to mention it's plug-in modules. The XBMCSTUFF addon and XBMC controller are worth their weight in gold damn near.

I've looked at all the other media managers. XBNE, XMM2, UMM, etc and they all just seem lacking in features or buggy. Would love to see others pick this project up, but without the source and a proper home for it, the future seems kinda bleak.

Well long as mine keeps working I'll keep on using it, but really.. what a bummer if indeed the devs stopped work on it and it can't be picked up. Best of the media managers bar none.
Rygrath: Here is the code:
Thanks, sadly I'm no coder by any stretch of the imagination. I'm still using the last public version they put out, v1.2 rev2385 and it's working without any problems.

Also got the v1.3 version that Tuscani posted 2 pages back in case 1.2 decides to stop working.

Though hopefully someone with coding skills and brave enough to continue (what I'm sure is a monster of code) take what you posted and have a go at it. I can't imagine a media manager being easy to create or maintain. Especially with the endless sea of requests to handle the infinite amount of setups people use for their media. Wouldn't surprise me at all that they ran into coder burnout or life stuff not giving them the time to work on it.

Either way, if any of the Ember devs read this, you guys made a tough act to follow with this program.
Unfortunately, my EMM stopped running this morning. It's really a shame that such wonderful project is not further developed and so many others, many times with dubious quality are...
gmk2 Wrote:If Ember is being abandoned I would dearly love access to the source (or public access to be provided) - if the dev's ever check here - there were some great ideas with alot of potential that need to be done. There is good reason why the Ember thread has more replies than any other supplemental tool.

Not quite true.....I have used EMM a lot myself but Media Companion 2 is also pretty dang good.....but has also gone by the wayside a bit with the dev....but i believe he has opened it up though if you check his site
Could anyone upload a working copy?
Hi all, I noticed EmberMM stopped working after IMDB made some changes to their webpage "look". This screwed up the movie scraper part of EmberMM and hasn't worked since, even IF you use the IMDB ID. It still pulls poster/fanart images but no movie data.

The EmberMM website is now down, but the sourcecode can be obtained from the link posted above http://code.google.com/p/embermediamanager/ it requires SVN but the code is there. I have been looking at trying to fix this myself because as stated it is the best so far feature wise, but VS 2010 is having some issues with the project which was built in VS 2009. I'm getting SQLite reference errors...

Anyway, if I can get this to convert I will try my best to get it working again. Or if someone else gets the source and beats me to it...please post!
GroBeMaus Wrote:Hi all, I noticed EmberMM stopped working after IMDB made some changes to their webpage "look". This screwed up the movie scraper part of EmberMM and hasn't worked since, even IF you use the IMDB ID. It still pulls poster/fanart images but no movie data.

The EmberMM website is now down, but the sourcecode can be obtained from the link posted above http://code.google.com/p/embermediamanager/ it requires SVN but the code is there. I have been looking at trying to fix this myself because as stated it is the best so far feature wise, but VS 2010 is having some issues with the project which was built in VS 2009. I'm getting SQLite reference errors...

Anyway, if I can get this to convert I will try my best to get it working again. Or if someone else gets the source and beats me to it...please post!

For your sqlite problem, set the solution to build for .Net client profile 3.5 and not 4.0.
I think they use the same sqllib as me and that lib does not support .net 4 yet.
plyoung.com - my personal site where I blog about the projects I work on
GroBeMaus Wrote:Hi all, I noticed EmberMM stopped working after IMDB made some changes to their webpage "look". This screwed up the movie scraper part of EmberMM and hasn't worked since, even IF you use the IMDB ID. It still pulls poster/fanart images but no movie data.

The EmberMM website is now down, but the sourcecode can be obtained from the link posted above http://code.google.com/p/embermediamanager/ it requires SVN but the code is there. I have been looking at trying to fix this myself because as stated it is the best so far feature wise, but VS 2010 is having some issues with the project which was built in VS 2009. I'm getting SQLite reference errors...

Anyway, if I can get this to convert I will try my best to get it working again. Or if someone else gets the source and beats me to it...please post!

If you had searched this thread you would have found the answer, select the setting "Scrape Full Cast" then ember gets pointed to a page with the old layout on imdb
>>X<<' Wrote:If you had searched this thread you would have found the answer, select the setting "Scrape Full Cast" then ember gets pointed to a page with the old layout on imdb

I still had some issues with that - the solution for me was to use the new scraper from RogueDazza in this post: http://forum.xbmc.org/showpost.php?p=680...count=5191

Pop that dll in the modules folder, change the movie scraper to the new Rogue one and all is good.

Just trying out the new EMM Revisited. Seems to be working, but I have one major issue. None of the scraped info is saved to disk. Is anyone else having this problem? Possible solution?
jonte511 Wrote:Just trying out the new EMM Revisited. Seems to be working, but I have one major issue. None of the scraped info is saved to disk. Is anyone else having this problem? Possible solution?

Im having the same problem it will scrape but wont actually save anything to disk. Damn Ive tried all the scrapers around here and Ember to me was the best.
If you're running it in Windows, you could try starting the program as administrator. Could just have write access problems maybe. Just throwing out a random idea.
what is EMM Revisited and where to get?
Rygrath Wrote:If you're running it in Windows, you could try starting the program as administrator. Could just have write access problems maybe. Just throwing out a random idea.

Thanks, but didn't help. Odd thing is that TV-Show scraping work fine and everything is saved to disk.

I'm getting this error message, might it be related?

Quote:Title: Error
Message: Servern har utfört en åtgärd som inte följer protokollet. Section=ResponseStatusLine
StackTrace: vid System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
vid EmberAPI.HTTP.PostDownloadData(String URL, List`1 postDataList)
Date/Time: 2011-01-07 01:34:55
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Ember Media Manager NFO/Poster/FanArt Manager for Movies (Open Source VB.NET)24