Release NHK World Japan Live
Has anyone experienced issues since moving to Kodi v20? When watching using this addon; the display appears to keep switching between 720p and 1080p every few minutes, and therefore pausing to change. I am sure this is due to a change in the Kodi streaming engine not the addon itself, but I do not know where to start checking. The above changes worked fine in v19. I am pretty sure the NHK stream maxes out at 720p.
As of at least March 22, 2024, I believe the add-on is broken. I obtain an error message when attempting to access any videos. I think NHK changed their website structure which may be the cause of the breakage.

Relevant logs are as follows:

Is there any chance of getting a fix?
I'm seeing the same problem. New content is being added, though.
Version 4.0.10 has been submitted to the Kodi repo. Should fix the problems noted above.
Thanks - much appreciated.
Great, many thanks! Tested today, and all working. Your input is greatly appreciated by those who use this to watch NHK.
Just so folks know:
NHK has finally reintroduced their App for Android TV.
I will still maintain the Kodi addon but my main reason for writing it was the lack of an Android TV app.

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