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Xperience Special Announcement
Here is something to impress you a bit more Smile

Damn. I was sure that was gonna be the video. Anyway, the new screens look quite nice. I especially like that weather screen.
Nice on screen play buttons very easy to read it just get's better......
XBMC Frodo 12 - Windows 7 - Asrock Ion 330HT - Aeon Nox
natew Wrote:Damn. I was sure that was gonna be the video. Anyway, the new screens look quite nice. I especially like that weather screen.

The weather is even simple to use. Press enter and the location automatically changes to the next location you have setup in Settings>Weather.

PS. Sorry the video isn't available quite yet ...

paul Wrote:Nice on screen play buttons very easy to read it just get's better......

Quite a bit of work has gone Into the OSD. I have no doubt people will really enjoy it's style.
Here is the weather view for those of you that didn't check out the teamblackbolt site:

We are using the animated weather icons so it all looks very nice in skin Wink

Looks really god for those who use the weather featuresSmile
Will you be adding the start and end times for movies an tv shows to pause and now playing
screens as in hitchers mod as i find that a really useful feature?
XBMC Frodo 12 - Windows 7 - Asrock Ion 330HT - Aeon Nox
paul Wrote:Looks really god for those who use the weather featuresSmile
Will you be adding the start and end times for movies an tv shows to pause and now playing
screens as in hitchers mod as i find that a really useful feature?

Something like this?

All looks great too me.. Eagerly awiting the video and even more so the release.#
Going back to the query about running time is it possible to show the running time of a movie from list selection? As to me that would be a great feature, being able to choose a film based on how long you have, without stating the movie and clicking pause to see how long the film is?

Possibly a skin request, as I suspect the time is based on the file rather than the info?
I believe I am still having the pleasure of creating the video, which will be tonight I think, so by the end of this evening (GMT) or tomorrow, you should see the Xperience video online. Smile
Team Blackbolt - Digital Design
Twitter.com/TeamBlackbolt | TeamBlackbolt.co.uk
the weather screen looks very nice!

Looking forward to the video.
XBMCG33K Wrote:Something like this?

I was thinking something like thisSmileImage
XBMC Frodo 12 - Windows 7 - Asrock Ion 330HT - Aeon Nox
Looking forward to this skin Big Grin
paul Wrote:I was thinking something like thisSmileImage

if you mean finish time that will be added but the rest of the skin needs done first no point in jumping all over the place am also not sure if that will be the final look for seeking but whether it looks like that or different there will be finish time, current time and all the other stuff that is needed as i don't want to clutter it up as there is no point.

the look were going for for fullscreen is sleek and minimal.
Is this skin heavy on resources or will my Asrock ION be enough? The Aeon skin does not run good with my htpc. But perhaps this will?
It runs pretty smoothly for me who of the group probably has the worst PC at the moment. My specs are: P4 3.01GHz 2GB RAM a 4.1 index score with Windows 7 Ultimate.
Oh I'm also running a NVIDIA® GeForce® 7300 not sure what it is though lol 128 I think.
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