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[XBOX] Aeon Auriga unofficial 'Lite' version for the Xbox
g00fy1 Wrote:I could have made it a one option answer poll but in the end the mod with the highest number of votes has the highest number of votes regardless of whether it was selected alone or with a group. Or am I missing something here?

It's not too difficult. Right now these are the top three mods:

Free memory on time bar (by g00fy1) 16 ( 73% )
Movie title on seekbar (by Hitcher) 14 ( 64% )
Smaller Dialog Volume Bar (by g00fy1) 11 ( 50% )

So, when it's done, if Paul decides he only wants to add the top three mods voted on, right now it's those.
To be honest and no fault of yours as you may not have been aware how i were doing things, but i start with a fresh skin then replace all textures with ones i have backed up
then i add cf's mod pack and this allready contains a number of mods though some can be taken out. then i add the rest in one by one, but regardless of what others may think the poll is of use to me it will make it easier to decide what to leave out but i am not going to decide untill after cf2009 releases mod pack 0.4.5 without submenu. there are 3 mods which will not get axed the genre posters mod your own memory and volume bar and mute mod simply because i use them the most. one mod i have allready decided to axe is............... sorry my keyboard wont let me say what Laugh
wannabegt4 Wrote:Just a note about test two... I've been gone for a while so I don't know for sure if it's been reported, but there are some invisible options on the top drop down menu where you select the view type and light or dark theme. Once you press right a few times you loose track of what you're selecting but if you keep pressing right a few more times you eventually get to the next item. I'd hate to see this get missed in the final skin so I thought it'd be a good idea to mention.
The glitch your refering to is caused by the transparency mod this may very well be axed for several reasons one the bug you mention two it adds a lot to the final pack size and three i can create the transparency my self just decide which level of transparency and i can match it without any fancy code but this wont happen for a week or two as i want to finish Auriga_lite_Phase3_Test this will happen before the end of the week for certainSmile
XBMC Frodo 12 - Windows 7 - Asrock Ion 330HT - Aeon Nox
I figured CF's mod would stay in since it's the major one that most people use, myself included. I just didn't know off the top of my head which mods in that list it covered.

It's all good. Wink
g00fy1 Wrote:I figured CF's mod would stay in since it's the major one that most people use, myself included. I just didn't know off the top of my head which mods in that list it covered.

It's all good. Wink
Hey don't go beatin yourself up over it i am thankful for your help as i did not know websites
like that existed. but now i know where it is i am sure i can make use of it at some point.
Thanks. and the work progresses slowly have learned not to rush itLaugh
XBMC Frodo 12 - Windows 7 - Asrock Ion 330HT - Aeon Nox
hey guys, been away......Wink

i voted, not too many picks tho...mem mod is a dead cert tho Smile

sounds like the next test phase will be real nice...cant wait.

@ Paul, you should really make what you want to, then add what the people would like via the poll?? It is your build ultimately. The extras are for us Wink, but i speak for everyone here (i hope), we appreciate and accept whatever you provide us.

Thanks Paul and everyone else here who provides Paul with help etc, without you guys my xbox would be pretty ugly, as i use it as my main video, music player and need it looking fresh to keep up with life as we know it Smile

Keep it up and thanks again.
shokka9 Wrote:hey guys, been away......

i voted, not too many picks tho...mem mod is a dead cert tho Smile

sounds like the next test phase will be real nice...cant wait.

@ Paul, you should really make what you want to, then add what the people would like via the poll?? It is your build ultimately. The extras are for us Wink, but i speak for everyone here (i hope), we appreciate and accept whatever you provide us.

Thanks Paul and everyone else here who provides Paul with help etc, without you guys my xbox would be pretty ugly, as i use it as my main video, music player and need it looking fresh to keep up with life as we know it Smile

Keep it up and thanks again.
Bad news on the next phase as it's dead in the water i got hold of cf2009's new mod pack and it supports the new multiimage loading code, and after i got the skin working i loaded in the new pack and bang it broke it no default backdrops movie fanart works but half of the tv views fanart does not. so as of now i have discontinued work on that as i am not uploading it when fanart does not work as it's totally pointless, or am i wrong you decide?
On the other hand i am still trying to finish the last old revision but it wont contain music genre posters as the new pack breaks it for xbox, and so a lot of mods will go with it in the recycling bin. but the important ones like gOOfy1's stuff and a lot of hitchers stuff will go in. But it's going to take me a while to complete, and i refuse to promise to have it done by any given date just to let people down, it's just not the way i want to do it.Shocked
Hopefully it won't be long before xperiance is released as they say it won't be released untill it's complete, so fingers crossed on that one as i ahve allready been given permission to mod it for xbox if it needs it, and i am looking forward to that one.Big Grin
I wish i had never heard the name Aeon as it has caused me more headaches than all other skins combined it's a shame as i love it but it no longer will do what i want from it.
so the search continues for one that will...........................................................:p
XBMC Frodo 12 - Windows 7 - Asrock Ion 330HT - Aeon Nox
PAUL, nooooooooooooooooooo, lol, please don't stop. As i mentioned earlier, just have BASIC skin working optimized and let others mod it themselves. This way we can at least have the latest aeon running on our xboxes. Who is to say that you should manage all the mods? the modders themselves should help out somehow, so this way you can just concentrate on whats important.

I say just update latest basic aeon skin with memory mod and tiny volume and maybe all those fixes if u want. everything else comes whenever you decide to finish or when AEON final comes out.
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diemos Wrote:PAUL, nooooooooooooooooooo, lol, please don't stop. As i mentioned earlier, just have BASIC skin working optimized and let others mod it themselves. This way we can at least have the latest aeon running on our xboxes. Who is to say that you should manage all the mods? the modders themselves should help out somehow, so this way you can just concentrate on whats important.

I say just update latest basic aeon skin with memory mod and tiny volume and maybe all those fixes if u want. everything else comes whenever you decide to finish or when AEON final comes out.
Ok but you will not thank me for it i will create an extra special one with no mods other than the night theme i have just got from sranshaft (not eve tried it yet) it will look good and run Good but no darn backdrops half the fanart won't work. you only have to read the other threads to realise this skin has been totally Frakd for xbox and all future mods fixes etc are and will be aimed purely for platforms that can handle multi image loading. xbox does not have that and most likely never will. and i do not know how the hell to get round it i wish i knew how as i would do it in an instant. so i wil wait untill i can afford a new mac mini then come back to auriga.
But i promised a skin and you will get one some time in the next week or two, and to be clear i am not stopping coz i want to it's simply a matter of the skin no longer will work correctly on my xbox and i do not know how to fix it.
If someone comes up with a fix to make what i need to work on the new multiplex then i will continue to work what little magic i have for xbox.

In the meantime i am going to fix the pm3hd transparancy mod as there are issues with that skin(an easy peesy fix) a dam good mod as wellSmile
XBMC Frodo 12 - Windows 7 - Asrock Ion 330HT - Aeon Nox
Well, I guess then that what we'll have to do (until the xBox build catches up with the new multiimage loading code) is perfect your last stable release.

Let's get a list of known problems and we'll (I know I will) start trying to fix it.

What do you think?
g00fy1 Wrote:Well, I guess then that what we'll have to do (until the xBox build catches up with the new multiimage loading code) is perfect your last stable release.

Let's get a list of known problems and we'll (I know I will) start trying to fix it.

What do you think?
I am preping a skin for upload it's the new multiplex2 with night and light added back in thanks to a mod from sranshaft and it looks fantastic on my pc but due to the new multi image controls xbox wont show any default backdrops you do get fanart for movies and fanart for the first level of tvshows but once your into a show they stop showing and frankly it loooks rather drab. i have asked arnova if he knows if or when xbox will support multiimage control or if there is a work round, i aint gonna hold my breath and now i have seen multiplex2 in action i can't see me using the old multiplex. i even finished off my new set of movie posters and over 100 music genre posters for it and had them working. i will try to find time to put them into this test build of multiplex2 it looks really good with the night theme.
once i have done that i am going to re work old multiplex for you guys. although the music genres won't work with it as the new pack is coded for multi image control(what a bloody mess) why the hell he could not wait untill he had completed the skin before putting that in.
Then you would have had a choice, nay mind am using PM3HD Transparency for now will adapt that for xbox later.
Thanks for the support! and i will continue looking for a solution to the multiimage contol problem. i hope i find a way round it before i go insaneRolleyes
XBMC Frodo 12 - Windows 7 - Asrock Ion 330HT - Aeon Nox
Damn! Why won't they support the original code anymore?!? After all it IS called xBox Media Center.

Maybe the xBox can't handle the new code anymore, I don't know, I just really hate to see the xBox support leave from this program.

Thanks Paul!!
g00fy1 Wrote:Damn! Why won't they support the original code anymore?!? After all it IS called xBox Media Center.

Maybe the xBox can't handle the new code anymore, I don't know, I just really hate to see the xBox support leave from this program.

Thanks Paul!!
I have completed my test skin for multiplex2 all with working genre poster for music and movies 135 for music and 54 for movies. it is also modded with the night theme for multi plex2 and has the legacy multiplex night theme looks good but sadly no default backdrops and no fanart in tv episode view but everything else works just fine, I am currently having problems uploading to my share site? will keep trying through out the day.

And still no response from any developers over the current problems if it does not get fixed in the next few weeks i will dump the whole thing as i can't seem to find a solution, and no one in the other threads are not botheredAngry
Ps your welcome
XBMC Frodo 12 - Windows 7 - Asrock Ion 330HT - Aeon Nox
If you want I can add you as a project member on the XBMC-Favorites google code page. I still have about 2GB storage left. Enough space for a whole bunch of revision Smile
If you want to...just send me your email address! I've stopped updating the repository and plugin because the SVN Repo installer is offering all I need now.


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Ubuntu 12.10 minimal XBMC auto-install script :: XBMControl :: Xbmc XBOX Skins :: XBMControl for Android :: Owner of Sudo Systems
I've created a google code page for xbmc-xbox-skins. I've added the repository to the SVN Repo installer which is available for download on the new google-code page. Place it in the "XBMC/plugins/programs" directory on your xbox. Currently three skins are available for download.

Aeon Augira lite v6
MediaStreamMod v2.1
Focus 6c + PAL 16x9 font fix
I'll be adding MiniMedia asap.
I've chosen to name the repo skins like so....

Aeon Augira lite
MediaStream lite
When an update is uploaded it will overwrite the previous version. This way you can simply overwrite your current skin to be replaced with the new version and keep your current skin configuration.

Older archived versions of the skins can be downloaded from the downloads section on the google code page. These you'll have to upload manually to your XBOX.

I can add you to the project members Paul, but I won't mind maintaining the repo if you'll provide me with the latest skin version. If there are any skins that should be uploaded...please let me know (providing a download link)!

page: http://code.google.com/p/xbmc-xbox-skins/
Modified SVn Repo Installer: http://xbmc-xbox-skins.googlecode.com/fi...taller.rar

I haven't had the chance to test the SVN repo installer...so please let me know if there are any problems.

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Ubuntu 12.10 minimal XBMC auto-install script :: XBMControl :: Xbmc XBOX Skins :: XBMControl for Android :: Owner of Sudo Systems
Bram77 Wrote:I've created a google code page for xbmc-xbox-skins. I've added the repository to the SVN Repo installer which is available for download on the new google-code page. Place it in the "XBMC/plugins/programs" directory on your xbox. Currently three skins are available for download.

Aeon Augira lite v6
MediaStreamMod v2.1
Focus 6c + PAL 16x9 font fix
I'll be adding MiniMedia asap.
I've chosen to name the repo skins like so....

Aeon Augira lite
MediaStream lite
When an update is uploaded it will overwrite the previous version. This way you can simply overwrite your current skin to be replaced with the new version and keep your current skin configuration.

Older archived versions of the skins can be downloaded from the downloads section on the google code page. These you'll have to upload manually to your XBOX.

I can add you to the project members Paul, but I won't mind maintaining the repo if you'll provide me with the latest skin version. If there are any skins that should be uploaded...please let me know (providing a download link)!

page: http://code.google.com/p/xbmc-xbox-skins/
Modified SVn Repo Installer: http://xbmc-xbox-skins.googlecode.com/fi...taller.rar

I haven't had the chance to test the SVN repo installer...so please let me know if there are any problems.
Thank's i will use this once i have a full sort out over the next few days.
So in a nut shell if i gave you the link for any new version you would take care of the complicated stuff like maintaining the svn stuff as i know little about that stuff.
I will take a look at that repo installer and try to get my head round it.
I had tried to set up a page on google code but did not really understand how to use it.
I prefer to spend my time tinkering with the skins etc than looking after web pagesLaugh
But thanks
XBMC Frodo 12 - Windows 7 - Asrock Ion 330HT - Aeon Nox
I completely understand and just called myself stupid because I just didn't think about doing it myself before Smile
If you PM me your gmail address (if you have one), I'll add you to the project members which will allow you to upload the archived version to the downloads section. Then I can download it and I can add it to the repository.

Are there any other skins you recommend to add?

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Ubuntu 12.10 minimal XBMC auto-install script :: XBMControl :: Xbmc XBOX Skins :: XBMControl for Android :: Owner of Sudo Systems
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[XBOX] Aeon Auriga unofficial 'Lite' version for the Xbox6