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Release script.skinshortcuts
OK, Thank you.

One problem that one of my skin users has send me:
after my latest skin update, he gets 25 empty menus, and he needs to scroll down until he see his 'real' menus.
In the management dialog he has only his "real" ones, and the empty ones are not showing..

any chance that you know the Cause\solution? (I already send him to reset the skin, but maybe its a bug that we need to fix)
Phenomenal™ Skin • ForumWebsiteGitHub
Pretty much impossible to say without seeing a full debug log showing the menu build, and probably seeing a copy of the offending .DATA.xml file too.

It's possible its a bug, though I can't say its one I've ever seen. It's also possible its an override having an unexpected effect. It could equally just be some strange configuration on the users system.
Hi Bob, not sure This has been talked before but I would like to set a default custom property to all my main menu items at skin switch or shortcuts reset.

As explained in docs :

<propertydefault labelID="[LabelID]" group="[GroupName]" property="[Property]">[Property Value]</propertydefault>

But LabelID seems to be required. Does that mean I have to set all of them individually to apply the same settings ?
[Skin] KOver - V1.1.0 Stable (Repo version)
[WIP] ReKOver - Skinning tool project

If I've been helpful or you like my work, hit "THANK USER" button ;) ...
It's been requested before, but its not something I've looked into implementing (and right now I'm concentrating on other projects, so am only making very minor changes/fixes to the script.) As-is, there's no way to set a default to all items. Unless you can find someone interested in coding it/are willing to wait until I get to it, the way around it is to check if the custom property is empty, and if so treat it like it's set to the default you want. I know that's more work skin-side, but it has the advantage that it will also work for people switching between versions of the script.
(2015-10-23, 16:55)BobCratchett Wrote: It's been requested before, but its not something I've looked into implementing (and right now I'm concentrating on other projects, so am only making very minor changes/fixes to the script.) As-is, there's no way to set a default to all items. Unless you can find someone interested in coding it/are willing to wait until I get to it, the way around it is to check if the custom property is empty, and if so treat it like it's set to the default you want. I know that's more work skin-side, but it has the advantage that it will also work for people switching between versions of the script.
That's what I thought. No pb Bob. I will try to set them all then. Thanks for the answer. Good luck for your others projects Smile
[Skin] KOver - V1.1.0 Stable (Repo version)
[WIP] ReKOver - Skinning tool project

If I've been helpful or you like my work, hit "THANK USER" button ;) ...
I have a few suggestions for new shortcuts:
- Live-TV-widget 1: Favourite Channels
Here the User can setup different channels from different grous and play them after selecting
- Live-TV-widget 2: Last recordings
display the last X recordings and show the info (date recorded, channel, EPG-entry etc.)
- Live-TV-widget 3: ChannelGroup selection
display the ChannelGroups and open it after selecting.

I'm Posting this here, because of Mr. V said so Wink
(2015-10-24, 03:53)Mr. V Wrote: For the widgets available. This will be handled by the ones built into skin.shortcuts. If you want a bunch more then skin helper service is the way to go. I don't have any intention of adding any myself as between these two plugins they cover everything.
The post is here: http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=...pid2141492

Thx for thinking about it.
Philips TV with Kodi 20.2 with IPTV --- Orbsmart 500 Android 21 alpha/beta as Online-radio/TV in the kitchen
(2015-10-24, 11:45)Solo0815 Wrote: I have a few suggestions for new shortcuts:
- Live-TV-widget 1: Favourite Channels
Here the User can setup different channels from different grous and play them after selecting
- Live-TV-widget 2: Last recordings
display the last X recordings and show the info (date recorded, channel, EPG-entry etc.)
- Live-TV-widget 3: ChannelGroup selection
display the ChannelGroups and open it after selecting.

I'm Posting this here, because of Mr. V said so Wink
(2015-10-24, 03:53)Mr. V Wrote: For the widgets available. This will be handled by the ones built into skin.shortcuts. If you want a bunch more then skin helper service is the way to go. I don't have any intention of adding any myself as between these two plugins they cover everything.
The post is here: http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=...pid2141492

Thx for thinking about it.
I think this is the wrong thread. He meant this one
Skin.Helper has SkinShortcuts integration. SkinShortcuts only displays widgets, it doesn't handle the content. Skin.Helper does.
[Skin] KOver - V1.1.0 Stable (Repo version)
[WIP] ReKOver - Skinning tool project

If I've been helpful or you like my work, hit "THANK USER" button ;) ...
Thx @Jayz2K
I posted a FR in skin.helper-thread also. If this is the wrong thread, please ignore the FR.
Philips TV with Kodi 20.2 with IPTV --- Orbsmart 500 Android 21 alpha/beta as Online-radio/TV in the kitchen
@tomer953, can you please test PR 91 - as discussed it allows you to override the behaviour of GUI 308 (restore shortcuts). See here for details.

Though I know you're only interested in <alwaysReset />, it would be appreciated if you could test <alwaysRestore /> and without any overrides just to ensure it all works correctly. Once it's been tested and confirmed working, I'll merge it Smile
Great, ill test it tomorrow.

another thing, I just notice, that after I choose widget, the dialogkeyboard appear. and it let me choose the widget name. is it new?
any way to control it? (force to appear\not appear)


later I will check how to deal with RTL languages, because when you insert RTL titles to the virtual keyboard - kodi is inserting them flipped.. "test" -> "tset"
I wrote some solution to Phil with extended info, I think we can apply similar thing here as well.
Phenomenal™ Skin • ForumWebsiteGitHub
Yes it's new (and discussed earlier in this thread) - see "What's new for skinners" for the git version in readme.md for notice that the behaviour has changed, and a link to the docs on how to prevent it Wink

Edit:- (Look forward to your info on RTL languages. I'll say it now though - obviously without having seen your proposals - that my belief is that managing RTL isn't something scripts should be doing, but rather should be handled by Kodi itself (whenever we're getting text input from Kodi's Python API), and I personally won't be keen on putting in workarounds if - as my belief is - the issue isn't actually with this script. Obvious it's not something I've looked into, so if it IS something that should be handled on a script level, then so be it)

Edit 2:- Assuming, of course, that Kodi is also responsible for RTL display on output as well.... - by which I mean if this example (which takes input from Kodi and then displays it) displays RTL the wrong way around, then to my mind this is a Kodi issue and needs to be fixed in core, and not a script issue which needs to be worked around.
You are absolutely right. This is kodi problem, and my code is totally a workaround.
I keep reporting Rtl problems: http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=...pid2055209
And nothing is really happening with it...
So meanwhile, workarround is all I have. (Im using kodi since version 9, and this bug is since day one)
So in the end - its your decision to make.
Thanks anyway.
Phenomenal™ Skin • ForumWebsiteGitHub
Nope, not my decision to make. I'm just a contributor to this script. Don't get me wrong, if you create a PR with the fixes I will -1 as it's a Kodi issue, but that doesn't mean that one of the othe people with merge rights won't agree with the PR and get it included. (Particularly if you can get others who are actually experiencing the issue to weigh on in the PR as to why it should be accepted).

My only recommendation for getting it fixed in core, other than to keep pushing it (at reasonable intervals) is to make sure you've also reported in on Trac. And, again, getting others to weigh in that its actually causing them issues can't hurt... Wink

Edit:- Also just looked at the thread you linked to, which is the skin requests thread. Whilst I'm sure you've already reported it elsewhere, to my mind this also isn't a skin issue. It's a CORE issue, and needs to be reported as such (the Kodi Application forum...?) Wink
@tomer953, please note we're looking at doing a repo update sooner rather than later on the repo for the script, so it's likely that the overrides to 308 will now be included in the next major version after the repo push.
OK I downloaded the git version, and testet:

without any changes in my current overrides - I get script error:

and the same one appear with:

I will able to test it again only later today\tomorrow.

Small note: github site is ignoring the < /> tags when you put them in the readme for some reason, so they are showing only if you download the file to pc..
Phenomenal™ Skin • ForumWebsiteGitHub
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