2015-01-05, 18:01
(2015-01-06, 22:00)MickeJ Wrote: The main problem is that all actions are sending keyboard actions (like up, down, enter) making it hard to verify against Kodi.
Try to disable section Windows and Starter, and activate section AppleRemote (right click menu on each section)
If your remote is correctly installed and the HIDs are correct in the XML you should be able to move around in the tree in eventghost
If you also check the alternative in the left bottom in eventghost (Log only assigned events) you can verify that you have the right events (HID numbers) connected in the XML
As a reminder the numbers (HID) are very similar for short click and long click and press and release button.
When I get the time I will comment what type of actions there is on each event because it is hard if you don't have the same remote
(2015-01-21, 23:24)MickeJ Wrote: Hi Nissefisk
Regarding how to make a Apple remote work on a NUC, I have no clue.
If the IR receiver/Transmitter is eHome complaint (or certified whatever they call it), the remote should work.
Good luck
(2015-01-21, 01:54)CTBC Wrote: I have managed to get a driver that was made for linux (found at https://github.com/Evinyatar/atvclient/w...buntu-8.04) working on Windows using Cygwin. This makes the official built in IR-receiver work with XBMC. The only problem is it doesn't work after hibernation.Hi! I'm copile atvclient.exe with Cygwin, add libusb ir driver in devices. Trying startup atvclient.exe and got the continues loop with "got nuffing: -22"
Here are the steps to get it working:
1. Download Cygwin (32 bit only) from http://cygwin.com/setup-x86.exe (The 64-bit version is missing a critical library.)
2. Click next through the setup until the "Select Packages" page.
Select libusb-win32, libusb 1.0-devel, gcc-g++, git, make, automake 1.14, pkg-config.
3. Now finish the installation.
4. Start Cygwin
5. Run "git clone https://github.com/CharlieBashford/atvclient.git". This downloads the atvclient from github.
6. Run "mv /lib/pkgconfig/libusb-1.0.pc /lib/pkgconfig/libusb.pc". This will rename libusb-1.0.pc to libusb.pc.
7. Run "cd atvclient".
8. Run "export 'LIBUSB_LIBS=-lusb-1.0 -lusb'".
9. Run "./configure && make".
10. Run "make install".
10. Plug in the IR reciever, make sure it is installed as a generic HID device using the default Windows drivers. If it is installed as a Apple IR Reciever:
Right click Computer.
Select Manage.
Go to Device Manager.
Right click Apple IR Reciever under Human Interface Devices.
Select "Browse my computer for driver software".
Select "Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer".
Select "USB Input Device".
11. Download libusb-win32 from http://sourceforge.net/projects/libusb-w...-releases/. Select the latest version, then select libusb-win32-bin-x.x.x.x.zip. The latest version at the time of writing was
12. Open download, go to bin folder, select inf-wizard.
13. Click Next, Select IR Receiver, then click Next twice. Click Save. Click Install Now. If Windows can't verify the publisher, click "Install this driver software anyway". Click Okay.
14. Add c:/cygwin/bin to your path variable, see http://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000549.htm#0 for more details.
15. Now run c:/cygwin/usr/local/sbin/atvclient.exe.
Warning: May need to restart computer to save environment variables. If you get an error saying missing cygwin1.dll, you need to restart.
Note: add "-d" argument when running via command prompt to enable debugging.
Optional: Create shortcut to c:/cygwin/usr/local/sbin/atvclient.exe and put it in your startup folder.