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clubwerks Wrote:I have no idea. I've honestly never shut down XBMC from within the program. If I do need to shut it down, I use the windows key to escape back to my desktop and use the task manager to shut it down, which works 100% of the time. Any other method I've found to be about 75/25 that I'm actually getting back to my desktop.

I'm running an OpenElec version on a Zotac Fusion box which doesn't provide a proper hibernate etc. so for me it should shutdown (which it did when i installed it a few weeks ago)
isamu.dragon Wrote:I use from 25 september and it works fine

Before I reverted (had the nightly from the 26th of september) I tried the new nightly - from the 3rd of October - and it worked.

And not only did it work, they've fixed the last things that REALLY bugged me.
Thumb and fanart loading while scrolling in Showcase mode (and every other mode, I presume) is now instant. No longer do I have to scroll a few movies and wait for the thumbs to load.

And when changing fanart or thumbs, in the infoview, the catalogue from MovieDB (or TVDB) is now instantly loaded too. (ofc, if you've got a slow internet connection, you've got a slow internet connection).

clubwerks Wrote:I have no idea. I've honestly never shut down XBMC from within the program. If I do need to shut it down, I use the windows key to escape back to my desktop and use the task manager to shut it down, which works 100% of the time. Any other method I've found to be about 75/25 that I'm actually getting back to my desktop.

hmmm if there is a shutdown function, this function should work without switching to a windowmanager and calling shutdown from taskmanager, otherwise this button can be removed completly... whats the problem? it works in confluence, why not on other skins? if i need to shutdown/restart a system it should work in the most easy way for the user.
greetings, Stephan


The problem is, and it appears to be a very common problem, or was a common problem. When you would exit Dharma/MQ2 with shutdown or even by trying to minimize from fullscreen with \, the screen would just go black for a long time and maybe never exit at all, which would require a hard reboot. So, out of habit, I hit the windows key which 100% of the time exits to desktop. I have however noticed that pre Eden/MQ3 does not appear to have this black screen on exit problem but old habits die hard.
So we can't actually change the default shutdown behavior but always need to use the submenu item to actually shutdown the system or can we?
locomot1f Wrote:i'm having issues. seems that on the home page it's not linking to the images. everything else works fine -- once i click on weather, the maps and all the forecasts work... just the animated images aren't showing.
i have the path correct. it works fine on other skins.

i'm on ATV 2; nightly builds.

still wondering if this skin is enabled to allow for the animated weather images...? there is an option for it. but whenever i select to use it, i get nothing. I know I have it installed correctly, because the images show up fine in other skins. Again, everything else with weather plus works fine (maps and forecasts).
Linux Mint 18 LTS 64-bit - Kodi 17 Beta6
Odroid-C2 - Libreelec v7.90.009
You need to download Extrapack Weather. Then just unpack and set the path in skin.

This package contains the images based on current conditions and also the animated icons.


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Would it be possible to add the following feature at MQ3.

At the mainmenu you can go left or right continously, sometimes (read a lot) I miss the the destination where I want to be several times in a row. Would be possible that you can turn off the continously looping?

I noticed with eden that it just stops when you are at then end, would be cool if MQ can do the same.
schumi2004 Wrote:So we can't actually change the default shutdown behavior but always need to use the submenu item to actually shutdown the system or can we?

I'm running MQ3 on one of the earlier nightly builds 020911 and I've set Shutdown in system/power settings to shutdown my W7 laptop and it's always worked. Even when testing the nightly build 021011 it worked. Not sure why it should be different for yourself.
Hi Marcos,

Some of my bluray movies are ripped to bdmv folder format so I am naming the first folder "moviename (date).bluray"
But for some reason they are not coming up with bluray folders,just blue folder, could this be due to nightly build or skin or just something I am doing wrong Huh

Also you said you would put on the todo list be able to select a different coloured case for movie sets, I have no idea how complex it would be to do this,
But I came up with an idea, being able to apply a switch to the movie name, just like you do with Bluray, HDDVD, 3DBD, Which you would apply to all to all movies in a set and then would XBMC use that case for the sets front case.

perhaps a walkaround, not be a programmer not sure if its do-able :confused2: I certainly wouldn't mind have a different coloured case for all moves in a set

Thanks for this great skin
m0v1em4n Wrote:Hi Marcos,

Some of my bluray movies are ripped to bdmv folder format so I am naming the first folder "moviename (date).bluray"
But for some reason they are not coming up with bluray folders,just blue folder, could this be due to nightly build or skin or just something I am doing wrong Huh

Also you said you would put on the todo list be able to select a different coloured case for movie sets, I have no idea how complex it would be to do this,
But I came up with an idea, being able to apply a switch to the movie name, just like you do with Bluray, HDDVD, 3DBD, Which you would apply to all to all movies in a set and then would XBMC use that case for the sets front case.

perhaps a walkaround, not be a programmer not sure if its do-able :confused2: I certainly wouldn't mind have a different coloured case for all moves in a set

Thanks for this great skin
an easy solution, add to the end of your folder name ".Bluray" this will give them the flag as being bluray.

I agree about the sets flag though, could use one to Identify sets at a glane
isamu.dragon Wrote:an easy solution, add to the end of your folder name ".Bluray" this will give them the flag as being bluray.

I agree about the sets flag though, could use one to Identify sets at a glane

Hi isamu.dragon,

I have my movies folder named as "movie name (date).bluray" eg. "Babylon A.D. (2008).bluray"

but it would seem that the one in the bdmv folder don't show, but the dvd one that are in the Video Ts folder show ok as DVD and even the bluray.mkv show as bluray ok, I even did some 3d tags 3DBD and they showed up ok, Just not the bluray in bdmv folders No
m0v1em4n Wrote:Hi isamu.dragon,

I have my movies folder named as "movie name (date).bluray" eg. "Babylon A.D. (2008).bluray"

but it would seem that the one in the bdmv folder don't show, but the dvd one that are in the Video Ts folder show ok as DVD and even the bluray.mkv show as bluray ok, I even did some 3d tags 3DBD and they showed up ok, Just not the bluray in bdmv folders No

Have you tried Bluray?
A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.
MarcosQui Wrote:You need to download Extrapack Weather. Then just unpack and set the path in skin.

This package contains the images based on current conditions and also the animated icons.


Thank you very much! that did it!
love this skin!
Linux Mint 18 LTS 64-bit - Kodi 17 Beta6
Odroid-C2 - Libreelec v7.90.009
athloni Wrote:There is a bug in te latest build of this skin.
When scrolling trough movies (dvd covers enabled), the DVD covers show and dissapear randomly.
I am using Pre-eden on Linux.

I did some more testing, and it happens only in Show Case View.
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