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[RELEASE] Rom Collection Browser - Browse and launch emulator game ROMs
Looks nice aside from the fanart's aspect ratio. :p
@mcborzu: Very nice! Thanks a lot again.

carabalb Wrote:Another idea to handle alternate titles might be to do a reverse lookup. In my case some of my games have alternate names but are not sequels (example: When scraping the rom name: "Zool - Ninja of the 'Nth' Dimension" the only match was "Zool" which had ~ .2 ratio)

For games with no matches greater or equal to the fuzzy ratio (.7 by default), if we could do a reverse look-up where we find "Zool" within "Zool - Ninja of 'Nth' Dimension" that could tell us whether its an alternative title.

Ofcourse this could bring other problems especially with sequels, but I'd thought I'd throw it out there as a possible idea . And I completely agree w/ Tomkun, this is definitely my favorite script for XBMC.
I am working on this part of scraping atm and I hope these will be the last changes that the whole game matching needs. But searching for partially file names also is a bit dangerous and may lead to wrong results. I have to do some more tests with it.

HollywoodZero Wrote:I've used the synopsis.txt file for SNES that you gave to us and I wonder why you refer to roms with their crc ? Why don't you just use the clean names provided by the goodsnes tool ? It would make more sens to let GoodTools do the rename/check/crc validation job and to let RCB just use those "standard" game names. This would be easier to know which file the synopsis.txt links to and would be easier if we were all using same rom names. This would avoid you to do an algorithm to detect the difference between Mortal Kombat II and Mortal Kombat 2. Just show all found Goodxxx games name in the RCB list and that's all.

I did not build these files myself, I just got permission from the xtras team to publish them. But I like to do this with crc values as I don't think that everybody uses the GoodTools and they are not available for all systems. So there will always be lot of users with different file names and I don't want to force them to rename their roms. And even with the tools I have to use some special game matching algorithms as I don't have any control about the available data on the scraped sites.

Quote:Then in the config.xml it could be nice to specify the type of rom we prefer when there are multiple available for a game : 1: (E) 2: (U) 3: [!] 4: (J) so when the game is launched, RCB try to launch the european version (E) but if not available the US version (U) if not available the [!], then the Japanese (J) etc.
This coud be an option when I add quakes .7z patch. RCB can ask for the game to launch or use this config. Will add this to my list.

Quote:It would be nice also to have the artworks files using the Goodxxx names so it would be easier to update the sets and find what is missing.
I don't understand. If your artwork files and the rom files are named the same, this should already work. And when RCB downloads artwork it names the files the same as the rom file. Or maybe I just misunderstand this one?

And just a hint: After importing games you will find a file "scrapeResult_missingArtwork.txt" in your user folder. Maybe this is a good start to check the completeness of your collection.
mcborzu Wrote:Alrighty got "The Carmichael" support done:


I love that you make these additions to your skins! Big Grin
www.emuxtras.net | EFnet #EmuXtras
ghostelement Wrote:Hey, first of all, thanks for all the hard work you've done with your site! Smile
I totally agree with you about there being only one site instead of multiple ones with the same info. I've reached out to the creator of thevideogamedb a couple times, but he's never responded to me. What info is currently capable of being scraped off of your site right now? Would you be able to do any kind of db dump that I could just import? Thanks again for all the help.

Well all the items are freely accessible via http on that site now atm, although there are no scraper-api of any kind (and it won't be). Hit me up on efnet (#ressurectionxtras) and i'll access you to the content in a more.. Organized fashion Smile

About a db dump. Not really a problem, we'll talk about it on efnet as i loathe doing these sort of things on forum posts and pm's (hope that is not a problem Smile)

In short; I'll be happy to help in whatever way I can Smile
www.emuxtras.net | EFnet #EmuXtras
New test version: 0.7.9.

  • scraping improvements: changes to sequel handling and support for alternate titles
  • some more encoding fixes (thanks to jimyx17)
  • bugfix: removing (...) and [...] from game name before game search did not work (thanks again to carabalb)
  • bugfix: handling of rom names with trailing ", The" did not work in previous version (same bug as with removing [...])
  • bugfix: import images that contain [...] in the filename (thanks to HollywoodZero for reporting this one)

The new scraping logic finds a lot more games than the previous one. In my current test set I did not find any mismatches and only one game that could be scraped with the previous version but not with the new one ("Alien III" is called "Alien3" at mobygames and I don't search for sequel numbers without leading " ").

Alternate title searching checks if the complete name of your rom file is found in the result of the scraped site. Additionally it checks if the result on the scraped site includes ":" or "-". I think this is the safest way to check for partially matching game names.

Sequel handling also checks if the sequel numbers are matching (e.g. prevent "Breath of Fire I" being matched with "Breath of Fire IV"). All sequel handling stuff will only work if the sequel number is found at the end of the "friendly" rom name (after removing extension, [...] and (...)).

I have to do some more tests with a larger collection but I think this is stable enough to ask for help with testing.

Thanks Malte! Great work!
Well firstly great job with this. I've been on a Googling marathon for the past few hours learning about RomCollectionBrowser, resurrectionxtras, thegamedb etc.

My ideal situation, and what I believe is the ultimate goal for most (correct me if I'm wrong), is to have a way to import ROMs into XBMC and have all that lovely meta data fetched automatically. Maybe even a system to "link" emulators to XBMC with RCB having all the command line variables etc needed for the most popular ones.

After some research I find resurrectionxtras which sounds awesome except that the target machine is the XBOX. I get it, use that and everybody has the same hardware. I figure I can just download the ROMs I want from resurrectionxtras and configure RCB to get all the data from there. I'm not sure if this is doable plus I don't have a demonoid account!

So I'm left really impressed with all the work that has gone into these projects but disappointed that a more friendly system is so close but not there yet.

Am I missing something? Are there plans for scraper integration in RCB? Would the resurrectionxtras torrents be compatible with RCB (after creating a suitable config.xml)? Are there any other options?

Thanks for any help I get and sorry for the noob-like post, we've all been noobs at some point remember!
luke255 Wrote:Well firstly great job with this. I've been on a Googling marathon for the past few hours learning about RomCollectionBrowser, resurrectionxtras, thegamedb etc.

My ideal situation, and what I believe is the ultimate goal for most (correct me if I'm wrong), is to have a way to import ROMs into XBMC and have all that lovely meta data fetched automatically. Maybe even a system to "link" emulators to XBMC with RCB having all the command line variables etc needed for the most popular ones.

After some research I find resurrectionxtras which sounds awesome except that the target machine is the XBOX. I get it, use that and everybody has the same hardware. I figure I can just download the ROMs I want from resurrectionxtras and configure RCB to get all the data from there. I'm not sure if this is doable plus I don't have a demonoid account!

So I'm left really impressed with all the work that has gone into these projects but disappointed that a more friendly system is so close but not there yet.

Am I missing something? Are there plans for scraper integration in RCB? Would the resurrectionxtras torrents be compatible with RCB (after creating a suitable config.xml)? Are there any other options?

Thanks for any help I get and sorry for the noob-like post, we've all been noobs at some point remember!

I know this is a long thread, but all your answers are contained herein. I'll answer the best I can.

Quote:Am I missing something?
Yes. I think you must be using the version in the XBMC repository. It's been greatly improved since that version.

Quote:Are there plans for scraper integration in RCB?
There are already scrapers built in to the latest version. (The version in the XBMC repository is not the latest version.)

Quote:Would the resurrectionxtras torrents be compatible with RCB (after creating a suitable config.xml)?
Yes, they are totally compatible.

Quote:Are there any other options?
There are many many options, although I think that resurrectionxtras is the easiest. Especially if you are starting from scratch.
Thanks for the great reply :-) I'll be looking into getting the latest version paired with resx archives. Emulator Nirvana just got a little closer!
luke255 Wrote:After some research I find resurrectionxtras which sounds awesome except that the target machine is the XBOX. I get it, use that and everybody has the same hardware. I figure I can just download the ROMs I want from resurrectionxtras and configure RCB to get all the data from there. I'm not sure if this is doable plus I don't have a demonoid account!

We made the Xtras for XBOX in the first place, but the collection of metadata, artwork etc is open for use elsewhere aswell so that's not a problem Smile

About downloads they should be available on usenet aswell. There will be some news about the whereabouts and howtoget xtras in the next coming weeks as we have some stuff going on.
www.emuxtras.net | EFnet #EmuXtras
luke255 Wrote:Thanks for the great reply :-) I'll be looking into getting the latest version paired with resx archives. Emulator Nirvana just got a little closer!

Nice to see more people join in and expressing the wish for a "emu nirvana" Big Grin
www.emuxtras.net | EFnet #EmuXtras
wimpy Wrote:Nice to see more people join in and expressing the wish for a "emu nirvana" Big Grin

I thought you already are thereSmile
0.7.9 is marked as the featured version from now on. I already sent a pull request and I hope it may go into the repo soon.

Changes since last featured version (0.6.1):

Online Scraping
* scraping game information and artwork from various online sources
* current available scrapers: thevideogamedb.com, thegamesdb.net, giantbomb.com, mobygames.com
* scraped artwork types: boxfront, boxback, cartridge, screenshot and fanart
* create local nfo files while scraping
* option to reimport local nfo files (possibility to add or edit game properties)
* create scrape result files (missing artwork, missing descriptions, possible mismatches)

* startup configuration wizard (create config.xml with most common options)
* configure global settings via Addon Settings page
* refactoring of config.xml structure
* config.xml will be read at every start: no need to import settings anymore

I also started to rework the Wiki. There are some more things to do but most pages are already up to date.

Thanks a lot to all people helping out with testing, bug reporting and bug fixingSmile

Have fun,
Is there any way to have a static background for all roms in a collection in the mainview for example? Everytime i try to define a media path with a specific image name like "snesbackground.png" doesn't work, but %GAME% does.
Hi All,

Sorry to interject, but has anyone in this thread tried the Advanced Launcher Application (ALA)?

It looks like it provides a similar feature set and I was merely curious as to what experience ALA provides versus RCB.

The addition of a full-featured ROM browser seems to be in full swing, as both ALA and RCB are on the front page of the Script Devel page! Big Grin
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[RELEASE] Rom Collection Browser - Browse and launch emulator game ROMs20