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Proposed changes for skin v2.0
you are absolutely right, but that are all changes so far for xbmc and skinning, etc..
what i actually ment was only changes regarding the skinning part and put them in one list.

edit: i'm having troubles finding the right tags for my skin, maybe someone could help me out with it, that would be great.. the problem: i'm using 2 backgrounds in home.xml (main.png + main2.png), and the idea was that by normal usage only main.png is visible, but when "player.has.media" the buttonscroller slides out after 5 sec. and main.png switches to let's say main2.png because this background is much more transparent than main.png... i do this because sometimes the text of the buttonscroller is not readable because of the music,video bg's behind it and my main.png is much darker on the left (where the buttonscroller is)

the code i have actually works, but half.. it only works perfect when buttonscroller has no focus.

Quote: <control>
<description>background overlay image</description>
<visible effect="fade" time="2000">!player.hasmedia | [player.hasmedia + control.hasfocus(300)]</visible>

<description>background overlay image 2</description>
<visible effect="fade" time="2000">player.hasmedia</visible>

latest cvs

do an info lookup for music and on the dialogalbum screen the spin control has vanished. it works but you cannot see it Smile

edit : any lookups video aswell Smile

in fact i think it relates to the spinposx & y being relative to the posx, posy co-ords. i see they were amended on the 15-12 the same day jm mentioned the subtraction  of posx, posy from the spin listcontrols etc... so new co-ords need sorting out for cvs for the references.xml (spinpos) tags

if you will humor me... take a look at the interface here:

you'll see screenshots of several different menu styles -scrolling horizontally and vertically using purely images and others with images and text.

i'd love to see xbmc have the ability to do these things.
I'm not an expert but I play one at work.

ok! so the thumbnail relative spinposx, spinposy tags work.

but! when it comes to listcontrol the spinposx & spinposy tags are not working relative to posx & posy.

so im thinking its a listcontrol problem not a problem overall.
maybe it's the textbox control's spin positions that are wrong in the skin? haven't tested that very much as i don't have a net connection from the xbox. all list controls seem to be working ok for me.


i'll take your suggestion on board. i'm not sure how much it'll simplify things though - i suggest that just extending references.xml so that you can have more than one default control for each control type might do the trick better, as generally the tags that are common among many controls are common due to the fact that they are the same type of control. having 3 different default buttons would help this. i admit, though, that the visibility stuff is getting reasonably complicated, and you often want to turn multiple controls (of differing types) on and off via the same criteria, and the include method you suggested would be better in this scenario.

as for the different scrolling buttons etc - i'm not sure how this differs from the button scroller. remember that you can place it wherever you like in the skin.


a quick reading of your code shows me that when the player isn't playing, main.png is used. once the player starts playing, the first thing that happens is main2.png is displayed. if you have focus on the button scroller, then main.png is displayed as well. if the button scroller slides out, it will still retain focus until a movement is performed, thus main.png is still visible. i suggest that whatever conditions you are using on the buttonscroller you use in place of the control.hasfocus(300) in the main.png visibility condition.


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changed the visual tag of main.png to :

Quote:!player.hasmedia | ![player.hasmedia + system.idletime(5)]

it now works just the way i wanted, ..thanks for helping me out m8.
this is what i have so far (flash, watch your volume level)

edit: i was just removing the conditional button from references.xml, as i'd take a look at the references file from pm3 and noticed that it still uses old id's. maybe it's just me or perhaps i'm using an old pm3 skin, but why isn't the default listcontrol, default thumbnail panel and default listcontrolex changed to the new id's (10,11->50,51) or doesn't it matter at all.

another problem i'm encountering has to do with the home sub-buttons like xlink (id157),scriptspanel (id151),dvd-tray (id158) and the shutdown button (id160). all these buttons have there own backgrounds..but they don't show up when buttons has focus..i'm using the same id's as the buttons, (even not when all id's set to 0). this all worked fine before changes took place at the skin system.

i am willing to beta test skins -
what do i need to do to see these new features in the skins?

rename references.xml to oreferences.xml
? change skin version to 1.8?

great work jm et all - its good to see some development life back into the gui of xbmc again!!!


edit: i do build my own xbmc daily.

xbox 1.2 - xecuter 2.3b lite - xir remote - 80mm mod - 120g maxtor 8mb cache - samsung dvd & networked xbmc - harmony 680 remote
allready :fixed: my button and background issue myself.

changed the visual tag to:

Quote:<visible effect="fade" time="500">!player.hasmedia + buttonscroller.hasfocus(158) | control.hasfocus(158)</visible>
now just the textbox spin controls on the videoinfo, music info screens... i cannot for the life of me suss out the co-ords its almost like they are behind another image?

and the strange thing is even if i use the new skineditor its the only control that does not show the scroll images at all.

listcontrol, thumbcontrol fines... textbox no sign of images but they are shown as loaded in the skin editors main page. i'm confused now!

i'll make sure it's sorted once i get my xbox back (am with family for the holidays) good to see it's just the textboxes at least though.

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the spinners in textboxes and listboxes are missing in python.
For python coding questions first see http://mirrors.xbmc.org/docs/python-docs/
yep, i see what that is. please test the following:


Quote: self->pcontrolspin->dwposx = self->dwposx + self->dwwidth - 35;
self->pcontrolspin->dwposy = self->dwposy + self->dwheight - 15;


Quote: self->pcontrolspin->dwposx = self->dwwidth - 35;
self->pcontrolspin->dwposy = self->dwheight - 15;

and likewise in:



Quote: self->pcontrolspin->dwposx = self->dwposx + self->dwwidth - 25;
self->pcontrolspin->dwposy = self->dwposy + self->dwheight - 20;


Quote: self->pcontrolspin->dwposx = self->dwwidth - 25;
self->pcontrolspin->dwposy = self->dwheight - 20;

please test, and once confirmed fixed, i'll update cvs.

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For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first.

yes, that fixed it.

thanks and enjoy the holidays.
For python coding questions first see http://mirrors.xbmc.org/docs/python-docs/
(deanrparry @ dec. 23 2005,11:44 Wrote:and the strange thing is even if i use the new skineditor its the only control that does not show the scroll images at all.

listcontrol, thumbcontrol fines... textbox no sign of images but they are shown as loaded in the skin editors main page. i'm confused now!
the textbox is not complete in the skin editor. so you should not see the spin controls in the gui. editor.
dont worry about it jm... i just commited that fix to cvs... enjoy your holiday with your family Smile
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Proposed changes for skin v2.00