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WIP Avalon

No seriously,

I work in full swing on Avalon, but codding need time.

Okay what is cooking:

I have make a "Basic Skin" like Foundation with all Dialogs and Windows (Avalon RC1 missed a lot of)
Base on this Basic (sounds weird Big Grin) particularly the Dialog-Part is Xperience1080, I think the best Dialog-Layout I have ever sean.
(at this point: Thanks `Black for this awesome skin)
This basic makes me easier to code my projects. The main feature is to change the color and panel fast and easy.
Okay this part is finish. The Basic-Skin is coded and testet. It´s look like a little bit Foundation not so colorfull and how the name say Basic.
Note the current Avalon Reload you can download is not based on this Basic-Skin but I can use a lot of code and grafic from this and RC1.
Current the layout from Avalon will be coded. The hole dialog are 90% finish.
Some changes colordiffuse, panel look and feel, animation,...

I know it was a long time silent, but nobody want see a basic skin whit black screens Wink

greetz from rainy Germany (is this the sommer 2013??! Huh)
I have submit some pics from the coded satus on page 1.

I have a littel bit time this weekend and I have code a lot of on Avlalon.
Current I make a alpha test it on my Home-XBMC.Cool

-All dialog are finish (maybe two but it´s not hard to code)
-Home finish
-List View finish
-Home Widgets finish
-OSD finish
-Now Playing finish

Also new:
-New Flags
-Some Graphics

-Layout DialogVideoInfo, DialogAlbumInfo, DialogSongInfo (some changes but most finish)
-Favourites Menu
-Shutdown Menu.

It was a lot of work to recode Avalon but I must say it was worth it. Nod
Avalon are much smoother in the animation. More elegant in look an feel.
the code is prepared to make themes easier.

If somebody wants I can make a beta test version (Titan Basic 1.0.0) with:
-the recoding
-only a List-View
-No PVR support
Note: It would be a Test Version other things come also: PVR, more views, ...

Hey reazorFX I'd love to have a go with the rewrite if you have some spare time to make a public beta Big Grin

Okay here some pics of the current status. (Album on page 1 is also update)

What´s all new:

- The Media Flags are new an in orginal Avalon style
- All duartion get a "min" label
- FSK Logo. (Same as the MPAA Rating only German it will get a option to switch on both)

Home Widget: XBMC recommended
with Play, Search Trailer on Youtube.

Layout like in Xperience1080, added a Premiered-Icon and a Runtime-Icon.
Also new is the Trailer-Search-Button on Youtube. It will search direct on Youtube the trailer in your language. (like in Home Widget)

Dialogs now all finish.
Looks great!
Would love to try it, might it be ready for the development repo?
(2013-06-10, 19:03)Smobbo Wrote: Looks great!
Would love to try it, might it be ready for the development repo?

Some small thinks shoud be finish the it´s ready for development repo.

@Martijn: I´ll try a new request to the mailbox. Blush I hope it work.

This skin seems really amazing, congrats !

When will it be released ?

Some fixes will be need.

I think a week or two then I can release a new Avalon Version.
It will have, all dialogs and windows, only a list view, and no pvr (all the other things come also).
It´s a puplic test version and I already test on my home htpc.

3 steps to get a custom home menu:



Also finish:



Did you make the "XBMC Recommends" optional? You indicated that was possible back in April?

ala... (fast hack)

With reazorFX blessing, I have started working on the PVR pages/screens of Avalon. I have finished the Live TV Home (listing) page. I am now working on the guide...

Screen prints (actual XBMC screens, not mock-ups)


XBMC PVR Addon Unofficial Builds for Frodo Nightly Builds.
Cheers buddy! Take a drink on me Big Grin
Can't wait to get my hands on it later.

@ialand: It´s also planned but not yet. Plan is to get a completely perfekt running skin, so we make first the basic then all the new views.

Man, it's been ages since I last posted on this forum. Hope all is well reazorFX. Seeing some great progress with both Avalon and Titan. Excellent work Smile

I know I asked this once already, but is there any chance of seeing the extra info button for the full-screen info area like on page 5?
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