Just started playing with XBMC on osx for watching anime, dramas, tv and movies. I really want my anime and drama downloads to be more organized so making a scraper seemed like the way to go. Here's what I've got and the problems I am still having with my content or library:
1. I tried originally to scrape anidb.net, but they return the content gzipped, so the scapper doesn't know what to do with it. I tested their search url in curl to confirm. It would be great if there was a way to specify --compressed so that the result would get handled by gzip
2. So I went with the back up - animenfo.com. I got it working. It pulls the show title and thumbnail from the site based on folder name - and adds the show to my library. That's pretty cool, but the problem is, the files in my folder are not being added to the library - they are not 'enumerated' or matching this pattern according to the debug log:
DEBUG: found match /anime/canaan/[anbu-menclave]_canaan_-_01_[1024x576_h.264_aac][12f00e89].mkv (s1024e576) [[\\/\._ \[-]([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)([^\\/]*)$]
DEBUG: could not enumerate file /Anime/Canaan/[gg]_CANAAN_-_01v2_[3561386D].mkv
Now those two files don't really match anyway, but this is happening even when all the files have similar patterns. I am wondering how can I customize this so that my files will get added? Does the scraper have anything to do with the file(name)s themselves?
Anyway if anyone out there wants thumbnails from animenfo.com on their anime show folders add this xml to /XBMC/system/scrapers/video - enjoy!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<scraper framework="1.0" date="2009-11-15" name="animenfo.com" content="tvshows" thumb="animenfo.png">
<NfoUrl dest="3">
<RegExp input="$$1" output="\1" dest="3">
<CreateSearchUrl dest="3">
<RegExp input="$$1" output="http://animenfo.com/search.php?query=\1&queryin=anime_titles&option=smart" dest="3">
<expression noclean="1"/>
<GetSearchResults dest="8">
<RegExp input="$$5" output="<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="yes"?><results>\1</results>" dest="8">
<RegExp input="$$1" output="<entity><title>\3</title><url>http://animenfo.com/\1</url></entity>" dest="5">
<expression repeat="yes"><a href='(animetitle,([0-9]*),[^']*)'>([^<]*)</a></expression>
<expression noclean="1" />
<GetDetails dest="3">
<RegExp input="$$8" output="<details>\1</details>" dest="3">
<!-- Title !-->
<RegExp input="$$1" output="<title>\1</title>" dest="8">
<expression trim="1" noclean="1"><td class="anime_info_top">([^<]*)</td></tr></expression>
<!-- Year !-->
<RegExp input="$$1" output="<year>\1</year>" dest="8">
<expression trim="1" noclean="1"><td class="anime_info_top"><a href='[^']*'>([^<]*)</a></expression>
<!-- Thumbnail !-->
<RegExp input="$$1" output="<thumb><url spoof="http://animenfo.com">http://animenfo.com/\1</url></thumb>" dest="8+">
<expression><img class="float" src="([^"]*)"</expression>
<expression noclean="1"/>