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openelec AND retroplayer? i need a clean pair of pants
Does the same error occur when building OpenELEC with XBMC=master? If so, this is an OpenELEC problem. If you try newer versions from https://github.com/openelec/openelec.tv/ and find that they work, let me know and I'll update to that version.
RetroPlayer releases: https://github.com/garbear/xbmc/releases

Donations: eigendude.eth
Well I got nowhere there. Here is my output, says fusion is not a valid project.....

chris@chris-VirtualBox:~/OpenELEC.tv$ XBMC=master PROJECT=Fusion ARCH=x86_64 make release
./scripts/image release

ERROR: Project not found, use a valid project or create a new config

Valid projects:
- Generic
- RPi
- Virtual
make: *** [release] Error 1
(2013-11-21, 21:17)mrdally204 Wrote: Well I got nowhere there. Here is my output, says fusion is not a valid project.....

chris@chris-VirtualBox:~/OpenELEC.tv$ XBMC=master PROJECT=Fusion ARCH=x86_64 make release
./scripts/image release

ERROR: Project not found, use a valid project or create a new config

Valid projects:
- Generic
- RPi
- Virtual
make: *** [release] Error 1

Latest branch of OE doesn't support the Fusion builds anymore. Intel, Fusion, ION, etc… are now rolled into the Generic builds.

I've only skimmed this thread, but why aren't you using garbear's repo?
Thanks for the information on "fusion" builds going forward. I did use his repo and it failed while building for Fusion. See a few posts up for the error message. I am building from the Master branch per garbear's suggestion. He wanted to see if building it from master would fail at the same point as I was seeing with his repo.
If you just want to build a vanilla OE build, use PROJECT=Generic ARCH=x86_64 make release

It should work, my buildbot built one earlier today


I've had a few request to add these builds to my site, I plan on kicking off a test build later tonight.

I wish to have a working "Fusion" build of Retroplayer in OpenELEC, and I have had no success yet. The vanilla build is not my end goal, though I do appreciate the information. I'll have that site book marked for when I feel like test driving some bleeding edge features.
I ment, if you want to test your build system do PROJECT=Generic ARCH=x86_64 make release - as mentioned already on newer version of OE there are no Fusions builds, you must use Generic.

Once you have confirmed that is working, then you can try building the retroplayer build again.

I'm building from garbears repo now, I'll upload the Fusion build when i'll upload it when its done and give you the link
(2013-11-21, 19:07)garbear Wrote: No sound could be due to using the ALSA engine instead of ActiveAE. Not sure about the genesis roms problem.

From my log can you tell if the genesis emulator is running? Maybe I need to play with a config file? I also noticed that when I do try to launch a Genesis rom it tells me that no rom is installed even tho as you can see genplus is installed. After reviewing this thread you had made a comment that this was fixed. Is it possible I am not running a build without these fixes?

Is there a way to stretch these games to 16:9?

** I was able to fix my audio by going into the advanced section of the system settings. I was unaware this was even a option. I now have audio working perfectly.
Thanks, I have a generic build running right now from the master. I am confused however how I would manage to build retroplayer with that latest code. I assume I would have to wait for Garbear to do some magic for it all to work nicely.

If you can not tell this is the first time I have tried compiling anything. GIT, source code and compiling are all new to me. Please excuse the noobness in my line of questions.
So, got garbear's custom openelec/retroplay running no problem, using the test build on my amd64 system. Then, managed to install the NEStopia, MAME, and FBAlpha emulators no problem. However:
- got a NESTopia game running: but how do I define keys to use on a standard PC keyboard to play the game?
- trying a MAME game using MAME or FBAlpha emulator simply blanks the screen, brings up the XBMC splash screen, and starts XBMC again. How do I go about debugging what is happening?
1. I am just assuming this is the way to define the keymaps but what I think you should do is look at this file https://github.com/garbear/xbmc/blob/ret...yboard.xml starting at line 247 is "FullScreenGame" this is the keymaps for when you are in a game. You can changed these to your liking. You have to find the keyboard.xml on your system and edit it there.

2. I have seen multiple issues in regards to starting a emulator - blank screen - reset. you can connect to your box over smb, pull up windows explorer and type \\YOUR.BOX.LOCAL.IP and you will see a folder call logs. grab the most recent one and post it here so garbear or someone else with more knowledge can look at it.
100 bucks says the emus are segfaulting and crashing XBMC (OE automatically re-runs xbmc fortunately). Not much I can do about this atm
RetroPlayer releases: https://github.com/garbear/xbmc/releases

Donations: eigendude.eth
Thanks for the reply, I'll check for segfaults - if it is that, is there anything I can do to help, are the emus part of your development garbear, or are you pulling them in from somewhere else?

Would it be helpful for me to make a list of emus that seem to work, and those that seem to crash?
I connected via Samba, and found a few interesting things:

1. no list of segfaults: the last few lines in XBMC after trying to start a game are:
08:12:28 T:140425588578112 INFO: RetroPlayer: Using game client MAME 2003 at version 0.78
08:12:28 T:140425588578112 INFO: LibretroEnvironment query ID=16: SET_VARIABLES
08:12:28 T:140425588578112 INFO: LibretroEnvironment query ID=16: notified of var frameskip (Frameskip; 0|1|2|3|4|5)
08:12:28 T:140425588578112 INFO: LibretroEnvironment query ID=16: notified of var dcs-speedhack (MK2/MK3 DCS Speedhack; disabled|enabled)
08:12:28 T:140425588578112 INFO: LibretroEnvironment query ID=15: GET_VARIABLE
08:12:28 T:140425588578112 ERROR: LibretroEnvironment query ID=15: undefined variable frameskip
(and then nothing)

2. when I open the Samba "Emulator" share, there is nothing in there - should there be?
I believe the GET_VARIABLE thing was identified as a bug and fixed in a newer commit
RetroPlayer releases: https://github.com/garbear/xbmc/releases

Donations: eigendude.eth
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openelec AND retroplayer? i need a clean pair of pants4