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Movie Info Plus - Manage Icons, Posters, FanArt, .NFO's & more for Movies & TV Shows
JohnWPB Wrote:They do have nice cover art there for sure! However, it would be very difficult, if not impossible to scrape that site. They use PHP pages, and there is no easy way to find the direct link to the images.

I could make a scraper if they allow it, i'll ask for permission to use the data before even attempting it.

Anyone know who runs nicecovers.com ? .. i've been trying to get ahold of them as well
Every time I try to look at a cover using Mozilla it puts adds all over it. However in IE it looks fine.

Nice covers too. Wink
fekker> Is it possible to use Movie Info Plus with a proxy internet connection?

Because the computer that i want to use it on (at my work) requires a proxy connection, which i can configure in internet explorer....But it seems there is now way for this to be configured in Movie Info Plus?

Could it be?
I keep getting "Movie Info Plus has stopped working" every time I try to apply the manual 2450 patch.

Running a clean Vista 32 bit install.

Anyone else getting this problem?
rausch101 Wrote:I keep getting "Movie Info Plus has stopped working" every time I try to apply the manual 2450 patch.

Running a clean Vista 32 bit install.

Anyone else getting this problem?

same issue here, tried a repair install of 2448 with no change either. vista 64
Thumbs Up 
fekker Wrote:Manual Patch 2450 posted

Rev 2450 working well on Win XP. TV Shows is currently working fine! Smile I probably won't get time to report in detail until tomorrow evening though.

My only observation so far is that if I have options set to save fanart in both name formats that neither Load Movies or Precache automatically duplicate the file if it only exists in one format. As a result, only a handful of my movies have fanart when imported into XBMC.

At present the only way around this is to re-download all the fanart to the cache then re-select it on each individual movie which will take quite some time.
Jive talkin, just isnt a crime
Question: Does MIP support command line functions?

Example: I run a program called TVrename. With the program I can create a batch file to run the following command line.

tvrename.exe /renamingcheck /renamingdo /missingcheck /fnocheck /fnodo /quit

This will look in my DL folder for new tv episodes, rename them as per my settings and then move the file to the correct folder. All without the program actually opening up on the screen. (if I add /hide)

I'd like to be able to have MIP automatically run after these functions have been performed to scrape the new shows that have been added.
joebrady Wrote:Question: Does MIP support command line functions?

Example: I run a program called TVrename. With the program I can create a batch file to run the following command line.

tvrename.exe /renamingcheck /renamingdo /missingcheck /fnocheck /fnodo /quit

This will look in my DL folder for new tv episodes, rename them as per my settings and then move the file to the correct folder. All without the program actually opening up on the screen. (if I add /hide)

I'd like to be able to have MIP automatically run after these functions have been performed to scrape the new shows that have been added.

The monitor function, to monitor a folder and add the data automatically, has not yet been added. It's on my list of features to add.

This will still require that MIP be open and running and in monitor mode, so this may not be what your looking for.
rausch101 Wrote:I keep getting "Movie Info Plus has stopped working" every time I try to apply the manual 2450 patch.

Running a clean Vista 32 bit install.

Anyone else getting this problem?

You'll want to extract the .exe file and copy it to the folder.

Manual patches are just a zip file that contains the updated .exe file for MIP in there.
JiveTalker Wrote:Rev 2450 working well on Win XP. TV Shows is currently working fine! Smile I probably won't get time to report in detail until tomorrow evening though.

My only observation so far is that if I have options set to save fanart in both name formats that neither Load Movies or Precache automatically duplicate the file if it only exists in one format. As a result, only a handful of my movies have fanart when imported into XBMC.

At present the only way around this is to re-download all the fanart to the cache then re-select it on each individual movie which will take quite some time.

Support for that is coming, but is not yet in MIP. I'll have it in the next test build, just finishing up mediainfo for tv shows in that build and then moving on to image selection for music, then adding in some additional items including compatibility support.
fekker Wrote:The monitor function, to monitor a folder and add the data automatically, has not yet been added. It's on my list of features to add.

This will still require that MIP be open and running and in monitor mode, so this may not be what your looking for.

Not exactly, but it would perform the function I'm looking for. I'll keep an eye out. Keep up the great work! and thanks for the reply. Cool
fekker Wrote:just finishing up mediainfo for tv shows in that build and then moving on to image selection for music...

I was working with MP3's some time ago for my CarPC software. I wrote a script in AutoIt, that can easily be converted to whatever you are using, as it just makes DLL calls to a MediaInfoPlus.dll. This would allow you to read the ID3 tags for artist, title, album ect. This could be a good first line check, if the tags exists, use it to find the album art, and if not then try to scrape the file name which can be a pain with so many naming possibilities on each machine.

If you would like it, just let me know.
Intel Quad core 3.8 Ghz / Windows 11 Pro / 32 gigs RAM/ MCE Remote /20 Tb storage / Intel Iris 550 chip-set outputting 4k via HDMI to a 80" LED TV / just over 5,800 movies

Have you entered your 5 Movies? - Support themoviedb.org as THE best open source movie information site.
fekker Wrote:Support for that is coming, but is not yet in MIP. I'll have it in the next test build, just finishing up mediainfo for tv shows in that build and then moving on to image selection for music, then adding in some additional items including compatibility support.

Fantastic, more cool features to test! Smile

Btw, I found an example where formatting characters are still appearing in Taglines from IMDb with title tt0372588.

Jive talkin, just isnt a crime
JiveTalker Wrote:Fantastic, more cool features to test! Smile

Btw, I found an example where formatting characters are still appearing in Taglines from IMDb with title tt0372588.


Give it a try with r13 (coming in a few hours)

A few have asked where the music images are going to come from.. freecovers.net

Proxy support - I'll look into adding it, please add a feature request on sourceforge so i don't forget
fekker Wrote:Give it a try with r13 (coming in a few hours)

A few have asked where the music images are going to come from.. freecovers.net

Proxy support - I'll look into adding it, please add a feature request on sourceforge so i don't forget

RE: Proxy support, Thanks...Will add a request.
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