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[MOD] Aeon Hitched - Signing out
Hitcher Wrote:I decided to have a look at adding the Fixedlist today and, even though I can see the need not to duplicate items in a list, I really found the look of a Fixedlist off putting (uneven empty space/icon layout) so I've come up with a compromise. Now the layout will change depending on the number of items in the list so as to keep everything layout perfectly.

Let me know what you think.


Really nice, if it's optional. Is it?
+1 on the optional...
Not yet, I just got it working and wanted feedback ASAP.
Looks good, the only thing problem I can find so far is that the 16:9 season thumbs aren't centered like the poster ones. They're aligned to the left.
Ignore this Laugh
jalesm Wrote:Looks good, the only thing problem I can find so far is that the 16:9 season thumbs aren't centered like the poster ones. They're aligned to the left.
Damn, I knew I'd forget something -try it with 'TV Posters Off'. Rolleyes
Looks fine to me.
Hitcher Wrote:That's exactly what it's meant to bring up - the icon with three lines is the 'Playlist'.

I see, I see. Well, thank you for the help. Is there a menu that can pop up on screen (besides the video calibration menu)? I remember there being one, but maybe, I'm too many MODs in. Smile
Fixed now.

The only thing I find odd now is the little title widget disappearing on the selected item. Does anyone thing I should keep it shown for all items?
Hitcher Wrote:Fixed now.

The only thing I find odd now is the little title widget disappearing on the selected item. Does anyone thing I should keep it shown for all items?

Thanks, all better now.

As for widget, I agree it looks weird in this format. I could do without it, but I understand why people need it. You can make it optional like the watched overlays or remake it into something a little more subtle. Like an overlay with the season number.episode number in the corner or something.
Hitcher Wrote:No idea, sorry.

Maybe ask Leeuw here -

[MOD] List View Rev2 (Low List)

Cheers, thanks for the awesome skin too btw, I was always a strict Mediastream user for years previously. Smile
Hitcher Wrote:Not yet, I just got it working and wanted feedback ASAP.

I like it alot...Great work again

Great work on this skin.

Your "Mediafire" media.part2.rar fails with a crc error.

Downloaded twice.


Any possibility of adding the scrolling by letter functionality to Aeon? I really like this function and it allows you to scroll through a larger library faster.


Great job so far Hitcher!
Well, gut update, but, I don´t know if is only me, when I go to Settigns, I see the hole menu(font) a little to big for the graphic, I mean, settings > menu(settings), the lnks are too out of the graphics..
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[MOD] Aeon Hitched - Signing out11