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[WINDOWS] Internal Directshow Based Player - USERS support thread
Of course, but you also need to understand that it's really hard to fix a problem you're not having! I have perfect playback of everything I play. There'd been a bug fix concerning playback which has not been released. Hopefully it will solve everything.

You can't blame us because we can't fix the issue! We have a lot of input on the thing, but everything is a little bit useless : there's absolutely no correlation Confused There's so many thing to consider, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack. But we're still searching Wink
AndroIRC - Best IRC client for Android!
blinkseb Wrote:Of course, but you also need to understand that it's really hard to fix a problem you're not having! I have perfect playback of everything I play. There'd been a bug fix concerning playback which has not been released. Hopefully it will solve everything.

You can't blame us because we can't fix the issue! We have a lot of input on the thing, but everything is a little bit useless : there's absolutely no correlation Confused There's so many thing to consider, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack. But we're still searching Wink

Understood! I didn't ever mean to come across as blaming either your or Tiben; obviously you have put a huge amount of your own effort into DSPlayer, and it's not a simple thing to have gotten where it is.

I'm anxious to try a newer build when one becomes available (I can't build from the source myself, programming is limited to simple Visual Basic 6). I'm hoping that there are improvements that solve the judder problem that I just haven't seen yet, then this is a dead issue, because Tiben seems to have fixed the tearing problem some time ago.

I truly thank both of you for the countless hours and hard work. If I could take you out for a few beers, you know I would!

The REAL Joe
therealjoeblow Wrote:So what does that mean Tiben? That's it's not going to be looked at further? I've posted feedback, and where appropriate, debug log for *EVERY* publicly available release since 28016 on the dev thread, but it's never been resolved. Same issues have been reported by a number of other users who if IIRC decided to stick with the old build too for now.

I can appreciate it's not a simple thing to track down and isolate, but there's something fundamentally wrong with what DSPlayer is doing with it's renderer because no other player that I'm aware of and have tried has these kinds of issues (and I've used most of them!). Not trying to be critical here, but IMO the rendering system needs to be rock solid before any of the other bells and whistles get added in.

Since the renderer worked perfectly way back when, I've seen a tremendous amount of effort put into getting subtitles to work internally (which also worked 100% in 28016 with ffdshow btw), adding shaders, and numerous other features, but yet the basic renderer seems to have suffered from these changes/additions.

The REAL Joe
That don't mean it wont be fixed. It took me around 2 monthsto add the directshow rendering system into xbmc at start. It would be really nice if someone who understand directshow and has those problems could find the problem.
Greetings. I've been away from this thread for a while. I currently have an Acer Revo R1600 running an older version of XBMC/DSplayer using the PowerDVD video codecs. I've been using this configuration for several months and it works quite well -- my thanks for the hard work the dev team has put into making this possible! I'm now setting up a new machine and I was hoping to get some advise. First the background:

1. New machine is a dual-core Atom (N330) with ION graphics running windows 7.

2. I am playing back recordings made of ATSC shows. These recordings are typically either 1920x10870 interlaced (1080i) or 1280x720 progressive (720p).

3. The1080i shows need to be properly deinterlaced as the TV set is 1080 progressive.

My questions:

1. Should I continue to use the PowerDVD codecs, or am I better off moving to codecs that install with XBMC?

2. If the latter, is there a write up someplace the explicitly shows how to configure the various configuration files properly Transport Streams that contain 1080i and 720p mpeg2 content? The wiki writeup explains the general syntax of the XML files, but it's not clear to me how to get video playback to work properly with the default configuration.

Thank you for any help or guidance you can provide.

marc.aronson Wrote:Greetings. I've been away from this thread for a while. I currently have an Acer Revo R1600 running an older version of XBMC/DSplayer using the PowerDVD video codecs. I've been using this configuration for several months and it works quite well -- my thanks for the hard work the dev team has put into making this possible! I'm now setting up a new machine and I was hoping to get some advise. First the background:

1. New machine is a dual-core Atom (N330) with ION graphics running windows 7.

2. I am playing back recordings made of ATSC shows. These recordings are typically either 1920x10870 interlaced (1080i) or 1280x720 progressive (720p).

3. The1080i shows need to be properly deinterlaced as the TV set is 1080 progressive.

My questions:

1. Should I continue to use the PowerDVD codecs, or am I better off moving to codecs that install with XBMC?

2. If the latter, is there a write up someplace the explicitly shows how to configure the various configuration files properly Transport Streams that contain 1080i and 720p mpeg2 content? The wiki writeup explains the general syntax of the XML files, but it's not clear to me how to get video playback to work properly with the default configuration.

Thank you for any help or guidance you can provide.

1.powerdvd codecs are really good when its about performance only getting the newest version of it would be a good choice. ffdshow that come with the dsplayer almost always outdated. We don't update really often the ffdshow rev since it won't be included in a near future.
2. I only have some m2ts file to develop the internal demuxer so ill let someone is currently using them on a daily bases answer the question.
I'm trying to find the post that shows you to setup DSplayer to use the cyberlink PowerDVD decoder, but I can't seem to find it anywhere. I want to set up another machine with this configuration. Can someone point me to the direction on how to do this? Thanks!
I've made some progress on getting DSplayer setup with the cyberlink video and audio decoders, but I am running into some problems. I am running "XBMCSetup-Rev33619-dx" on an Atom N330, ION graphics, Windows 7.

Extract from log file:
22:54:41 T:1988 M:287600640  NOTICE: CFGLoader::InsertFilter Successfully added "CyberLink Video Decoder" to the graph
22:54:41 T:1988 M:285900800  NOTICE: CFGLoader::InsertFilter Successfully added "Cyberlink Audio Decoder" to the graph
22:54:45 T:1988 M:280276992   ERROR: CFGManager::RecoverFromGraphError Audio / Video error
                                             Error in the video rendering chain.
                                             Ensure that the audio/video stream is supported by your selected decoder and ensure that the decoder is properly configured.
22:54:45 T:1172 M:280276992   ERROR: Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: 0, path [smb://DLNAS/recordings/ugly/XBMC/The Closer/The Closer.S00E0093.Last Woman Standing-8037-2010-09-06 20_59_00.ts]

The file is a transport stream containing mpeg2 video recorded from an ATSC source. Here are the associated filterconfig.xml emtries:
<filter name="cyberlinkvideodec" type="videodec">
      <osdname>CyberLink Video Decoder</osdname>

    <filter name="cyber_audio" type="audiodec">
      <osdname>Cyberlink Audio Decoder</osdname>

Here is the associated mediaconfig.xml entries:
<rule filetypes="ts|mpeg|mpg|m2ts">
      <source filter="mpegsource" />
      <splitter filter="mpegsplitter" />
      <video filter="cyberlinkvideodec" />
      <audio filter="cyber_audio" />

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

The full debug log will show where the problem is (don't forget to enable debug mode). Never post extract of the debug log, it's useless, post the full one to pastebin Smile
AndroIRC - Best IRC client for Android!
I got the latest DSPlayer build, but that doesn't seem to have >2 screen support. Am I doing something wrong, or is it just missing this?
It's blanking only 2 screens as well, my 3rd (TV) is not blanked and I cannot select it in XBMC.
(I was assuming it had gotten synched from SVN since it got in there a while back).


EDIT: I see it was commited at r29462 in trunk SVN and looking at the source code (dsplayer branch) it seems to be in. I'll check myself if I can find anything then. If anyone knows any general reason why it's not working please let me know Smile
phunqe Wrote:I got the latest DSPlayer build, but that doesn't seem to have >2 screen support. Am I doing something wrong, or is it just missing this?
It's blanking only 2 screens as well, my 3rd (TV) is not blanked and I cannot select it in XBMC.
(I was assuming it had gotten synched from SVN since it got in there a while back).


EDIT: I see it was commited at r29462 in trunk SVN and looking at the source code (dsplayer branch) it seems to be in. I'll check myself if I can find anything then. If anyone knows any general reason why it's not working please let me know Smile

That should work well as we are based on trunk and we don't touch such things. However, I've only one screen, so I can't test, but you may have more change if you build a more recent revision.
AndroIRC - Best IRC client for Android!
phunqe Wrote:I got the latest DSPlayer build, but that doesn't seem to have >2 screen support. Am I doing something wrong, or is it just missing this?
It's blanking only 2 screens as well, my 3rd (TV) is not blanked and I cannot select it in XBMC.
(I was assuming it had gotten synched from SVN since it got in there a while back).


EDIT: I see it was commited at r29462 in trunk SVN and looking at the source code (dsplayer branch) it seems to be in. I'll check myself if I can find anything then. If anyone knows any general reason why it's not working please let me know Smile
well just a hint if you want to figure out on your own.
CWinRenderer is the renderer used by dvdplayer and CWinRendererDs is for dsplayer.
But there still a big part of the rendering is done in CDX9AllocatorPresenter.
Anyway i also got 3 monitor
2 pc monitors and a tv.
If you have a nvidia video card and you have win xp or win vista. You can change from a screen to another with a command promp command.
rundll32.exe nvcpl.dll,dtcfg setview 1 standard #DA
to set the pc monitor id 0 to single primary.
I did a autoit script if you want it that start xbmc on the monitor you want and go back to previous monitor setup when you leave it
blinkseb Wrote:The full debug log will show where the problem is (don't forget to enable debug mode). Never post extract of the debug log, it's useless, post the full one to pastebin Smile

Sorry about that -- the full log, with debug turned on, is at http://pastebin.com/39U3eVTt

I also found an error in one of my filter declarations -- bad "guid". Fixed that but it didn't solve the problem. Here is my full filters.xml and media.xml:

    <!-- You dont need a path if your filter is registered -->

    <!-- Video decoders -->
    <filter name="cyberlinkvideodec" type="videodec">
      <osdname>CyberLink Video Decoder</osdname>

    <filter name="cyber_audio" type="audiodec">
      <osdname>Cyberlink Audio Decoder</osdname>


    <rule filetypes="ts|mpeg|mpg|m2ts">
      <source filter="mpegsource" />
      <splitter filter="mpegsplitter" />
      <video filter="cyberlinkvideodec" />
      <audio filter="cyber_audio" />

Thanks again for any help you can provide!

marc.aronson Wrote:Sorry about that -- the full log, with debug turned on, is at http://pastebin.com/39U3eVTt

I also found an error in one of my filter declarations -- bad "guid". Fixed that but it didn't solve the problem. Here is my full filters.xml and media.xml:

    <!-- You dont need a path if your filter is registered -->

    <!-- Video decoders -->
    <filter name="cyberlinkvideodec" type="videodec">
      <osdname>CyberLink Video Decoder</osdname>

    <filter name="cyber_audio" type="audiodec">
      <osdname>Cyberlink Audio Decoder</osdname>


    <rule filetypes="ts|mpeg|mpg|m2ts">
      <source filter="mpegsource" />
      <splitter filter="mpegsplitter" />
      <video filter="cyberlinkvideodec" />
      <audio filter="cyber_audio" />

Thanks again for any help you can provide!

if you switch the audio filter to ffdshow audio is it working?
tiben20 Wrote:well just a hint if you want to figure out on your own.
CWinRenderer is the renderer used by dvdplayer and CWinRendererDs is for dsplayer.
But there still a big part of the rendering is done in CDX9AllocatorPresenter.
Anyway i also got 3 monitor
2 pc monitors and a tv.
If you have a nvidia video card and you have win xp or win vista. You can change from a screen to another with a command promp command.
rundll32.exe nvcpl.dll,dtcfg setview 1 standard #DA
to set the pc monitor id 0 to single primary.
I did a autoit script if you want it that start xbmc on the monitor you want and go back to previous monitor setup when you leave it

Thanks a lot for the info.
Hey Guys - long time. I'm just checking in on the development of Dsplayer.

I installed Dharma beta 2 and love how it's working, especially the addons, etc. I've been using it to launch MPC as my external player but I want to try DSPLayer again.

My question is, does the latest DSPLayer build have the same "dharma" trunk in it?

I know that DSPlayer is NOT included in the Dharma release, but if I choose to install your dsplayer build, will it still be compatible with everything I am running now from Dharma b2? (i.e., my database, the addons, Aeon skin, etc.)?

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[WINDOWS] Internal Directshow Based Player - USERS support thread0