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[OBSOLETE] Pandora Radio (Script) Music Addon
It seems that the new default.py has a path problem somewhere. If you look at the script error, it can't find the keys. Which are in a the libpandora folder. if you move the keys to the root folder, the next error posted is it can't find the pianoparser's. If you move them to the root pandora folder it then just sits there with Python Interpreter Initialized in the log file.

Off to work.

Ubuntu 10.10
xbmc April build
That was mind transmission. Thanks for indicating the path.

Still having problems - loaded this new pandora.py in the folder indicated, but upon starting Pandora, there comes the Error: "Unable to load keys".

Any ideas?

Seems, I am a bit slow today - always someone quicker with his post.

Thanks anyway! I will wait then until someone comes up with a solution. Unfortunately I am not skilled enough in Python to look into this.

Polonda Wrote:Still failing after replacing pandora.py file. Even uninstalled the entire script, re installed, replaced py file. Still no go.

make sure you are replacing the correct one.
I renamed the old one pandora.py.old and then uploaded the new pandora.py file.

I first replaced the one under
that wasnt working then I found another under
after I rebooted and it worked.

good luck
Just worked for me on my ATV2 like that:

I replaced the "pandora.py" file (to be found in a previous post) under: /private/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/XBMC/addons/script.xbmc.pandora/libpandora

as indicated by bostoneric (did not have another "pandora.py" file in .XBMC/addons/script.xbmc.pandora, so no choice/problem there).

Had then still the problem upon login: Error:"Unable to load keys".

The magic trick for me was then simply to reboot the device!!

Thanks to bostoneric who gave me this hint and thanks to all the others working on this nice addon!

Best to all of you!
alternatively to pstations original fix, you can just change protocol version to 33, and add an s https in the base_url. Someone else may have said that since, but i didn't go read the code on the later ones posted..

BASE_URL = "https://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v%d?" %PROTOCOL_VERSION
BASE_URL_RID = BASE_URL + "rid=%sP&method=%s"
BASE_URL_LID = BASE_URL + "rid=%sP&lid=%s&method=%s"

This keeps the rest of the file the same, and you only have to change two things that are easy enough to find towards the top of the file.
I am trying to keep this script as close to original as possible for future troubleshooting.
worked perfect for me thanks guys
Here is a working version if anyone wants it. It was the latest with the pandora.py replaced.

Edit: 1.27 was posted by the author, so this is obsolete.
Dixon Butz Wrote:Here is a working version if anyone wants it. It was the latest with the pandora.py replaced.


Thanks so much this made my life so much easier....
Does anyone have perms to update the first post to make it easier for people... this thread grows fast and this might get lost easily.
I'm not an expert but I play one at work.
Anyone gotten the update to work with via the proxy?

Seems to get pass the authenticate error but doesn't loops when the song starts to play with the https change.

Polonda Wrote:Still failing after replacing pandora.py file. Even uninstalled the entire script, re installed, replaced py file. Still no go.

hold off dude. I woke up this morning and mine has quit working from yesterday.
We need confirmation to determine if there is another problem currently.

Is anybody else down?
Works fine here.
Dixon Butz Wrote:Works fine here.

Same here.

FYI, I cloned the repo and sent a merge request to spbogie for my addition of the three skins. Hope I did it rightRofl
How to use Git
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Version 1.2.7 is up with the login fix. I went with just using https all the time for now. Let me know if this causes other problems and I'll look into it. If I don't respond to something in this thread, go ahead and send me a PM so I get an e-mail notification.

To all who have posted mirrors/working download links,
Thank you very much for helping, and please continue to do so, but I would appreciate it if you could go back and remove these links once the new version is out so as to avoid future confusion. Thank You.
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[OBSOLETE] Pandora Radio (Script) Music Addon11