Beta IMDb Advanced Search addon
I'm working up a replacement for this addon.

It will do more or less the same as before.
* Mutliple Selections are possible now
* Import/Export to a plain text json file with the full imdb url
* Infinite Searches on the main Index page [EDIT name change]

If anyone has any wishes for the new version, let me know now.
IMDb Advanced Search

- first release

This should be easier to work with than

You can add multiple searches to the top level index.

People Search section.

More interactive Browse section.
IMDb Advanced Search version 0.0.6
- Trakt. Couchpotato. Sickrage.

Trakt context menu: Add to Trakt Watchlist
version 0.0.13
- update and clean library on Browse context menu
- date[days] for days since today in release_date
- eg release_date\start = date[90] to help hide cinema only movies

Library subscriptions for Movies.

Special syntax for dates since today: date[90] is today - 90 days.
Use it in release_date\end to hide cinema movies for example.
Or in release_date\start to see movies released since last year for example.
This is exactly what I was looking for! I just installed it, but I never get any results. Is this still working?
(2019-02-24, 22:36)bluenote Wrote: This is exactly what I was looking for! I just installed it, but I never get any results. Is this still working?
 "IMDb Advanced Search" is still working.
Install it from my primaeval repo.

Beware that some versions of Kodi might take you too far in Browse. Back up if the imdb link at the top hasn't taken your selections.
Thanks. I was trying to use the advanced title search and that doesn't return results. After some sustained playing around complicated I guess by caching/menu not updating I finally figured out how to use this Smile. My main complaint is that trailers are 6 clicks away inside extended info only. Is there something I can change to get a friendlier main view that shows a little more info in the list? I only get list, square wall, square, and none of those give much information until I go into info. Or to get the trailer more easily? Thanks for this.
(2019-02-25, 00:01)bluenote Wrote: Thanks. I was trying to use the advanced title search and that doesn't return results. After some sustained playing around complicated I guess by caching/menu not updating I finally figured out how to use this Smile. My main complaint is that trailers are 6 clicks away inside extended info only. Is there something I can change to get a friendlier main view that shows a little more info in the list? I only get list, square wall, square, and none of those give much information until I go into info. Or to get the trailer more easily? Thanks for this.
 Try version 0.0.20.
It will default to movies content unless tv_series is in the imdb url.
Thanks. Sorry to be a pest, but could you point it out? It's .16 that I get through the repository. With the various names, it's confusing.
(2019-03-03, 03:44)bluenote Wrote: Thanks. Sorry to be a pest, but could you point it out? It's .16 that I get through the repository. With the various names, it's confusing.
I've moved it to my main repo now. I'll update the first post.
I just wanted to say thanks again for this add-on. I find it so useful. It would be even more convenient if it could show me my trakt watched status so I could filter, but there's nothing like it and I find it really helpful. Thanks.
(2019-05-01, 22:48)bluenote Wrote: I just wanted to say thanks again for this add-on. I find it so useful. It would be even more convenient if it could show me my trakt watched status so I could filter, but there's nothing like it and I find it really helpful. Thanks.

Try 0.0.23.
There is a new Setting for
Hide Trakt Watched Movies

I can't hide episodes because that is handled by Meta.
I could do complete shows if you want that.

It might need some caching if it is too slow.
Let me know.
(2019-05-02, 09:39)primaeval Wrote:
(2019-05-01, 22:48)bluenote Wrote: I just wanted to say thanks again for this add-on. I find it so useful. It would be even more convenient if it could show me my trakt watched status so I could filter, but there's nothing like it and I find it really helpful. Thanks.

Try 0.0.23.
There is a new Setting for
Hide Trakt Watched Movies

I can't hide episodes because that is handled by Meta.
I could do complete shows if you want that.

It might need some caching if it is too slow.
Let me know.

Wow! What a difference! Thank you so much! I'm only using the movies side, so I'm not concerned with episodes, but this feature really improves the experience. It does seem like "enable trakt" doesn't do anything by itself, but using filter inside the add-on settings does give me the result I was looking for.

I do have a couple other suggestion ideas. One is, IMDB has a 250 count option, but the add-on only supports 50 - 100. The other is, it would be handy if you could make trailer access available , or link it somehow, but I don't know how complicated that might be for you.

Anyways, thank you so much. This really comes in handy and with the watched status it's just fantastic. Much appreciated!
(2019-05-04, 02:18)bluenote Wrote:
(2019-05-02, 09:39)primaeval Wrote:
(2019-05-01, 22:48)bluenote Wrote: I just wanted to say thanks again for this add-on. I find it so useful. It would be even more convenient if it could show me my trakt watched status so I could filter, but there's nothing like it and I find it really helpful. Thanks.

Try 0.0.23.
There is a new Setting for
Hide Trakt Watched Movies

I can't hide episodes because that is handled by Meta.
I could do complete shows if you want that.

It might need some caching if it is too slow.
Let me know. 

Wow! What a difference! Thank you so much! I'm only using the movies side, so I'm not concerned with episodes, but this feature really improves the experience. It does seem like "enable trakt" doesn't do anything by itself, but using filter inside the add-on settings does give me the result I was looking for.

I do have a couple other suggestion ideas. One is, IMDB has a 250 count option, but the add-on only supports 50 - 100. The other is, it would be handy if you could make trailer access available , or link it somehow, but I don't know how complicated that might be for you.

Anyways, thank you so much. This really comes in handy and with the watched status it's just fantastic. Much appreciated! 
Try 0.0.24.
I've added 250.
It used to go up to something like 10000 after imdb changed the advanced search backend but they found out and stopped that after a while.

If you install "ExtendedInfo Script"from the main kodi repo you can get to a list of trailers and other detailed info.
There will be an "Extended Info" context menu entry after you install it for each movie.

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IMDb Advanced Search addon1