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Win Advanced MCE Remote Mapper Tool
The button mapping depends on the PC registry settings and so the same button will act differently in different PC. I'm not sure if 'wake' will work differently.
First off, @baijuxavior, the program looks amazing, thanks so much for putting that together for all of us. Earlier in my attempts to to get discrete Wake commands for the two PC's on the same blaster, I followed the instructions for editing the Registry found on xbmccustomregis.com and the corresponding thread on these forums. So before doing anything I clicked the VERY useful "Load from Registry" button and this is what I found:


So seems like I already had what I was looking to implement (Mapping the "Wake" command to the Teletext button), at least according to how this product would accomplish it. Alas, when I sleep my PC, hitting Teletext doesn't wake it up (also no red light on my IR Receiver when I press the Teletext button). Any other ideas?
Enable wake on usb device in pc bios. I am not sure if wake will work with other buttons.
(2013-11-08, 06:47)baijuxavior Wrote: Enable wake on usb device in pc bios. I am not sure if wake will work with other buttons.

Yup, all that is enabled (BIOS as well). And I AM able to wake the device with the PowerToggle Command of the MCE Keyboard device profile in the Logitech Harmony software (albeit no button on the ACTUAL MCE remote, but still its clear the PC(s) can wake FROM the IR receiver at least and the light on the IR Receiver lights during S3 when that PowerToggle button is sent), but unfortunately hitting that button wakes up BOTH PC's connected to that IR blaster. But thank you for your suggestion.
Seems like 'Wake' feature is button specific and it may not work with other buttons. You can change the functioning of all other buttons using the registry hack.
is there a way i can use this tool to program a button to toggle between full screen and windowed in my case i am trying to get my guide button to do this because i don't use this button so i won't be overwriting the button that i do use i know the keyboard shortcut for this toggle is backslash however there is no option in the pull down menu for this so i cannot select it
You can define a custom shortcut like Ctrl+W instead of the backslash in your keyboard.xml file. Then change the required remote control button to send this shortcut.
(2013-10-22, 19:28)o007 Wrote:
(2013-06-11, 14:50)Kpitn Wrote: The list of the button I cant' remap :
Button 1 : <ampersand>Notification(Key, ampersand, 3)</ampersand>
Button 3 : <doublequote>Notification(Key, doublequote, 3)</doublequote>
Button 4 : <quote>Notification(Key, quote, 3)</quote>
Button 5 : <leftbracket>Notification(Key, leftbracket, 3)</leftbracket>
Button 6 : <minus>Notification(Key, minus, 3)</minus>
Button 7 : <underline>Notification(Key, underline, 3)</underline>

Thank you for your help Wink

I was having the same problem as you, using an azerty french keyboard, and I solved this just by activating the modifier "shift" for all numbers from 0 to 9.

Hope this helps

Hi o007,

Thank you for your help and sorry for my slow response !
But,It works fine now !!!
Thank you Big Grin
(2013-06-11, 14:50)Kpitn Wrote: Hi o007,

Thank you for your help and sorry for my slow response !
But,It works fine now !!!
Thank you Big Grin

You're welcome. Glad it's working for youSmile
Would this work with mce controller?

This tool works with only ehome driver based mce remote controls. The MCEC is based on network control.
Hi baijuxavior, great job, thank you. You saved my life. Smile
But there is one button which can't figure ID. You can see my remote control on image, problematic button is marked with red square.
I tried with "Print (HP)" button, nothing. I tried with ShowKey.exe, nothnig, there is no ID for him.
There is no 'Unkonwn' buttons on the list.

What to do next?

Sorry for image quality, my mob. is n00b. Smile

Model: TSGH-IR08 SW Rev:A
Please check http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid...pid1533554 and http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid...pid1535554. May help in resolving the problem.
Thank you! I tried everything, without success.
If this means something to you, EventGhost says MceRemote.RC6mode6_0_800F0435 when button is pressed. If not, not a big problem really, maybe someone will show up with the same remote control, and with the correct ID.

Another question, is it possible to export settings in keyboard.xml, to use on multiple OS, not just Windows?
After changing the registry values as described in the above threads, you should reboot the pc.

I think keyboard.xml file is the same in other platforms also, but I'm not sure.
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Advanced MCE Remote Mapper Tool3