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XBMC for Windows, rev 14125
First go to system settings an enable th debug log then try again the dvd stuff.
The log file is located in the xbmc directory named xbmc.log.
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OK to be clear, this is a fresh windows XP sp3 install. Ati 2600 xt for Component 1080i output. Currently running in 480p mode (720-480)

Here is the Logfile for XBMC and the DXdiag for the system.


I looked at the log file but I could not identify errors. I am just looking for a direction to go next.

WiSo Wrote:First go to system settings an enable th debug log then try again the dvd stuff.
The log file is located in the xbmc directory named xbmc.log.

I just reuped the log file again. here is the process I used to create it.

  1. Set the debug mode to true
  2. Stoped XBMC
  3. Delete log file
  4. Restarted XMBC
  5. Inserted movie into drive
  6. no autoplay
  7. clicked dvd start icon
  8. closed XBMC

This should be as clean as I can make it.

Use PasteBin for your log.
Hitcher Wrote:Use PasteBin for your log.

Here is the Pastebin version of the log.


To be honest I can't see an obvious reason either. Did you tried another DVD to see if it behaves the same?
Somehow the demuxer get's an eof when it's supposed to play the DVD but I'm not the dvdplayer expert here.
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WiSo Wrote:To be honest I can't see an obvious reason either. Did you tried another DVD to see if it behaves the same?
Somehow the demuxer get's an eof when it's supposed to play the DVD but I'm not the dvdplayer expert here.

Yes I tried it with a copy protected dvd (The Onion) and some non copywrited dvd's (anime mostly).

Is there a way I can gather more information to post so we can get further into the problem?

O and as a side note I can play dvd's on the same machine via MediaPlayer so I know the drive does work Big Grin

More information. using version 13859 I get video. it has some problems with playback but it kinda works. I am going to dive into the code to see what I can come up with.

Charly Wrote:MCE IR device driver improvementBy default Windows will handle most of the MCE Remote buttons, the arrow buttons, number buttons, etc ...
But I've now figured out a way to stop this behaviour ...
To handle the MCE device Windows loads a series of device drivers onto the system.
The main driver is the USB device driver, it provides access to the MCE device. Without it you can't use the device at all.
There are also a series of Human Interface Device (HID) drivers that are there to translate raw information from the USB device into remote button presses, keyboard and mouse inputs.
You can't disable the HID drivers but you can alter their settings to prevent them from acting on the button presses coming from the remote.
This process should work on all version of Windows that support the Microsoft eHome Infrared Transceiver. I've tested on Windows XP Pro and Windows Vista Home Premium and it worked on both.
However, please note that HIP, Girder and EventGhost can't use the default Windows eHome driver in Vista. On Windows XP these programs are fine, but these programs need the Replacement driver for Vista and I haven't been able to get the Replacement driver to work on 64-bit Vista yet, only 32-bit Vista.
How to ...

Load "regedit.exe" and navigate to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\HidIr\Remotes\745a17a0-74d3-11d0-b6fe-00a0c90f57da
Then delete the keys from "CodeSetNum0" to "CodeSetNum3".
To make sure you can recover these keys easily should you want to you should save them by using the export function in the file menu.
Once the registry has been changed you will need to reboot for the change to take effect.
This same process can be applied to disable automatic keyboard handling. Just look at the other registry sections under the "Remotes" sections.
Now if you ever want to re-enable the automatic handling of the MCE Remote and MCE Keyboard you just need to put those registry keys back.


I tried this to get the replacement MCE remote driver to work with eventghost in Vista (it works without any special tweaking in XP) but it still doesn't register any keypresses in eventghost. Do you know any other special tricks of how its working in vista (32-bit)?

@Bonejob: I tried DVDs at home and it works without any problems. try taking the libdvdcss-2.dll from the 13859 build maybe you mixed it with a t3ch release?
I really dunno what else it might be.
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WiSo Wrote:@Bonejob: I tried DVDs at home and it works without any problems. try taking the libdvdcss-2.dll from the 13859 build maybe you mixed it with a t3ch release?
I really dunno what else it might be.

I just tried this, same issue. I installed the 14125 version on my workstation it works great for playing DVD's. Who is the DVD lead, I would like to dig into this even further.

I am going to install Ubuntu and try th elinux version see if I get the same thing.

WiSo Wrote:@Bonejob: I tried DVDs at home and it works without any problems. try taking the libdvdcss-2.dll from the 13859 build maybe you mixed it with a t3ch release?
I really dunno what else it might be.

i have try change the libdvdcss-2.dll with the old version or t3ch.the rev 14125 dont want play my dvd Sad
sandos Wrote:Is there any documentation on how irss works? I copied an irssmap.xml from here on the forum, but my remote is not working at all.

Thanks, done that (and installed "replacement MCE remote driver (osbolete)" and IRSS now detects my keys, and MCE does not start anymore.

Now I need to get XBMC to connect to IRSS. Because now nothing works in XBMC, only the IRSS debug client.
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XBMC for Windows, rev 141250