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[AppleTV2] ATV2 + 4.2.1 + Windows
Rodimus80 Wrote:I'm getting errors with iBSS.k66ap.RELEASE.dfu It's saying it's not there. What exactly is this?

You NEED to do this on the the mac it's in the walkthrough

"3. Run the following commands (this will fail if you didn’t move this folder to the desktop, PwnageTool almost MUST be in your /Applications folder)

cp -r ~/Desktop/tethered/AppleTV2,1_4.2.1_8C154.bundle /Applications/PwnageTool.app/Contents/Resources/FirmwareBundles/

cp ~/Desktop/tethered/Info.plist /Applications/PwnageTool.app/Contents/Resources/CustomPackages/CydiaInstallerATV.bundle/Info.plist

4. Run PwnageTool on the 4.2.1 ipsw (if you don’t know how to do this, again you REALLY shouldn’t be here) saving into the ~/Desktop/tethered folder with the default name PwnageTool gives it (AppleTV2,1_4.2.1_8C154_Custom_Restore.ipsw

5. Back in the terminal run the following:

unzip -j ~/Desktop/tethered/AppleTV2,1_4.2.1_8C154_Custom_Restore.ipsw Firmware/dfu/iBSS.k66ap.RELEASE.dfu kernelcache.release.k66 -d ~/Desktop/tethered/"

Also if you used Seas0npass the cfw is in the downloads folder i beleive and you can just rename it to AppleTV2,1_4.2.1_8C154_Custom_Restore.ipsw
Okay, I'm SSH now but getting the follow error:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
org.xbmc.xbmc-atv2: Depends: org.awkwardtv.whitelist but is not installable
E: Broken packages

Any suggestions?
Rodimus80 Wrote:Okay, I'm SSH now but getting the follow error:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
org.xbmc.xbmc-atv2: Depends: org.awkwardtv.whitelist but is not installable
E: Broken packages

Any suggestions?

do this before installing xbmc

apt-get install wget
wget http://dl.dropbox.com/u/16129573/com.nito.deb
dpkg -i com.nito.deb
apt-get update
apt-get install com.nito.nitotv
killall Lowtide
I got it all working now. THANK YOU!!!
Rodimus80 Wrote:I got it all working now. THANK YOU!!!

No worries buddy glad it worked for someone else and not just me
I still have no luck with networking. I tried restoring the apple TV in iTunes, but I just get error 6004. I tried it on 2 seperate computers, one PC and a Mac. I think im just going to take it back to Microcenter and exchange it tomorrow.
Server - Debain Squeeze Server + 6TB RAID5 + Sabnzbd + CP & SB
HTPC - Zotac MAG + 60GB Vertex 2 SSD + OpenELEC Frodo 12.1 + Aeon Nox
HTPC 2 - AppleTV 2
My kids are going to flip when they find out they have XBMC in their room now.
CASHMON3Y Wrote:I still have no luck with networking. I tried restoring the apple TV in iTunes, but I just get error 6004. I tried it on 2 seperate computers, one PC and a Mac. I think im just going to take it back to Microcenter and exchange it tomorrow.

Did u run ireb before restoring your cfw?
brownbear1984 Wrote:Did u run ireb before restoring your cfw?
Yup, the second time around. No dice with that either. I have no idea whats wrong
Server - Debain Squeeze Server + 6TB RAID5 + Sabnzbd + CP & SB
HTPC - Zotac MAG + 60GB Vertex 2 SSD + OpenELEC Frodo 12.1 + Aeon Nox
HTPC 2 - AppleTV 2
brownbear1984 Wrote:Hi all i've successfully flashed my ATV2 in windows. It took a while but finally got my head round it. Here's what i did:

You need a Mac or VM to create your custom firmware.
Follow the instructions here to create your cfw and prepare your tethered boot files then copy your cfw and the tethered folder over to your windows desktop.
You also need ireb from here
copy the utility from here into the tethered folder.

Once you've done all that follow the instructions below

1.Connect ATV to the PC via micro-usb and run ireb. Select Apple tv and follow the intructions to get into a pwned dfu mode (this is important otherwise itunes will error on you).

2.Open itunes and SHIFT-Restore. Select the custom firmware and wait till its done.

3. When its done disconnect the ATV from the pc and take it over to your TV and plug in the power.

4.Reconnect the ATV to the laptop.

5.Hold menu + down on the remote for 6 seconds

6.As soon as it turns off hold menu + play for 7-10 seconds to get to normal dfu mode.

7. Open CMD and run the below:

CD desktop/tethered


tetheredboot -i iBSS.k66ap.RELEASE.dfu -k kernelcache.release.k66

(you can create a bat file so that it automates this all for you by copying "tetheredboot -i iBSS.k66ap.RELEASE.dfu -k kernelcache.release.k66"
into a txt file and changing the file extension to .bat just make sure you put it in the tethered folder)

8.Once its done unplug the usb cable and plug in the HDMI DO NOT UNPLUG THE POWER CABLE!!!

If you ever need to tethered boot it again just run 7 + 8.

It appears you cant have hte power plugged in at all during this process.. or else it doesn't really enter DFU iwht the IREB program and itunes will loop... trying it once again wiht a modified procedure.

CAN 100% confirm all this works
Does anyone know how to change the time on XBMC or the ATV2?
Numus Wrote:It appears you cant have hte power plugged in at all during this process.. or else it doesn't really enter DFU iwht the IREB program and itunes will loop... trying it once again wiht a modified procedure.

CAN 100% confirm all this works
When can it be plugged in? Maybe you can alter the tutorial to what did work for you. I know alot of us would appreciate it, seeing as the success rate for Windows doesnt seem to high...
Server - Debain Squeeze Server + 6TB RAID5 + Sabnzbd + CP & SB
HTPC - Zotac MAG + 60GB Vertex 2 SSD + OpenELEC Frodo 12.1 + Aeon Nox
HTPC 2 - AppleTV 2
CASHMON3Y Wrote:When can it be plugged in? Maybe you can alter the tutorial to what did work for you. I know alot of us would appreciate it, seeing as the success rate for Windows doesnt seem to high...

Ok... Never plug into power until after itunes...

Connect the usb micro cable to the PC... then start IREB... Select Apple TV and once it starts to countdown immediately hold Menu + Down for 6-7 seconds until it reboots, then immediately hold Menu + Play/Pause... If you do it correct IREB should successfully implement the DFU mode + patch
... I REPEAT ...
Simply ignore all the instructions... you HAVE TO reboot then DFU.. the instructions just tell you to just DFU but it wont work..

If it is sucessful it will tell you.. then simple go into itunes, do the left shift + click restore and select "AppleTV2,1_4.2.1_8C154_Custom_Restore.ipsw", it should be all good after that..

As for getting the file AppleTV2,1_4.2.1_8C154_Custom_Restore.ipsw
There are 3 ways to get it
1) Beg someone with a Mac OS X or VMWARE OS X to generate the file for you and send it to you
2) Get a Mac
or the method i used
3) Build your own Mac OS X via VMWARE and build the ipsw file yourself. If you have an intel processor it is easy, if you have an AMD processor (like myself) i just downloaded a premade vmware image and am using that... it is easier then patching it myself...

Tell me if these steps work for you
Numus -

so it should be the following:

1. Connect the usb micro cable to the PC...
2. Then start IREB
3. Select Apple TV
4. Once it starts to countdown immediately hold Menu + Down for 6-7 seconds until it reboots,
5. Then immediately hold Menu + Play/Pause (If you do it correct IREB should successfully implement the DFU mode + patch-If it is successful it will tell you)
6. Then simple go into iTunes, do the left shift + click restore and select "AppleTV2,1_4.2.1_8C154_Custom_Restore.ipsw", it should be all good after that..

7. Open CMD and run the below:

CD desktop/tethered


tetheredboot -i iBSS.k66ap.RELEASE.dfu -k kernelcache.release.k66
Swwethip1 Wrote:Numus -

so it should be the following:

1. Connect the usb micro cable to the PC...
2. Then start IREB
3. Select Apple TV
4. Once it starts to countdown immediately hold Menu + Down for 6-7 seconds until it reboots,
5. Then immediately hold Menu + Play/Pause (If you do it correct IREB should successfully implement the DFU mode + patch-If it is successful it will tell you)
6. Then simple go into iTunes, do the left shift + click restore and select "AppleTV2,1_4.2.1_8C154_Custom_Restore.ipsw", it should be all good after that..

7. Open CMD and run the below:

CD desktop/tethered


tetheredboot -i iBSS.k66ap.RELEASE.dfu -k kernelcache.release.k66
5) you hold it down for 6-7 seconds (or until the light blinds really fast)... do not keep it held down after that

Also you should not have the power cable connected to the apple tv at all until you get to the tether portion...
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[AppleTV2] ATV2 + 4.2.1 + Windows0