tcman47 Wrote:Is the serenity skin out of beta and either way can it be downloaded from somewhere? , not seeing it.
Does one need Babylon 9.04 to run it?
I would recommend Babylon.
The skin is not availble yet. I'm currently in the process of finalizing it for release, and anticipate being done by this Sunday. Well...I have to be done, as I'll be going back to work next Monday and won't have the free time like I did to work on this badboy.
So yeah...the new "for sure" release date is gonna be...oh wow...easter sunday. Lol.
So, I'm trying to upload a new update for all of you out there in testerland. I went through and fixed several bugs pointed out by Joebrady.
The noteworthy result of this fixing spree is that the fanart now works universally throughout the skin.
This means that every window uses the customized fadetimes (instead of just home), and every window will show the global art image if there isn't an area-specific fanart path specified.
I've also included the new Portugese pr language file provided courtesy of xbs08 and the Dutch file provided by Baukeko. If anybody else out there speaks another language, please, feel free to help out. The string file can be found here:
Other than that...yep. Things are coming along nicely.
Oh...I'm also working with krypt2nite to include his iconsets for media flagging so that everybody gets the most bang for their proverbial buck, and I'm pretty sure that asphinx is working on a TV genre poster pack, so that'll be another nice touch.
So set your clocks for the 12th. The easter bunny is gonna bring you something special.