2021-11-10, 10:55
Hey, real quick sorry for bothering but there is a bug on android devices. Whenever you go to your history or like music, it shows an error and idk how to fix it sadly.
(2021-11-12, 22:18)kobyboy Wrote: Probelm running on android errors every step of the way any suggestions?
(2021-04-13, 13:31)ray2301 Wrote: - Open a new empty tab in chrome/edge
- press F12 so the console opens
- now go to music.youtube.com
- in the console you opened with F12, go to "network"
- filter the search for "/browse" there (without the quotes) - you'll se the "filter" search box in the network tab
- now you will see your ctoken, it will be the only result of the search - click on it
- copy the "cookie: " part (without the "cookie: ")
- below the cookie part, you can see "x-goog-visitor-id:
- copy the part after "x-goog-visitor-id: "