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[WINDOWS] Automatic Update Client for XBMC
That worked. Thanks.
Anyone got this working lately? Seems the zip files in the repository it downloads from has mangled names now...
Zip files had this kind of name since a long time Smile
At least since april.
That's weird. I got my latest working update about a month ago or something. Then XMBC told me there was an update, I applied it from within XBMC and after that XBMCupdater stopped working. I've tried installing the nightlies, but that didn't help either.

Is it working for you? Got any good tips on what to do?
I had some issues with the build getting made. I have not had time to look into it, but it is on my todo list. Something changed in the build making process. I need to figure out how to fix it.
My builds are working now, but the part of the script that did the naming is messed up. I'll try to get it fixed today.

I honestly didn't know if anyone was still using these or not. I contemplated stopping these builds.
I think I got the file naming issue fixed.
I, for one, think they're great! It might be easier for you to use the official nightlies thus relieving you of making your own, but...I love being able to update! Too bad it's not part of the official client, which I think it should be Smile

Update: Seems to work now. Cheers! Smile
My nightlies are no different than the officials. I just have some modified scripts to build/upload them and create .zip files the Updater client needs to work.
Have you stopped the ogl builds? The folder is missing from the server.
Open GL support was dropped long ago so yes I quit building them.
is there a fix for directx not being included? The program is working well and I set up a script to run it every morning, but xbmc can't relaunch because directx dlls are missing, even though directx is definitely installed. I have to either run dxsetup.exe that I downloaded separately or download the latest nightly from xbmc servers and run that to get it to actually launch.
(2013-12-26, 16:31)lazyboy0172 Wrote: is there a fix for directx not being included? The program is working well and I set up a script to run it every morning, but xbmc can't relaunch because directx dlls are missing, even though directx is definitely installed. I have to either run dxsetup.exe that I downloaded separately or download the latest nightly from xbmc servers and run that to get it to actually launch.

I used to have that problem - ages ago. Mine seems to work just fine now. What have you checked under preferences? Tried the other "version" in the dropdown?
(2013-12-26, 16:31)lazyboy0172 Wrote: is there a fix for directx not being included? The program is working well and I set up a script to run it every morning, but xbmc can't relaunch because directx dlls are missing, even though directx is definitely installed. I have to either run dxsetup.exe that I downloaded separately or download the latest nightly from xbmc servers and run that to get it to actually launch.

My builds are straight from the XBMC sources using the same build scripts. I am not sure why they would behave any different.
Attempted to use and upgrade my XBMC from a fresh install. It looked like it worked. Then launched XBMC and failed with a dx9.dll

Installed DIRECT X via standard Microsoft source and everything was fine after that.
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[WINDOWS] Automatic Update Client for XBMC3