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Sick Beard - Automatic TV Show Episode download/sort/rename, nfo/tbn maker & TV Guide
compcentral Wrote:It is attempting to move the sample file on the 2nd pass, but since the actual episode is a larger file, it does nothing with it. Just delete the sample files (or remove them from your download queue so they are never downloaded to begin with)

Thanks, so not a huge problem then. If i see the queue will remove them otherwise will just delete them when they have moved over. Does everyone have this problem?

Just found out you can tell sab not to download them in the first place

working now, thanks
Mrkennedy Wrote:The best way is to have a folder for each show and within that folder another folder for each series.

So then I would still have to go into every tv show folder to see if I had something to watch.
Nefarious1 Wrote:So then I would still have to go into every tv show folder to see if I had something to watch.

Or just look in your SAB/sick beard history... but yes, you must have every show in its own folder.
midgetspy Wrote:I'm pretty sure they are already excluded unless they're airing that day...

Minor request, only show them as missing if they are over a day old and still missing? Cosmetic change only maybe?

I wonder, since i'm in AU and we are almost 20hrs in front of places like the UK. Does that mean everyones sickbeards in AU starts searching for episodes as missed 20hours before they have aired? Or is it smart enough to realise my timezone?
I have a small issue with saving SB as a bookmark, I load the exe file from the main folder and sick beard loads up. I then save that as a bookmark (http://localhost:8081) but when i close it down and then go back to the bookmark its saying page not found.

I have to go back to the main folder and load up the exe file again.

Anyone know how to get around this?
Ryoga79 Wrote:I'm actually having the opposite problem, in that no matter what the series is set to, it always seems to want to download the 720p HD episode. Here's the valid log snippet from an episode last night:

It looks like it just searches NZBMatrix for the episode name and number, and if i do that search manually on NZBMatrix, the 720p episode is at the top of the list of search results. So, it looks like SB is searching and just grabbing the first ep it finds...

P.S. i'm running the latest alpha build, 451.

P.P.S - i'm not sure it's relevant, but this has only started happening since NZB's API and RSS crashed about a week ago.

i'm having the same problem and its driving me nuts, ive set SD as the default but it still pulls in HD episodes they are getting downloaded into my watched folder but not being picked up by SABnzbd. im kind of glad because HD eps will chew through my quota but its strange that they arent being added to the queue...
Flain Wrote:Minor request, only show them as missing if they are over a day old and still missing? Cosmetic change only maybe?

I wonder, since i'm in AU and we are almost 20hrs in front of places like the UK. Does that mean everyones sickbeards in AU starts searching for episodes as missed 20hours before they have aired? Or is it smart enough to realise my timezone?

Unfortunately no time zone support yet, but it's in the works: http://code.google.com/p/sickbeard/issues/detail?id=127

And anybody using NZBMatrix: NZBMatrix IS BROKEN. The API no longer returns correct results, it doesn't respect the category information given to it. Pester the NZBMatrix people to fix this, or disable the provider in SB. I'm in the middle of completely redoing the qualities so I don't have to rely on the providers to do it so hopefully in the future this won't be an issue.
How do I set this up as a service? Running on WHS from source. I have SAB running as a service with anyservice.
Mrkennedy Wrote:I have a small issue with saving SB as a bookmark, I load the exe file from the main folder and sick beard loads up. I then save that as a bookmark (http://localhost:8081) but when i close it down and then go back to the bookmark its saying page not found.

I have to go back to the main folder and load up the exe file again.

Anyone know how to get around this?

Anyone opened port 8081 on router to see if that was the issue, it was not.
Mrkennedy Wrote:I have a small issue with saving SB as a bookmark, I load the exe file from the main folder and sick beard loads up. I then save that as a bookmark (http://localhost:8081) but when i close it down and then go back to the bookmark its saying page not found.

I have to go back to the main folder and load up the exe file again.

Anyone know how to get around this?

What do you mean by close it down? You close your browser page or you close the .exe?

[4 Kodi Clients + 4 Norco RPC-4224 Media Servers w/376 TB HDD Space]
Hey guys, i have a problem with downloads sickbeard keeps on asking sabnzbd to download an infinite number of times.

I have sickbeard setup to tell sabnzbd a show into a temp folder and sabnzbd executes a sickbeard script to do post processing to move the show from the temp folder to the appropriate show/season folder and rename the file to an appropriate format that makes it so xbmc picks it up easily.

Sometimes sabnzbd doesn't move the show out of the temp folder and i get this:


What's wrong? Sickbeard keeps trying to download the same 3 shows over and over again... this happens once in a while.
My guess would be that you're using an old build and have scan & process turned on when it should be off, and that it's not actually downloading it over and over it's just accidentally filling the history with messages every time it fails.
Pr.Sinister Wrote:What do you mean by close it down? You close your browser page or you close the .exe?


When i close the firefox page
midgetspy Wrote:My guess would be that you're using an old build and have scan & process turned on when it should be off, and that it's not actually downloading it over and over it's just accidentally filling the history with messages every time it fails.

ah yes, scan and process was the culprit, thanks!
Mrkennedy Wrote:When i close the firefox page

Change your bookmark from http://localhost:8081/ to http://localhost:8081/home/
[4 Kodi Clients + 4 Norco RPC-4224 Media Servers w/376 TB HDD Space]
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Sick Beard - Automatic TV Show Episode download/sort/rename, nfo/tbn maker & TV Guide16