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Android BobDroid - Control boblight from Android (Now on Play)
(2013-05-01, 20:54)TeKo Wrote: did you enter the right ip in settings?

Yep, i've used the ip adress of my htpc. I suppose thats also the adress of the boblight demon

*while typing this i started to work. Cool!

i really like the project and already have installed bobdroid.

the app itself is working on my tablet without any problems (android 4.1).
i can even connect to the boblight server and i see a "hello"

BUT nothing happens with the LEDs
i tried constant light and mood light

maybe the LEDs would even change the colour if they would start glowing at all

do i have to have a special setting in the boblight.conf that it can work?

the LEDs and boblight are working because the boblight plugin and boblight-x11 get the LEDs to shine

Thanks for the work!

(2013-05-08, 14:36)DarthM Wrote: hi,

i really like the project and already have installed bobdroid.

the app itself is working on my tablet without any problems (android 4.1).
i can even connect to the boblight server and i see a "hello"

BUT nothing happens with the LEDs
i tried constant light and mood light

maybe the LEDs would even change the colour if they would start glowing at all

do i have to have a special setting in the boblight.conf that it can work?

the LEDs and boblight are working because the boblight plugin and boblight-x11 get the LEDs to shine

Thanks for the work!


Nope no special config, I use the same I use for XBMC.

Are you using the latest boblight version?

I guess you are using linux?

Try using the latest version from https://code.google.com/p/boblight/.

yeah i use linux and did the svn checkout on 1st of may
so i guess it's the latest version

do you have any settings about gamma or something else?

here is a part of my colors and lights from my config:

name            red
rgb             FF0000

name            green
rgb             00FF00

name            blue
rgb             0000FF

name left1
color red karate 3
color green karate 1
color blue karate 2
hscan 0 25
vscan 0 25.00

name left2
color red karate 6
color green karate 4
color blue karate 5
hscan 0 25
vscan 25.00 50.00

Thanks again
Like I said the settings shouldnt change anything.

I just get a List of all the LEDs and then send a RGB value to all of them.

You could try setting the priority to something lower (90 for example).

Can really think of anything else since the connection seems to work if you see the "hello".
hi again,

thx for your help, it was really the priority, i used 255 at first because i thought the highest number is the highest priority, but i must be wrong. : )

now it works.

i got just one little question, you think maybe in a later release it will be possible to set the brightness? because i think during the day it's maybe okay,
but in the evening it's too bright

thank you again for this nice app : )
I think XBMC addon is 128 so you can set the app to 129 if you want to use it while no video is playing or use something lower to "override" the XBMC addon.

I can probably add a Saturation seekbar.

Expect something after the weekend.

Plan to upload it to the Play Store, just have to check the license situation of the ColorPicker.

i had to reduce it to sth lower than 128 because boblight-x11 is always running

nice to hear, that a saturation bar is possible
that would be really cool

another thought on my mind while listening to music was
that sound sensitive response of the LEDs to music would be really cool

that i idea is not limited to your app
i even searched for a linux program which is reacting for music by using a microphone already
maybe it could also be another idea for your app?

(2013-05-10, 21:25)DarthM Wrote: Hi,

i had to reduce it to sth lower than 128 because boblight-x11 is always running

nice to hear, that a saturation bar is possible
that would be really cool

another thought on my mind while listening to music was
that sound sensitive response of the LEDs to music would be really cool

that i idea is not limited to your app
i even searched for a linux program which is reacting for music by using a microphone already
maybe it could also be another idea for your app?


Yea I was looking for something like that too.

But its nothing for the app.

Getting it to work with the XBMC Music visualization would be nice too.
xbmc music visualization is working under linux with boblight-x11
but i think, it was not working with the boblight plugin
Yea x11 works with everything but the Windows counterpart is pretty shitty and doesnt work with the latest version.

Im just not 100% happy with Linux on my HTPC.
Is it possible to get a BobDroid version for 2.3.7? Or is it possible to get the source?

Best regards

Yea I guess I could use ABS.
I just thought that pretty much everyone is at least using ICS by now.
Im rewriting the app for a Play Store release right now.

Any ideas or requests for new features?

Im adding brightness control and probably a new color picker.
i wish for this awsome app to have a demo mode so can have several effects demos one after another like this video for example https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl...ZGXaQ_CD2s
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BobDroid - Control boblight from Android (Now on Play)3