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[SUPPORT] Free Cable - US station aggregator
This might not be Free Cable's fault, but I'll try here anyway.

I've got a few shows that I've added to my XBMC Favorites. However, whenever I access the shows from the Guide Screen Favorites, it doesn't refresh the data.

If I drill in through the plugin, it will refresh.

Any idea how to fix this?

Your are using a more or less old Version.... I can see at the link of Disney "&sitemode="playVideoULNK"".

As slices wrote please use the beta Version.
Most of the Stations are updated.

Currently tunlr.net closed. There is a hint at their site.
So outside the USA or uk we need a new free option to go on. Sad
Another free optotion would be good, I've signed up for a 7 day trial of uno telly for now.
Ever since the Olympics started (and now finished), I have been unable to get NBC to work. Whenever I try to access NBC, I get the very generic "Script failed! plugin.video.free.cable" error. Other channels that I have tested (CBS, Comedy Central, etc.) seem to work fine. I have tried everything I've seen on this forum beginning on Page 45 including the beta version and the github nbc.py & settings.xml files. As a final step, I completely re-jailbroke my device (Apple TV2 v5.3) and installed the latest versions of Seas0nPass, XBMC, and FreeCable. I am out of ideas. Any help would be greatly, greatly appreciated! Here is a snippet from the log file when I try and access NBC:

start of FREE CABLE plugin
21:27:05 T:145235968 NOTICE: FREE CABLE --> common :: getURL :: url = http://www.nbc.com/video/library/full-episodes/
21:27:14 T:128110592 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://plugin.video.free.cable/?fanart=%22%2fvar%2fmobile%2fLibrary%2fPreferences%2fXBMC%2faddons%2fplugin.video.free.cable%2ffanart.jpg%22&mode=%22nbc%22&name=%22NBC%22&sitemode=%22rootlist%22&thumb=%22%2fvar%2fmobile%2fLibrary%2fPreferences%2fXBMC%2faddons%2fplugin.video.free.cable%2fresources%2fimages%2fnbc.png%22&url=%22%22
21:27:14 T:128110592 ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin://plugin.video.free.cable/?fanart=%22%2fvar%2fmobile%2fLibrary%2fPreferences%2fXBMC%2faddons%2fplugin.video.free.cable%2ffanart.jpg%22&mode=%22nbc%22&name=%22NBC%22&sitemode=%22rootlist%22&thumb=%22%2fvar%2fmobile%2fLibrary%2fPreferences%2fXBMC%2faddons%2fplugin.video.free.cable%2fresources%2fimages%2fnbc.png%22&url=%22%22) failed
Well that log is from the non beta version, beta version with patch from github should work for most shows. We should have a new release out soonish which hopefully will contain further nbc updates.
Thanks for the quick reply! Yes, I thought I would show the non-beta version. Since I'm not seeing anyone else posting issues with NBC not working on the regular version, I thought it might just be me having the problem.

When I try the Beta version and use the github version of the nbc.py, I can actually get to a listing of programs inside of NBC (which is further than I get on the non-beta version). However, when I try accessing any of the shows, I simply get a blank directory listing. This appears to be the case for any NBC show. Somewhere on the forum, I saw a mention to also replace the settings.xml file. I'm assuming this is the settings.xml file located in the resources directory. When I did this, it actually made things worse. When I opened the beta Free Cable program, it took me straight to a strange listing of shows from various networks instead of a listing of networks. None of those shows seemed to work either.

I can post a log from the beta version but I'm not sure what it would show as I don't get an error, simply a blank listing.
I get Script failed! plugin.video.free.cable when trying to load the PBS Kids channel. This is in the 0.5.9 version I grabbed from bluecop's repository this morning. Also, I notice the PBS Kids add-on also isn't working properly this morning (not loading all shows), so this may not be a Free Cable problem.
Nbc will be fixed in the next release.
Pbs kids works in the beta version at least.
Hey, I'm having trouble getting Conan on the TBS working. I had freecable 7.6, and some of the shows appear to populate, but Conan has an empty directory when selected.

I uninstalled and then installed the beta, unfortunately TBS kept getting script failed error in the beta

I ssh into the beta-version /resources/lib folder and checked the tbs.py. I noticed in the beta, there is no content to this file, other py files have scripts in them. I checked the 7.6 version /resources/lib and tbs.py has a full script.

I also read a past comment in this thread about replaces the swfurl, but this appears to be already updated (in the 7.6 version). Any idea what's up with TBS in beta? Or better yet Conan in 7.6? Thank you!
Yes not implemented in the beta.
(2014-02-25, 23:15)-zero- Wrote: @jonesy656

Your are using a more or less old Version.... I can see at the link of Disney "&sitemode="playVideoULNK"".

As slices wrote please use the beta Version.
Most of the Stations are updated.

Currently tunlr.net closed. There is a hint at their site.
So outside the USA or uk we need a new free option to go on. Sad

Thanks, I did get the Beta version, so some of the channels work now at least (Thanks!) I've given up on getting anything Disney Jr from Free Cable, which is fine.
Disney Jr should work with the beta
Hi Guys,
Is this the right place to ask for a cbs.py?
I use xbmcplus and I thought that it would update automatically when these changes were needed.
What am I missing?

Try the beta for now.
OK, I'm running 12.3 (Dec 19 2013)
I have xbmcplus 1.2 (The OP wasn't clear on whether to disable, remove or keep this version)
I installed xbmcplus-beta 1.0
forced refresh and update on both. restarted xbmc and still the cbs script fails.

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