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[RELEASE] TVCatchup.com (Video) Plugin - Live Stream UK Freeview Channels
Ok cool, I've just uploaded a fix that should hopefully fix the play button issue.
Superb. Just turned on this morning, got the update. Quick test, select and play buttons all working great. Go to future prog and remind works great as well. Many thanks, happy wife !!
Hi dj_girbil

Is there anyway to get hold of an earlier build of the TVcatchup 2.0 script? 2.0.2 - 2.0.10. I made the mistake of updating regularly as always and found that the things that make the scirpt more complete in my opinion (exiting script whilst still playing the TV station for example) seem to get broken. to be honest It was perfect at one point and I foolishly upddated XBMC since and then used the repo to get it. I cannot rollback because XBMC doesnt have the package to roll back to.

Hope you can help

Can you remember which build it was? I've got a load of builds on my build pc so I can send you a copy of the old one.
Hi dj... Great news.

I think that 2.0.4 was a good build. but i can't be sure. if you could zip up 2.0.2 , 2.0.3 and 2.0.4 it would be much appreciated. or if you can remember which early build you fixed the "auto guide update" which kept popping up throughout xbmc. once that was fixed the version was just right for my setup.

Thanks for the help
Ok, I've uploaded it here for you. Out of interest though, what have I broken in recent builds for you? Only I think most options are now user-config-able (if that's even a word) so you can turn off or hide what you don't want/need.
Thanks DJ, much appreciated.

The to be honest, its just one thing that broken for me at the moment, and its the exiting of the script whilst still watching a tv channel. I've never really had andy other problems with it for some time, but waiting to fix the above issue has proven fruitless, and im impatient.

I have a feeling it wont be an easy one for you to fix as it only started occuring when you introduced the small video overlay to the bottom of the TV guide. so I asume trying to fix my issue may will break that feature or result in requiring an redesign of it.

Doh, guess I was way off with the version. all 4 failed to even run. guess theres been some changes to the tvguide/tvcatchup which has broken them.

Looking at my roll back options, I can roll back as far as 2.0.15. It was fine a couple of version previous to this i think. do you know what version the TV preview in the guide screen was introduced? if so, the version just before that would be perfect. Also, I noticed that in xbmc the change log page is always empty. any chance you could introduce that into the addon/repo. It would certainly help at times like these but would also help people to decide weather to update or not.

Thanks again
Actually, if all that's wrong is you can't exit the script, that might be easier to fix then you think. I think that there's a line of code that says if stream is playing swap between full screen and window. If I'm right, it should be a case of changing that to if stream is windowed, exit. I'll have a look if I get five over the weekend. In the meantime if you go here you can find some of the older versions of the plugin.
Thanks dj.

Iv tried version 2.0.5 again and its worked this time. So i seem to have sorted it now. However, if the next version sorts the issue. I'll definitely update.

Thanks again for the help
Ok cool, In the mean time, I'll see if I can change the line for you Smile
Well, after further use, i've noticed 2.0.5 is one with the auto guide update bug, where it still randomly updates dispite addon setting.
How did you get on with the change, you mentioned above?

Sorry, I've been really busy with "life stuff" all weekend so I haven't really had a lot of time to look. I will get to it though Smile
No worries, look forward to the update.

(2012-05-22, 18:25)rudeboyx Wrote: No worries, look forward to the update.


All Fixed Smile
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[RELEASE] TVCatchup.com (Video) Plugin - Live Stream UK Freeview Channels7