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Viewing downloaded 720p (HDTV) video content?
But no frame drops, correct?

I assume you are running a 'current' xbmc build? If so, that's very much in line with the smb results I posted earlier in this thread - 0 drops/ 1600 early/ 1500 late - which was using the 6-25 build (slightly faster) and software audio (slightly slower)...

The glitches you describe were from the transport stream.

Other tests are up to you; would be nice to have one from local hard disk. I'd expect no drops again, and an order of magnitude reduction in early / late.

Thanks for the report! It is very encouraging to have my results replicated.
Here are some thoughts...
If this is going to be a "standard" for encodes. I think a minimum list of requirements should be agreed somehow.

SMB streaming. NAS is the future. Sharing your media from a central place.
Audio decoding. Not many that have a 5.1 system in their bedroom, so analog output is needed, or even TV with digital input (coax or optical).

Sad that no XBMC dev has commented on my question about what affects performance... Because I think a standard for playback in XBMC, which guarantees that these encodes play without drops with the above requirements, should be agreed. The encodes could be tagged so that XBMC recognize them and sets it's settings accordingly.
These could be stuff like:
Soften off (who needs it for HD?)
FTP off
Web off
Kai off
RSS off
and so on
This is explained before how this could be done with crashproffing.

Maybe also a max file size for those who wish to store movies on Xbox (FATX is limited to 4 gb files), but this might conflict with long movies where bitrate will get too low and video get too blocky. Should files be split up or rar'ed i less bites.

Here is what others are doing for standards; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_(warez)
It is a bit premature for developing a 'standard', and some of it will be dictated by the hard constraints, like cpu and fatx. For example, if allowing for smb means I can't 'get to' high quality 1.85:1 film format (1280x688) HD encodes, sorry, smb is out the window wrt *my* HD encodes (fyi - I have almost a TB being served via a NAS setup currently). But I'm going to get through the dozen or so 2.35:1 TS caps I have on hand (and learn from them) before I worry to much about that...

BTW, my next encode is 2:49:49 in 8GB, split into two 4GB avi's. I'm testing it for two cases: (1) playback from hdd with software audio (2) playback via smb with external audio.

PS - an interesting study would be to evaluate the performance and cpu impact of the various remote access alternatives - smb, xbmsp, upnp, ...
plugh Wrote:But no frame drops, correct?

I assume you are running a 'current' xbmc build? If so, that's very much in line with the smb results I posted earlier in this thread - 0 drops/ 1600 early/ 1500 late - which was using the 6-25 build (slightly faster) and software audio (slightly slower)...

The glitches you describe were from the transport stream.

Other tests are up to you; would be nice to have one from local hard disk. I'd expect no drops again, and an order of magnitude reduction in early / late.

Thanks for the report! It is very encouraging to have my results replicated.

I make my own builds of xbmc. The version I used, I compiled Nov 4.
I would like to try it from the hd. Can you recomend any splitting software as it is to large for FATX ?
  • ASRock ION 330 OpenELEC XBMC Frodo.
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Uh, it's 4,193,502KB and 4GB = 4,194,304KB.

Should fit on fatx as-is.
blast - wish forum had an 'edit' function

'should fit on fatx as-is' => 'it fits on fatx as-is'

I copied it to and played it from my xbox hdd during my testing.
Why should smb out of the window for 1280x688? Because smb takes too much CPU power away for decoding? Then bitrate must be lowered and blocks might appear. Only tests will tell really.

Vertical resolution is much more important than horizontal when taking visual image quality for the eye. This can also be seen with 37" and 42" plasmas which has 1024x768 resolution. They won't benefit from the extra resolution.
Maybe some of the horizontal resolution could be scaled away. I know it's not ideal but we don't even have the option of true 1:1 pixel mapping without HDMI. We can only output an analog signal anyways.
The HR tv series I have seen at 960x540 on my 50" 1366x768 screen looks great.
Maybe a resolution of 1024x688 can work (haven't studyed your calculations that much) or 960x688 or even 1152x688?

I really think cutting smb requirement would be sad.

Regarding your next encode I see it no different than two 1:30 hour movies at 4 gb each - same as Time Machine basicly. Bitrate should be about the same unless ofcourse it has 5.1 audio? Smile
I think your should look at the other resolutions now also to gain a greater overview than just concentration on one size.

Regarding PS. I think most will use smb, some upnp (more in the future), virtually none using xbmsp. So I'd be good with just smb support or streeching it to upnp if it's more demanding than smb is.

btw how much time does it take to encode 1.5 hours? I wish I had access to some HD channels. My Dreambox DM7020 should be able to record the TS but not display it (only has a lame PAL Scart output). I use the Xbox to playback recordings via FTP, and recordings at 720x576 can be burned easily to DVD-R with no quality loss with various programs supporting TS.

I have access to Sirius2/3, Thor2/3/Intelsat10-02, Astra1C-1H/2C and Hotbird1/2/3/4/6/7A satellites if anyone knows a channel...
I need a faster CPU (Athlon 3500+)... I found that I can watch some HD channels and when I stream it works fine (VLC). No drops. But when I save the stream to harddrive, many drops... I will try to defragment harddrive but don't think it's enough
ultrabrutal Wrote:Why should smb out of the window for 1280x688? Because smb takes too much CPU power away for decoding? Then bitrate must be lowered and blocks might appear. Only tests will tell really.
Uh, it's the other way around - because 1280x688 may demand all available xbox cpu resources, leaving none for smb or software audio or ... And what is the point of encoding hi-res blocks?
Quote:Vertical resolution is much more important than horizontal when taking visual image quality for the eye. This can also be seen with 37" and 42" plasmas which has 1024x768 resolution. They won't benefit from the extra resolution.
Maybe some of the horizontal resolution could be scaled away. I know it's not ideal but we don't even have the option of true 1:1 pixel mapping without HDMI. We can only output an analog signal anyways.
As I said in earlier posts, anamorphic encodes will likely be needed in that case - though I continue to discover ways to eliminate overhead and refine encoding parameters, so eventually, once I finish my 2.35's, then the 2.20:1, and the 2.00:1, who knows?
Quote:I really think cutting smb requirement would be sad.
Not to be snide, but as I've stated it isn't *my* requirement. However, if I can accomodate it with the encodes I am doing for myself and am sharing, I will do so (and am doing so with the next encode, even though it means doubling my testing time).

I want to use my xbox to watch HD. Based upon some experimentation I convinced myself it could be done, within limits. I'm now exploring those limits, sharing findings as I go, and applying them. Others are free to build upon my findings and generate encodes that meet *their* requirements, if my encodes don't.
Quote:Regarding your next encode I see it no different than two 1:30 hour movies at 4 gb each - same as Time Machine basicly. Bitrate should be about the same unless ofcourse it has 5.1 audio? Smile
I think your should look at the other resolutions now also to gain a greater overview than just concentration on one size.
Yes, it has 5.1 audio. Average video bitrate is ~6300kbps vs ~5600kbps for the 1st clip. Quality is Exceptional. And this one presented an entirely differant set of encoding challenges to the first one (which I'll probably reencode and test based upon what I've learned from the second one).

Quote:Regarding PS. I think most will use smb, some upnp (more in the future), virtually none using xbmsp. So I'd be good with just smb support or streeching it to upnp if it's more demanding than smb is.
The point was that someone might take it upon themselves to contribute by DOing this testing and sharing the results. You never know what you will find until you actually TEST something (like my findings about the info window, or about rar file playback).

Edit mplayer.conf, add "benchmark=1"
Create/edit advancedsetting.xml, set loglevel 1
Play file; extract benchmark times from xbmc.log
Repeat, changing one 'thing' at a time
Quote:btw how much time does it take to encode 1.5 hours? I wish I had access to some HD channels.
Depends on the source material, what (if any) filters you apply, and xvid encoding options. On my 1.8Ghz AMD, the encode I am currently working on took ~15 hours 1st pass, and ~25 hours second pass (and there have been several of each). And then of course there is testing time - in this case ~3 hours per test times multiple test cases for each encode. At the moment I'm completing a series of 2nd pass encodes (25 hours each) that span the range of vbv values I've tentatively settled on in order to further study their effect on quant distribution and xbox playablility. Results so far are reinforcing my belief that vbv parameters, while usable, are far from ideal for constraining decoder load.

(I've been toying with the idea of building an mplayer.dll that would log the frame numbers of dropped frames. Not only would it make it easier to study the problem, perhaps this info could be fed into the encoding process. ie do a 'Full quality' 1st pass, then play the file on xbox, identifying specific problem areas. Somehow feed this info into 2nd pass encode adjusting the specific problem areas rather than all 'high bitrate' or 'large framesize' areas)

Oh, and my transport stream source is the net - I don't do the captures myself, I've downloaded all of them...
By the way, has anyone tried playing the clip with dvdplayer rather than mplayer? On my system, tested from hdd using both 6-25 and 10-26 builds and both software and external audio decoding, I get really bad a/v sync. No frame drops, just progressively worsening sync as it plays.

I noticed the dvdplayer's info window almost always shows 24.00 fps vs 23.9x fps. It IS interesting watching the 'cpu' values as the clip plays though...
I finished the encode series I mentioned above. If any of you have been wondering what this 'vbv' stuff is to which I keep referring, here are some pointers...

Graphical representation of the effect of vbv parameters on a particular sequence of frames, starting with the unrestricted first pass and followed by three progressively more restrictive vbv constraints being applied to 2nd pass.

technical description of "Video Buffering Verifier Mechanism"
Hi again, finally finished the download and watched the movie, it's been a while, so was fun to watch again Smile

I copied it to the xbox and watched it that way - looked great! I had 28 dropped frames, but 5000 or so early and 5000 or so late... not sure what's up with that, though I didn't notice anything while watching it (except for the few glitches you mentioned that were in the source).

I didn't turn off or change any of my defaults, so FTP server was on, etc.

XBMC build 1.1.0 sept 29 2006
MPlayer dev sept 24 2006
720p output, optical digital audio
xbox v1.2/v1.3
hard-modded, xenium ice chip i believe

Thanks again for all the hard work and info!!
Thanks for the "looked great" - that is the fundamental goal, after all...

That 28/5000/5000 is kind of surprising for local hdd playback. Something was consuming a significant chunk of your cpu. Would be interested in knowing what else besides the ftp server you had enabled. uPnP? Kai? Xbox auto? RSS? Web server?

Are you sure about that xbmc version number? Wasn't 29-sep-2006 the build date for V2.0.0?
The first XBMC 2.0.0 build was labeled 1.1.0 as noone had changed the version number yet, so I think it really is a 2.0.0
That must be it, cause I know I have 2.0... I just typed what was in the sys info screens Smile

Checked the other settings in XBMC, and web server is off, uPnP is off, RSS is on, Xbox Autodetect is on (what is that anyway?). I don't see Kai anywhere, is that in XBMC? Also, I use XBMC as my dashboard, if that makes any difference...

Also, just noticed that I can't select the file in my SMB share to play... it doesn't do anything - I click it but then can still navigate to other files... strange...

Also noticed that I couldn't skip in the file while it was playing, and the auto-resume functionality that I have turned on doesn't seem to work with it either...
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Viewing downloaded 720p (HDTV) video content?0