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[ARCHIVED - WON'T UPDATE] XSqueeze - Squeezebox player for XBMC
Sorry Stupid question here:

I have set up XSqueeze on raspbmc, LMS on a sinology NAS.

Is it required that I load the addon and leave it running in the foreground of XBMC in order to send music to that player? Is it not possible to run the service in the background so I can send music to player whenever it is on?

I ask because I am automating my house and have multiple RPIs around the house to act as media players.... I didn't intend to have dedicated separate RPIs constantly running with the XSqueeze addon in the foreground for my whole house audio solution, rather just that they were each running XBMC with a bunch of available services such as DLNA and airplay running in the background.

My main purpose for needing XSqueeze was to have the ability to sync audio across the house, I didn't intend for it to take over all my XBMC instances, or am I missing something in how to better use this add-on?

many thanks for any help
Sounds like you just want squeezelite running in the background rather than xbmc w. xsqueeze...
Addons I wrote &/or maintain:
OzWeather (Australian BOM weather) | Check Previous Episode | Playback Resumer | Unpause Jumpback | XSqueezeDisplay | (Legacy - XSqueeze & XZen)
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Thanks very much for your reply Bossanova!

I agree squeezelite in the background seems sensible, but I believe then it won't be acting in concert with XBMC will it? I'm surprised that even most users aren't looking for this behaviour so maybe there's an obvious solution here I'm stupidly missing.

I'm trying to install this as part of a full house entertainment system. I have three RPIs on raspbmc outputting to amps/TVs around the house and I want to get the squeeze system working so inside XBMC I can get:

- synchronised audio around the house
- streaming services like spotify, also sync'ed

If I get squeezelite running behind xbmc but nothing running within XBMC, if someone is using that RPI and I send audio to it, won't it make the audio output completely corrupted because XMBC won't stop what its already playing? If I have a squeezelite service running in the background and someone uses it then XBMC won't know to stop what its currently playing.... I'm looking for behaviour more similar to the integrated DLNA support that XMBC supports, where I can send music from my squeeze server to the RPI and it will stop playing whatever it is doing and go automatically into the remote instruction to start streaming what my squeeze server is sending it.

Is that currently possible with the combination of solutions that are out there at the moment? Can I integrate squeezelite into XBMC front end itself perhaps? Or maybe get xbmc to stop playing and start using the XSqueeze addon? Surprised this isn't what most users are looking for.
XSqueeze can do this but it's a hack, not an integrated XBMC player. I don't think it is right for you.

Also, Pis are crap and underpowered, so they don't really work that well with XSqueeze except for very simple playback.

You probably want to wait for (if ever) xbmc gets some sort of synchronised audio support. It won't work well because software players suck at it, most likely.

Most users probably ARE looking for it, it just doesn't exist as such and Pis are the wrong hardware for this, I'd say.
Addons I wrote &/or maintain:
OzWeather (Australian BOM weather) | Check Previous Episode | Playback Resumer | Unpause Jumpback | XSqueezeDisplay | (Legacy - XSqueeze & XZen)
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Ok thanks very much for the advice, I'll start thinking about other more heavy duty solutions. Do you think mini pcs with VLC would be able to achieve this, or should I be looking at dedicated audio solutions like Nuvo and the like, which unfortunately will mean I cant have a single solution for both audio and video on the same device?

thanks again for your help
To get good sync, you really need hardware - so squeezebox, sonos, olive one etc (I am going tro try one of these myself once they're finally out) - I think a combo deviec will alwyas mean software audio, which always means variable latency, which always means poor sync.

Also - do you need a TV on when you just want to play music?

Anyway - bit out of my sphere here. Maybe someone else will chip in.

Also for others - I note the latest OE beta has changes to alsa compiling, might help with the problems.
Addons I wrote &/or maintain:
OzWeather (Australian BOM weather) | Check Previous Episode | Playback Resumer | Unpause Jumpback | XSqueezeDisplay | (Legacy - XSqueeze & XZen)
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Hi Guys,

I have side loaded xbmc on my Ouya. Everything seems to run fine. But I have been unable to get xsqueeze to load. The Add-on is enabled and configured to point to my LMS, but getting error "failed to created player process".

I have added Xsqueeze to my music shortcuts... Any ideas?

See that first paragraph about platform support detail in the wiki? Kinda important, that one - note the lack of Android/Ouya

I don't know much about the platorm - maybe it's arm? In which case I'd need a python way of identifying the platform and then I can hook it in...

Note: Local playback means playback on the local machine as a full Squeezebox emulator using Squeezeslave or Squeezelite - i.e all formats & plugins those external players support - using Squeezelite you can even have easy Spotify support!
Note: Controller only means visualisation of an existing Squeezebox or software player, with control, and music choosing, but no playback

Windows, Linux, Openelec, OSX, Apple TV1 (Crystalbuntu) - Full support including local playback
ARM/Raspberry Pi - In theory full support if your distro has ALSA (in progress - please test and report back in the thread, see notes below!)
ATV2/iOS - Controller mode supported, no local playback support
Addons I wrote &/or maintain:
OzWeather (Australian BOM weather) | Check Previous Episode | Playback Resumer | Unpause Jumpback | XSqueezeDisplay | (Legacy - XSqueeze & XZen)
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(2013-07-12, 11:54)bossanova808 Wrote: See that first paragraph about platform support detail in the wiki? Kinda important, that one - note the lack of Android/Ouya

I don't know much about the platorm - maybe it's arm? In which case I'd need a python way of identifying the platform and then I can hook it in...

You would also need a squeezelite/slave binary for android... which I have not seen available.

This is something I do not think you'll ever get to work correctly, since android hardware varies so much. The only way to do it would probably create an add-on that uses the native XBMC players.
Sorry, I didn't notice that android wasn't supported.

Ouya is a tegra 3 chipset which integrates an ARM architecture central processing unit.

If Ouya became popular, would any further development happen?
If someone produces a squeezelite for android that works on the ouya (ask triode @ the LMS squeezebox forums - he's the developer) - then I am happy enough to bring it into XSqueeze - basically I just need a python way of identifying the platform, and a working binary. After that it should jsut work like the rest.

But I'm really busy these days - happy to integrate it or accept a pull request, but not going to do the research etc. myself for hardware I don't have Smile
Addons I wrote &/or maintain:
OzWeather (Australian BOM weather) | Check Previous Episode | Playback Resumer | Unpause Jumpback | XSqueezeDisplay | (Legacy - XSqueeze & XZen)
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Good day, this program add-on has works great and is very powerful.

One issue though is that with the Transparency Skin, the mouse controls along the bottom of the screen.

It works fine in Confluence. Has this bee n reported yet, and if not is there anything that can be done to address this so that XSqueeze can work with Transparency skin, or should I direct this better to the those that maintain the skin?

Thank you.
Glad you like it.

Well it's one simple XML file - you could ask Ronie to make a transparency version - or you could modify the existing one and then I could incorporate it back into the addon
Addons I wrote &/or maintain:
OzWeather (Australian BOM weather) | Check Previous Episode | Playback Resumer | Unpause Jumpback | XSqueezeDisplay | (Legacy - XSqueeze & XZen)
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First, thanks for the great plugin, but i have one issue?

I have connected my raspbmc to my TV using HDMI, both picture and audio works fine when using squeezeslave.

However how can i get the oudio out using the anlog output that is connected to my amplifier? I have tried all audio settings within XBMC, nothing seems to work.


You'd need to add a command line paramater to squeezeslave in the xsqueeze settings. Get it working from the command line then add the same paramaters to XSqueeze.

The player is external to xbmc so nothing you do there will effect it.
Addons I wrote &/or maintain:
OzWeather (Australian BOM weather) | Check Previous Episode | Playback Resumer | Unpause Jumpback | XSqueezeDisplay | (Legacy - XSqueeze & XZen)
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[ARCHIVED - WON'T UPDATE] XSqueeze - Squeezebox player for XBMC3