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[RELEASE] DFAtmo the driver for Atmolight controllers
Snakekick Wrote:hello and sorry for my poor english,
i have 4ch atmi light and want use it DFAtmo.
left/right ch no prob
but i want 2 ch for top
so i want change that top is top-left and button is top-right
is that possible, and how i can make this?
many thanks


i´am also interested in a discription to change the channels to my config.
i´ve a karatelight with this setup

1 Leftdown
2 Leftup
3 Topleft
4 Topright
5 Rightup
6 Rightdown
7 Buttomright
8 Buttomleft

i use the karate with xbmc and a enigma2 settopbox, so i need a equal setup of the channels.

CASE: Silverstone with Imon LCD/ Harmony ONE
BOARD: Zotac IONITX 330 D-E / 6 Terrabytes
NAS: Synology Diskstation 8TB RAID5
Software: XBMC Live Skin: Modded Confluence AppleTV2: XBMC....rocks
Snakekick Wrote:hello and sorry for my poor english,
i have 4ch atmi light and want use it DFAtmo.
left/right ch no prob
but i want 2 ch for top
so i want change that top is top-left and button is top-right
is that possible, and how i can make this?
many thanks

Driver parameters: /dev/ttyUSB0;proto:255|0|0|15|0|0|0|Rl|Gl|Bl|Rr|Gr|Br|Rt1|Gt1|Bt1|Rt2|Gt2|Bt2
Sections: Top: 2, Bottom: 0, Left: 1, Right: 1
Activate all areas but 'center'
I hope you can help me.

I have problems to get Karatelight working on windows 7 (64bit) with XBMC (nightly).

I have installed the version on GITHUB (dfatmo-xbmc-addon-win.zip) as addon, setup COM4. DFAtmo seems be working. But no reaction on the LEDs-

Did anyone got manage to get this setup working?

lightfever Wrote:Hi,
I hope you can help me.

I have problems to get Karatelight working on windows 7 (64bit) with XBMC (nightly).

I have installed the version on GITHUB (dfatmo-xbmc-addon-win.zip) as addon, setup COM4. DFAtmo seems be working. But no reaction on the LEDs-

Did anyone got manage to get this setup working?



I have the same problem. Can anybody help?


Please post your current DFAtmo plugin settings.
You find them usualy under Users\<your_user_name>\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\userdata\addon_data\script.dfatmo\settings.xml
I just take the config which release cs presser on his homepage. But if I try the original setting file of your zip file and I restart XMBC, I get an python script error. There is no error code, only the message python script error.
discomatratze Wrote:I just take the config which release cs presser on his homepage. But if I try the original setting file of your zip file and I restart XBMC, I get an python script error. There is no error code, only the message python script error.

The settings.xml within the zip file is not a settings file even though it has the same name.
Please delete your Users\<your_user_name>\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\userdata\addon_data\script.dfatmo\settings.xml file and configure DFAtmo by the setup panel with this settings:

General/Output driver -> serial
General/Driver parameters -> COM4&proto:karatelight
Areas/Areas at top border -> 2
Areas/Areas at bottom border -> 2
Areas/Areas at left border -> 2
Areas/Areas at right border -> 2

The com port of course the one karatelight uses at your system.
durchflieger Wrote:The settings.xml within the zip file is not a settings file even though it has the same name.
Please delete your Users\<your_user_name>\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\userdata\addon_data\script.dfatmo\settings.xml file and configure DFAtmo by the setup panel with this settings:

General/Output driver -> serial
General/Driver parameters -> COM4&proto:karatelight
Areas/Areas at top border -> 2
Areas/Areas at bottom border -> 2
Areas/Areas at left border -> 2
Areas/Areas at right border -> 2

The com port of course the one karatelight uses at your system.

I deleted the file. But now I can't configurate the Plugin. If the settings.xml in this folder, I can change the settings but I got the same error:
discomatratze Wrote:Hi,
I deleted the file. But now I can't configurate the Plugin. If the settings.xml in this folder, I can change the settings but I got the same error:

Don't know whats going wrong here. Best you reinstall the dfatmo zip file.
durchflieger Wrote:Don't know whats going wrong here. Best you reinstall the dfatmo zip file.

I installed a blank Windows 7 x64 Version and now it works.
I'm installed dfatmo-xbmc-addon-win.zip from GitHub on Windows 7 x64 with Eden beta 3 to be use with an Atmolight.

I've configured the addon with:
General/Output driver -> serial
General/Driver parameters -> COM2&proto:255|0|0|12|Rl|Gl|Bl|Rr|Gr|Br|Rt|Gt|Bt|Rb|Gb|Bb
Areas/Areas at top border -> 1
Areas/Areas at bottom border -> 1
Areas/Areas at left border -> 1
Areas/Areas at right border -> 1
Activate all areas but "center"

The addon starts and connects, but I don't get any light activity when playing a movie.

I've confirmed that the lights are connected/installed correctly by running AtmoWin 0.49 with live light effects. These are working both on the desktop and with any video program (including XBMC).

Does anyone have a working DFAtmo config for an Atmolight?
Most likely this is not working since the speed-setting is missing.
Please try: "COM2&speed:38400&proto:classic"

edit: On second thought: the readme says that 38400 is the default speed.
If you cant get it to work, try if the 'file'-driver produces output, just to make sure it isnt some problem with the software.

2nd edit (after taking a closer look): the protocol you used is wrong. you will have to send data for the center channel (it can be zeros). the firmware on the atmolight expects to recieve 15 data bytes (after the 4 bytes header).
Just configure a center channel and use the "proto:classic" setting.
cpresser Wrote:you will have to send data for the center channel (it can be zeros). the firmware on the atmolight expects to recieve 15 data bytes (after the 4 bytes header).
Just configure a center channel and use the "proto:classic" setting.

That fixed it, thanks!

General/Output driver -> serial
General/Driver parameters -> COM2&proto:classic
Areas/Areas at top border -> 1
Areas/Areas at bottom border -> 1
Areas/Areas at left border -> 1
Areas/Areas at right border -> 1
Activate all areas (including center)

I'd been trying to set it up as a 4 light strip/12 channel device, rather than 15.

Setting up boblight.conf with 15 channels instead of 12 will probably solve my issues with boblightd as well Smile

Edit:Success! Created a successful boblight.conf that worked with boblighd on Windows, OpenELEC and XBMCbuntu.
Yesterday I installed DFAtmo on my Acer Revo R3610 running a XBMC Live install (Eden RC1), the controller I use is the 4-channel AtmoLight from Carsten Presser. Installation went smoothly but when I start to watch video content the lights turn on (and even show the correct colors) but flicker like a stroboscope. I configured the DFAtmo plugin exactly the same as LastMile did (see posting above) who uses the same controller with the exception that my device is connected to /dev/ttyUSB0 so the 'Driver parameters' look like this: /dev/ttyUSB0&proto:classic.

The same setup works fine with boblight except that I cannot seem to get the colors of the LEDs calibrated correctly Sad

Is there an obvious mistake I made? What may be the cause of the problem?

Thanks a lot in advance.

Argh. Had boblightd still running in the background and that caused the problem. Now everything is running fine.
Hardware Setup
Acer Revo 3610 // 2GB RAM // 64GB SSD // Harmony 650 w. XBox USB Dongle // Lenovo Wireless Keyboard N5901A // Logitech Cordless RumblePad 2 // Panasonic P42S10E 42" FullHD Plasma // Atmolight
Software Setup
XBMCbuntu 12.2 (Frodo)
durchflieger Wrote:I added "amblone" protocol to serial output driver.

Example of a configuration for windows:
driver -> "serial"
driver_param -> "COM1;speed=?;amblone:;proto=amblone"
Areas -> top=1, bottom=1, left=1, right=1

I do not find any hint which transmission speed is supported by the controller over the serial line.
You have to find it out yourself.

If you need you can configure the mapping from areas to controller channels
individually with the "proto:" option within driver_param.
Have a look into DFAtmo README and the Amblone protocol documentation
how this works.

Notice: Because i do not have this hardware i could not test it!

I have tested it with: "COM3;proto=amblone" and the LEDS doesn't light. I don't know what speed/configuration should I use. I can test whatever you think it might work.
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[RELEASE] DFAtmo the driver for Atmolight controllers1