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Broken YeeMee - (Control Yeelight Smart Bulb + Ambi from Kodi)
Yes, try getting the latest version from the TEST repo. I can see that it is communicating with bulbs from the log:

the second bulb seems OK: It doesn't work?? It is establishing connection etc....?

12:37:53 T:123145312038912  NOTICE: YEEMEE >> MESSAGE TO {u'params': [u'power', u'music_on'], u'id': 1, u'method': u'get_prop'}
12:37:53 T:123145312038912  NOTICE: YEEMEE >> RESPONSE FROM off, 0
12:37:53 T:123145312038912  NOTICE: YEEMEE >> MESSAGE TO {u'params': [u'on', u'smooth', 200], u'id': 1, u'method': u'set_power'}
12:37:53 T:123145312038912  NOTICE: YEEMEE >> RESPONSE FROM ok,
12:37:53 T:123145312038912  NOTICE: YEEMEE >> MESSAGE TO {u'params': [1, u'', 55440], u'id': 1, u'method': u'set_music'}
12:37:53 T:123145313648640  NOTICE: YEEMEE >> SERVER >> CONNECTION FROM: ('', 49167) ACCEPTED
12:37:53 T:123145312038912  NOTICE: YEEMEE >> RESPONSE FROM ok,
12:37:53 T:123145322233856  NOTICE: YEEMEE >> SERVER >> CONNECTION OPEN FOR ('', 49167)
12:37:53 T:123145322233856  NOTICE: YEEMEE >> SERVER >> LUMIFACTOR IS 100
12:38:08 T:123145312038912  NOTICE: YEEMEE >> LUMIFACTOR IS 100
12:38:39 T:123145312038912  NOTICE: YEEMEE >> PLAYBACK >>STOPPED<<

there is werid response from the 1st bulb:

12:37:53 T:123145312038912  NOTICE: YEEMEE >> PLAYBACK >>PLAYING<<
12:37:53 T:123145312038912  NOTICE: YEEMEE >> ACTIVATION TIME ON/OFF: 0
12:37:53 T:123145313648640  NOTICE: YEEMEE >> LUMIFACTOR IS 100
12:37:53 T:123145313648640  NOTICE: YEEMEE >> SERVER >> WAITING FOR CONNECTION...
12:37:53 T:123145312038912  NOTICE: YEEMEE >> MESSAGE TO {u'params': [u'power', u'music_on'], u'id': 1, u'method': u'get_prop'}
12:37:53 T:123145312038912  NOTICE: YEEMEE >> RESPONSE FROM off, 0
12:37:53 T:123145312038912  NOTICE: YEEMEE >> MESSAGE TO {u'params': [u'on', u'smooth', 200], u'id': 1, u'method': u'set_power'}
12:37:53 T:123145312038912  NOTICE: YEEMEE >> RESPONSE FROM ,
12:37:53 T:123145312038912  NOTICE: YEEMEE >> MESSAGE TO {u'params': [1, u'', 55440], u'id': 1, u'method': u'set_music'}
12:37:53 T:123145313648640  NOTICE: YEEMEE >> SERVER >> CONNECTION FROM: ('', 49160) ACCEPTED
12:37:53 T:123145312038912  NOTICE: YEEMEE >> RESPONSE FROM ok,
12:37:53 T:123145321697280  NOTICE: YEEMEE >> SERVER >> CONNECTION OPEN FOR ('', 49160)

As you can see, when set to turn on, the bulb doesn't respond "ok".... That could be the bug in the last version in normal repo. So yes, please download latest TEST version and try again.

Also, I see you are using rather old version of Kodi;

12:33:05 T:123145312038912  NOTICE: YEEMEE >> STARTED VERSION 4.3 on Kodi 15

I haven't ever tested it with versions older than 16.1
It's working!!! After updating Kodi combined with your test version;0)

hey guys... can anybody help me w this... I ve installed as described and my 2 xiaomi stripes are found in the configuration.... so far so good

and the functionality with play, pause, stop does seem to work...

but the ambilight-part does not.... what can I do... when playing a movie in kodi - there is no reaction to the colors...

I am on NVIDIA shield + Kodi 17.6. + YEEMEE ver. 4.3
Read the 1st post for debugging, everything is explained.
v4.41 in TEST repo
- Added support for White Bulb 2nd gen (ct_bulb)

i have installed the latest version.

i have the new v2 bulb, i testing it through the addon and everything seems to be working the problem is that when the movie starts... NOTHING happens.

i have set some rules like ... when the movie starts turn bulb 3 off and bulb 1 and 2 turn on and use as ambilight but.... nothing. it is like the addon does not recognize that the movie started.
any ideas?
It is the color bulb v2?
yes it is.

the issue is that i also have V1 bulbs and they are not working either.
i set the addon to turn off the v1 bulbs when the movie starts and nothing.

the addon USED to work with v1 bulbs. now that i have added v2 in the system... it doesn't.

strange thing is that they are working just fine in the test section of your addon.
ok i think i found the bug!

you need to set the first bulb to ambilight FULL SCREEN!

if i don't do that..... nothing works.

i tried to set my v2 bulbs as left 1/2 and right 1/2 and they did not work.
if i set the first bulb to full screen and then the second one to 1/2..... then everything works.
the issue is that the first bulb must always be FULL screen (which is something that i don't want).

is there anyway we can have a fix for that?
Hmm, interesting. I have not yet added "official" support for v2 color bulb, since I don't know it's ID.... I asked in Yeelight forum but nobody replied... I don't know how it would behave with gen2 color until I put it's ID in addon...
another weird thing i discovered is that this bug MAINLY appears on ULTRA HIGH accuracy. 
if i set it on HIGH it works much better.
ok i have been playing with it a bit more today.

it is weird but when it doesn't work, all you have to do is go to the ambilight precision mode and change it. if you do that.... it will work.

i had it set to HIGH and it decided not to work. i changed it to ULTRA HIGH... it worked again.

no idea what is happening.

also another question.... the url controllers are very useful for me since i can call IFTTT commands and turn off my xiaomi smart plugs.
what are the controllers above?
controllers are something similar for my use - they send message to my tablet where I catch it with tasker plugin in order to display page with Yatze (kodi remote) widget. It sends messages on play/stop/pause....
Is there a way to map a key in the key-map for kodi to trigger the lights on or off?  Trigger lights on/off or Ambi service on/off without pausing or stopping video playback.
I was using the Kodi wemo remote add-on before and found this function quite useful.
No, I don't think that is possible but it is a good idea. let me see if it can be done.
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YeeMee - (Control Yeelight Smart Bulb + Ambi from Kodi)2