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AEON Skin Mods/Themes (unofficial modifications to the AEON skin)
Figured it wouldn't be too horrible to accomplish. I will add that to my list for the next release. Thanks again agathorn.
Did you get a chance to look at the code I sent you that swaps the weather info/image & date/time?
I'm not an expert but I play one at work.
As a matter of fact I did. I had the weather image working expect for it would go out of sync eventually and appear while the time was on screen. The way it is displayed right now is not very conducive to showing the weather image. After that it kind of fell by the wayside when i started working on the wall views. I am skinning again though so I will take a look at it when i get a chance. If i can't find an easy way to do it might add the weather to the lower left hand side of the home screen like skunkmonkee's previous mod. Right now I am waiting on the original images to create my own textures.xpr and for fanart support to be added to the svn. After that, expect a new release.
I downloaded this mod because I absolutely love the look of aeon but I missed the trailers feature. Unfortunately, we like the "posters" view from the original aeon skin the best, and that view appears to be missing from this mod. Any possibility of getting it added back in? I know your work has centered around the poster wall, just thought I would ask Smile
The Posters view you speak of is still in file mode. Since I don't actually use the view I am not going to add it back into the mod. That being said the view does still "exist" it is just not enabled. If you want to add <include>Common_WrapList_Info</include> to the other includes in myvideonav.xml it should display without any problems.
Had a chance to work a little bit today. I fixed the issue with the album covers leaving a gap in album view. Thanks for pointing that one out to me. I have also spent some time working on a few little surprises I have been tossing around in my head. I'm still waiting to hear back from djh about the original textures. I should be done with the next phase of the mod this week, however I am going to hold off on the release until fanart has been implemented completely.
Just wondering if anyone else has attempted to add Music Videos as a Home Shortcut? I have added a source in Videos and pointed "Music Videos" at videodb://3/2/ to take me to show all Music Videos in Library, but since the AEON skin sees this as a "Files" mode home shortcut, the selectable Views are not that great for Music Videos, it would be better if I could get the skin to use Library mode for Music Videos, but I can't seem to figure it out.
Fanart is done. I am working on a solution for adding the Tv series name to the page. It looks a little redundant to have the banner show up with an image of the full cast and then also have the full cast show up as the main fanart image. So right now my options are to just list the Tv series name somewhere on the page, or I am trying to convince szori to add logos to thetvdb.com so I could then just stamp the shows logo in the corner of each page. Basically it would be the shows name in the show's custom fonts and colors with no other artwork. Please show some support for this on thetvdb forums and maybe we can get the feature added.
I am also working on "prettying" up the mythtv views. Now that it is supported by all platforms I figure it deserves a little more attention on the skinning side. Weather icons are now shown on the homepage. They appear in the lower left corner as in the old mod because the way it was being called currently only allowed text. I have added a button in the settings menu to turn this feature on/off.
I am still waiting on the original artwork from djh so i can finish adding all the default images. Sorry it is taking longer than I had hoped but some of the delay is not my fault. Cheers.
Here is an update. I couldn't finish some of the things I had hoped to do. I never could get a hold of the original aeon images so music is the only thing that has a custom image if no image is available. Lots of other little changes have been made. Most of them for myth integration. I also streamlined the views so only views that look "right" show up under each section. Similar to what Jezz_x has done with PMIII.


That should be all of the files necessary. Let me know if there are any issues. Also feel free to leave input if you use the mod. Please don't give feature requests because this is going to be my last aeon mod. I am planning on making my own skin but that won't be for quite a while. Cheers.
First of all I love Aeon and these mods. They have been my default skin forever. I love the way you implemented fan art and fixed up a bunch of things. Just a few points following the update:

1. Am I missing something or have all the arcade and game views been removed? It was always nice to see pictures of the game covers rather than the list view.

2. I can't seem to be able to see any of the new music views. I have tried a few fresh installs and cleared guisettings etc but no luck.

3. Is it possible to change the image for the Live TV button or just the folder?

Anyway I know you said you weren't going to be working on these mods anymore, just thought I'd see if these things were just issues from my end.

Thanks again Rand.
Hi Rand,

Thanks for this great Mod.

I've just noticed a small bug: In TV shows, when you go back (let's say from episode level to season level), there is no focus on any item.
This means that you have to go one time left to get focus on the upper menu and one more time left to get focus on the season.

Same problem when you go back from Season level to TV show level.

I woul expect that when I go back, the focused item is the last focused item from this view.

I hope you undertsend what I try to explain.

One other strange thing is with the Fanart. For most of my show it's working well but for some shows, the fanart picture doesn't appear when I select this show. (exemple: for 24, in the info window I select the fanart, I select the picture that I want and exit the window). When I then select the show, I stay with the AEON background and not the fanart that I had selected.

Hope that you can help me with thos 2 "bugs".

Thanks for your work,

Mineral Wrote:1. Am I missing something or have all the arcade and game views been removed? It was always nice to see pictures of the game covers rather than the list view.

2. I can't seem to be able to see any of the new music views. I have tried a few fresh installs and cleared guisettings etc but no luck.

3. Is it possible to change the image for the Live TV button or just the folder?
1. I just checked by grabbing a fresh copy of aeon and overwriting. Games, arcade etc have list, wide, and poster views.

2. Music views work as well. Not really sure what the issue is there.

3. Live tv must be pointed at a folder. I point it at my tv folder. I could have included a default image but I never really got around to it. My bad.

I would suggest getting a fresh copy of aeon, going to guisettings and completely deleting all settings related to aeon and starting fresh. Let me know if that helps.

ewaterke Wrote:Hi Rand,

Thanks for this great Mod.

I've just noticed a small bug: In TV shows, when you go back (let's say from episode level to season level), there is no focus on any item.
This means that you have to go one time left to get focus on the upper menu and one more time left to get focus on the season.

Same problem when you go back from Season level to TV show level.

I woul expect that when I go back, the focused item is the last focused item from this view.

I hope you undertsend what I try to explain.

One other strange thing is with the Fanart. For most of my show it's working well but for some shows, the fanart picture doesn't appear when I select this show. (exemple: for 24, in the info window I select the fanart, I select the picture that I want and exit the window). When I then select the show, I stay with the AEON background and not the fanart that I had selected.

Hope that you can help me with thos 2 "bugs".

Thanks for your work,


Hey eric, I just noticed what you are talking about in tvshows. Instead of me making a whole new build open myvideonav.xml and about three lines down where it says <defaultcontrol>2</defaultcontrol> change that value to 50 and let me know if that fixes it. That is strange because for some reason i thought that if "remember position on forward navigation" was set that it would remember the position on reverse nave as well. Oh well. As for the fanart issue, if it is working on some shows then I suspect it is not a skin issue. All of the shows use the same xml so nothing changes between the simpsons and 24. Catch my drift?
@Rand: I'm apologising in advance for this, but the next version of AEON is going to be a tough one for you. While I'm leaving the PAL and PAL16X9 folders in, most of my efforts have been in porting everything to new 720p and 1080i folders, mostly the former. The textures have been mostly redrawn to HD as well, while the background panel for the media views has been split in two then joined in a group, for the benefit of Mac users suffering a texture overrun issue.

In short, your mod will need an overhaul. If it's any consolation, I have created an Excel doc that calculates 720p, 1080i and 1080p metrics when you enter SD ones. Let me know if you'd like it, not that it makes the whole procedure any less murderous.
Hi Rand,

I completely deleted my guisettings file and grabbed a fresh copy of Aeon9a and copied over it with your mod.

All issues seem resolved except for the music views. I can only see list, list info, album, coverflow, photowall in the library artist view. Is this normal?

Thanks for your quick response and all your hard work.

I changed the <defaultcontrol>. it's better but not perfect.
When I go up, there is still no focuss (ex: for "season view" no season is highlighted and the thumb of the season is not displayed).

If I press down (or up, or left, ...), the focuss is then set on the correct item and the thumb appears.

It's already better because before first focuss was set on the Menu.
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AEON Skin Mods/Themes (unofficial modifications to the AEON skin)0