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[Release] Backup (formerly XBMC Backup)
Posted stupid question about guisettings.xml, and deleted because I have found an answer on the first post. Guess the RTFM applies here well. Smile
Sorry for inconvenience.
I will ask a potentially stupid question.I've read the info about GUI settings however. I'm using mx2 boxes on Linux build and regularly restore using this addon. My latest backup doesn't restore the GUI but info have backups that restore the GUI. Well I assume they restore it as it restores shortcuts, video calibration, audio offset etc.

I don't know why I get different results but random backups seem to restore with all the settings intact and other backups don't.

My stupid question:
Is what I've stated possibleHuh That's honestly what's happening.
Is it something to do with how quickly I power off the box after a backup?

Thanks for any light you can shed.
(2014-03-27, 20:06)Jarviss Wrote: I will ask a potentially stupid question.I've read the info about GUI settings however. I'm using mx2 boxes on Linux build and regularly restore using this addon. My latest backup doesn't restore the GUI but info have backups that restore the GUI. Well I assume they restore it as it restores shortcuts, video calibration, audio offset etc.

I don't know why I get different results but random backups seem to restore with all the settings intact and other backups don't.

My stupid question:
Is what I've stated possibleHuh That's honestly what's happening.
Is it something to do with how quickly I power off the box after a backup?

Thanks for any light you can shed.

That is a very interesting scenario. I'm only speculating here but I think you may be on the right track. I don't know a lot about the m2 devices but based on what you've said I have a theory.

I know that XBMC will dump it's current memory settings to the guisettings.xml file on exit, or when one of them has changed. I think it may be possible to restore the file, through the addon, and then power off the box (not nicely, but like flip the power switch or something) so that XBMC does not do it's normal shutdown process. I'm not saying this is what you should do, but if this was to happen it may be possible to not overwrite your legit guisettings file and trick XBMC into reading it in during the next boot up. Not sure if this is what is happening but it may be possible.
Don't know if it can help but after I restore a file and all the shortcuts etc transfer over I can go into file manager and the profile directory will have guisettings.xml and guisettings.lastknowngood.xml

I've tried delieting each of these in turn on a box that used a backup that doesn't transfer the GUI settings but it didn't work ?

I'll try what you suggested later.
What type of system are you on? I've never heard of the "lastknowngood" file before. Wondering when this was added, or if it is an addition made by some third party software - like OpenElec?
I'm running a version of Linux. Big sure which one bit I'm nearly sure it's a variant of a chronic Corey release. I'll try get a pic when I can prise my wife of the tv.
Ok. Completed a restore. Pulled the power and plugged back in. Settings didn't restore. Went to file manager and there was 3 GUI settings. There was guisettings.xml, guisettings.xml.bad(0 bytes) and guisettings.xml.lastgood

I deleted the bad, and the actual GUI settings, then I renamed the last good to guisettings.xml and rebooted.

No joy. ?

Instill have the backup thatbdoesnrestore the guisettings I want, but it's dated 10/03/14 so lots of updates after restoring and it's only gonna get older ?
Ok. Just an update. I was making a backup and as soon as it hit 100% I powered off the box. That backup now restores all aspects of guisettings.

When I open XBMC there is a couple of XBMC backup messages and an alert sound.

They say "XBMC Backup Scheduler will run again..."

How can i turn off this notification?

You should request additinal XBMC API directive with which you could signal to xbmc that a restore is in progress and not to write to guisettings on exit.
(2014-03-30, 06:02)benevida Wrote: When I open XBMC there is a couple of XBMC backup messages and an alert sound.

They say "XBMC Backup Scheduler will run again..."

How can i turn off this notification?


It appears that you can't. If the scheduler is enabled you get a status message when xbmc starts that it is running and will run again at X time. The sound is based on your gui settings for skin sounds.

(2014-03-30, 07:38)Crssi Wrote: You should request additinal XBMC API directive with which you could signal to xbmc that a restore is in progress and not to write to guisettings on exit.

That would be a nice addition. Probably not hard to do either. I'm still optimistically holding out for the previously mentioned PR that would allow for restoring the gui settings but it appears that has stalled out. Looks like Gotham will still have this same issue as the Betas are out and new features won't be added now.
(2014-03-17, 13:32)Samu-rai Wrote: My knowledge of Python is pretty basic, so I’m more than happy to take your lead Smile

My aim is to use the script to overcome guisettings limitation, so if it works as I hope, perhaps you could incorporate into the main branch/add-on?

Just did a pull request for the repo to include these changes plus some other stuff for Gotham. Take a look under "Scripting XBMC Backup" in the Readme file for some examples on how to use the new scripting functions.

Also - for anyone who may or may not have noticed there was a bug in the backup rotation feature. It was causing more backups to be deleted than necessary. Should be fixed with the update. Pushed the fix for both Frodo and Gotham
Is there any option to force reload guisettings. This might also help to mitigate a problem.
I am just brainstorming here, since I dont know how this is implemented in XBMC.

(2014-03-30, 07:38)Crssi Wrote: You should request additinal XBMC API directive with which you could signal to xbmc that a restore is in progress and not to write to guisettings on exit.
The xbmc backup wont install for me. Ive tried it a zillion times. Whats happening?

Brand new minix x5

Everyother addon installing.

Is this a fault with xbmcorg today?
I really wish there was a good option for the guisettings issue. I think about this from time to time and the best ideas I can come up with are platform specific; and basically involve just force killing xbmc once the guisettings file is in place. If anyone has some thoughts or tests they've done that could do this a different way I'd be glad to hear them. I really think without some changes to how XBMC handles this file it's going to be pretty difficult for an addon.

(2014-04-01, 15:47)kingkongxbmc Wrote: The xbmc backup wont install for me. Ive tried it a zillion times. Whats happening?

Brand new minix x5

Everyother addon installing.

Is this a fault with xbmcorg today?

What version of XBMC? A debug log will probably have the exact reason why as well. Make sure debugging is turned on, otherwise you just get the error without the cause.
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[Release] Backup (formerly XBMC Backup)10