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[RELEASE] LiveOnlineFooty.com - Watch premium sports streaming services with XBMC
Jan it's not working on the xbox. I tried it a few days ago. If you can get it working it would be absolutely awesome! Vielen Dank!

Wenn du die plugin funktioniert kannst, bin ich sehr glucklich!

You have a account !
please install it and give the link from debug log on my PM on xbmc4xbox!

Grüße Jan
VanDan, did you update your librtmp?
I had an older build of XBMC4XBOX installed on my XBOX and with that I updated the libRTMP.dll and installed your fixed plugin. I got a script error. I still got a script error when I installed the updated LOF plugin on my current build but without libRTMP.dll updated.
on moment it have nothing to do with lib rtmp.dll
VanZan you have on your xbmc4xbox no addon_data directory with the cookifile on it i have on moment not more Time and i look a little later!
But say you have updated librtmp.dll from KSV/Svenpenn?
When yes i will have a copy !
on moment is the problem that can not create (write-read) the cookifile!
And without it can not works - i think that is not a great problem but i look later!
On moment you can help a little self please look on your log and create on xbmc /userdata a addon_data a Folder with a Folder plugin.video.lof on this Folder will lof create and read the cookifile .
Look on you log and create a file with the correct name from wanted cookifile (name on log).
Then run it again and give a new debug log onmy xbmc4xbox PM.

Regards Jan
@ Eldorado
@ VanZan

i have fix it a little bit the default py
that problem with cooki lwp it solved!
VanZan delete your old default.py and ftp the new to your xbox and then run again!
Eldorado can you have a look on my changes and add this to your Version of lof?

VanZan look it again and when it not works give a new debug log to my PM on xbmc4xbox!

Regards Jan (skatulskijean)
Odd, I would have figured that folder would already exist since it's the same where the addon settings get stored.. maybe the old xbmc version writes it elsewhere?

yes !
and this fixes it!


i have write a post on XBMChub i hope you can help with metahandler problem on xbmc4xbox!

Regards Jan (skatulskijean)

And thanks for your Work!
Crap, I'm using OpenELEC so I've no idea how to compile librtmp to work on it. :-(
Hi Eldorado,
For some reason xbmchub won't let me register so i'm posting here. I've followed the instructions for windows;
1. update librtmp files. (i copied all over)
2. installed LoF and then overwrite with https://github.com/downloads/Eldorados/r...-2.0.4.zip

plugin script error: http://pastebin.com/xnW20vif i'm afraid.

I'd appreciate any ideas and would happily buy you a pint for fixing LoF. You'll be making a load of peeps happy come the new season.
I think they might have changed their pages.. AGAIN.. they just keep fiddling

Unfortunately the account I was using was a friends and he forgot to renew last week, I'm bugging him to renew then I can take a peak

Has anyone been able to compile the latest librtmp source for ATV yet?
I downloaded the latest patched rtmpdump, compiled and installed it (first in /usr/local, then in /usr just to make sure) and I still retrieve the same error:

08:03:01 T:31816320 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: Opening: rtmp://lofooty.foo-net.com/lofooty-flash/play?key=lofooty-.4fefe813a77c60.07814275&pass=90f567e1b4ed579e170c39120fdd0574 playpath=channel10.stream app=lofooty-flash/play?key=lofooty-.4fefe813a77c60.07814275&pass=90f567e1b4ed579e170c39120fdd0574 pageURL=http://www.dhmediahosting.com/watchlive/channel10.php swfUrl=http://lofooty-swf.foo-net.com/secure-player-licensed.swf live=true
08:03:01 T:31816320 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player):Tongueut MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
08:03:01 T:3057646400 NOTICE: Creating InputStream
08:03:02 T:3057646400 ERROR: Closing connection: NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound
08:03:02 T:3057646400 ERROR: CDVDPlayer::OpenInputStream - error opening [rtmp://lofooty.foo-net.com/lofooty-flash/play?key=lofooty-.4fefe813a77c60.07814275&pass=90f567e1b4ed579e170c39120fdd0574 playpath=channel10.stream app=lofooty-flash/play?key=lofooty-.4fefe813a77c60.07814275&pass=90f567e1b4ed579e170c39120fdd0574 pageURL=http://www.dhmediahosting.com/watchlive/channel10.php swfUrl=http://lofooty-swf.foo-net.com/secure-player-licensed.swf live=true]
08:03:02 T:3057646400 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit()
08:03:02 T:3057646400 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit() deleting input stream
08:03:02 T:31816320 ERROR: Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: 0, path [plugin://plugin.video.lof/?url=http://www.dhmediahosting.com/watchlive/channel10.php&mode=5&name=Channel+10]
08:03:02 T:31816320 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::CloseFile()

As a Python programmer, if I can get this working I'm happy to help fix any bugs in the lof-plugin in the future. But I'm not a C-programmer so understanding what's going on in librtmp isn't anything I feel is realistic. :-)
Just so you all know.

I've updated the repo with Eldorado's version. But for it to work you'll need to get/compile a recent version of librtmp for your platform for the streams to work. The version in the repo has also added Channel 13 which is Sky Sports F1. All seemed to be working with the plugin for me this evening.

Thanks for bringing LoF on XBMC back from the dead Eldorado!
Hmm, i've installed from the repo and with the 2.4 rtmpdump files and i get a script error.


If Eldorado's willing to take a look i'd be extremely grateful. If you need a user account to experiment with pm me.
I currently don't have an active account, waiting on a friend to renew his

Were you trying to play a channel that actively has something playing? Good chance they changed something on their site yet again..
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[RELEASE] LiveOnlineFooty.com - Watch premium sports streaming services with XBMC5