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I'll see if I can test Windows passthrough later tonight. My laptop has a 6560 in it ... off to (theoretically) compile... back in a bit!

Well, I can't say what's wrong, but I couldn't get anything to play. No audio whatsoever. I blame ATI. I'm sure this is my laptop being a problem rather than it being any issue with the code. Sigh.
yeah i'll give it a go too, i have an ATI with something along the lines as the poster above. the same pc is also already setup for compiling so i should be back pretty quick
So - my preamp supports multichannel PCM, but not TrueHD or DTS Master. It also supports normal DTS and dolby digital. With the latest AE build on ubuntu, what should I expect when playing a DTS Master track? Should it decode and send MPCM? Or strip out and play just regular DTS? My current experience is that xbmc just crashes, but I'm just wondering what is supposed to happen while I dig through code...

BTW I have "Supports PCM, DTS, and DD" all checked, the rest are unchecked.

@cdhesse - Currently we can not decode DTS-HD, only core, so in your case, core will be bit-streamed to the amp. TrueHD however we can decode all channels and they will be sent as LPCM if your amp doesn't support TrueHD

@fincheresque - Please provide your xbmc log.

It is EXTREMELY rare that I will work on XBMC under windows, so while I have this dev environment setup and can be assed putting up with MS Visual C++ and Windblows, please provide prompt and as much information as possible if you would like your issues fixed.
I am not scared of SVN - Cutting my hands open on the bleeding edge.
gnif Wrote:It is EXTREMELY rare that I will work on XBMC under windows, so while I have this dev environment setup and can be assed putting up with MS Visual C++ and Windblows, please provide prompt and as much information as possible if you would like your issues fixed.

Okay, just compiled and did a quick test with my windows laptop with ati 58xx series video card. the results were not what i expected as i use linux mainly and AE is a lot more stable on that platform. Analog sound was fine but hdmi passthrough did not seem to be working. If i turned exclusive mode on i would get no sound, not even the navigation clicks. if i turned it off i could get that and 2ch pcm but if i tryed a DD or DTS or DTS HD Master (no TrueHD to test) i got no audio, the AVR tryed to switch with the DTS HD master audio but failed and resulted in the video playing very slowly (5 - 10 fps at most) this is similar to the issue you expierience in linux with nvidia cards and no modprobe ffff fff2, and using the custom audio output (plughw) as opposed to the modprobe approach and selecting the actual alsa device. When i chose dts core or DD the AVR didnt seem to even try to switch and the video played extremely fast. Now keep in mind this is not on a already working windows/XBMC setup its just my laptop that happens to have windows and a hdmi port. so there could be a configuration issue. but i dont think so as i have watched DTS HD audio though the hdmi port before using vlc or wmp (cant remember which) and it played fine.

Hope that was of some help,

keep up to great work,

Albinoman887 (hack_kid)
Hey gnif, there's some issues with frame size going to the WASAPI AddPackets method, and with the While loop in that method. Also the frame size will now have to be calculated so it's byte-aligned. Don't even worry about them for now, have many changes to the sink, but haven't committed them yet - still working at it.

Hack_kid's issue with no output it Exclusive I've got fixed. Just be patient - I should have the changes to accomodate the new event-driven approach working shortly Big Grin
System: XBMC HTPC with HDMI WASAPI & AudioEngine - Denon  AVR-3808CI  - Denon DVD-5900 Universal Player  - Denon DCM-27 CD-Changer
- Sony BDP-S580 Blu-Ray  - X-Box 360  - Android tablet wireless remote - 7.1 Streem/Axiom/Velodyne Surround System
If I have been able to help feel free to add to my reputation +/- below - thanks!
@gnif Sorry, I didn't post logs because I wasn't actually asking for help, I really did think it was my build/laptop. But maybe not.

Here are some debug logs for you:
Note, that XBMC becomes unresponsive once movies start, so I couldn't do a graceful shutdown.
gnif, heres a log. pastebin said i went over the maximum limit so i put it up on rapidshare. anyways i start with excluive mode on play a dts hd track a dd track none work switch it off menu sounds work play a 2ch flac file it works go to play dts hd it trys to switch but doesnt play dd it does nothing

@DDDamian - Great! Can't wait to see the patch.

@Hack_kid - In future please do what @fincheresque has done and produce a clean log, start XBMC, play a file, quit xbmc, and upload, nothing more. I am not going to look any further into this issue as it seems DDDamian has it fixed.
I am not scared of SVN - Cutting my hands open on the bleeding edge.
gnif Wrote:@DDDamian - Great! Can't wait to see the patch.

@Hack_kid - In future please do what @fincheresque has done and produce a clean log, start XBMC, play a file, quit xbmc, and upload, nothing more. I am not going to look any further into this issue as it seems DDDamian has it fixed.

I've added sh*tloads of debug info too gnif - just to double your coding stats Laugh

I'm close - will PM when comfortable with it.
System: XBMC HTPC with HDMI WASAPI & AudioEngine - Denon  AVR-3808CI  - Denon DVD-5900 Universal Player  - Denon DCM-27 CD-Changer
- Sony BDP-S580 Blu-Ray  - X-Box 360  - Android tablet wireless remote - 7.1 Streem/Axiom/Velodyne Surround System
If I have been able to help feel free to add to my reputation +/- below - thanks!
@gnif - this is a linux log, so if you are concentrating on windows i understand.

When I play the bond DTS HD sample, it just gets to the lion roaring... (no sound), then it locks for a second, I hear an audible pop sound, and I go back to the menu.

The debug log just says this:

22:51:34 T:140346928707328 DEBUG: DoWork - trying to extract filestream details from video file smb://XX/media/movies/bond_sample_dtshdma.m2ts
22:51:34 T:140346886743808 DEBUG: Thread Background Loader 140346886743808 terminating

The full log (start, play, crash) - is here: http://pastebin.com/jzwzUZmp.

This is the same behavior since months ago for me on my system, so it isn't a new issue.

Based on your answer, I would have expected DTS core.
@DDDamian - Cool, nice to have a windows dev who knows more about WASAPI on the job. Once WASAPI is confirmed working properly by those here that are using it, I will merge with upstream as I keep getting a crash that I believe has been fixed upstream (addons issue).

@cdhesse - This looks like the problem, 2 channel ALSA initialized but CSoftAE is still trying to use 7.1 output, very strange.
22:49:59 T:140347454457728    INFO: CSoftAE::Initialize - ALSA Initialized:
22:49:59 T:140347454457728    INFO:   Output Device : hw:0,9
22:49:59 T:140347454457728    INFO:   Sample Rate   : 44100
22:49:59 T:140347454457728    INFO:   Sample Format : AE_FMT_S16NE
22:49:59 T:140347454457728    INFO:   Channel Count : 2
22:49:59 T:140347454457728    INFO:   Channel Layout: FL,FR
22:49:59 T:140347454457728    INFO:   Frames        : 64
22:49:59 T:140347454457728    INFO:   Frame Samples : 128
22:49:59 T:140347454457728    INFO:   Frame Size    : 4
22:49:59 T:140347454457728   DEBUG: CSoftAE::Initialize - Using speaker layout: 7.1
I am not scared of SVN - Cutting my hands open on the bleeding edge.
gnif Wrote:@DDDamian - Cool, nice to have a windows dev who knows more about WASAPI on the job. Once WASAPI is confirmed working properly by those here that are using it, I will merge with upstream as I keep getting a crash that I believe has been fixed upstream (addons issue).

@cdhesse - This looks like the problem, 2 channel ALSA initialized but CSoftAE is still trying to use 7.1 output, very strange.
22:49:59 T:140347454457728    INFO: CSoftAE::Initialize - ALSA Initialized:
22:49:59 T:140347454457728    INFO:   Output Device : hw:0,9
22:49:59 T:140347454457728    INFO:   Sample Rate   : 44100
22:49:59 T:140347454457728    INFO:   Sample Format : AE_FMT_S16NE
22:49:59 T:140347454457728    INFO:   Channel Count : 2
22:49:59 T:140347454457728    INFO:   Channel Layout: FL,FR
22:49:59 T:140347454457728    INFO:   Frames        : 64
22:49:59 T:140347454457728    INFO:   Frame Samples : 128
22:49:59 T:140347454457728    INFO:   Frame Size    : 4
22:49:59 T:140347454457728   DEBUG: CSoftAE::Initialize - Using speaker layout: 7.1

In Eden - i also get this message, but it automatically switches to DTS when a normal DTS file is played. Is there anything else I can do to help troubleshoot?
gnif Wrote:@cdhesse - This looks like the problem, 2 channel ALSA initialized but CSoftAE is still trying to use 7.1 output, very strange.

@gnif - That little glitch is in AEStreamInfo.cpp - there's some issues in there with defaulting to 2-channel or 7.1-channel and it kinda messes up the channel remapping iirc. You had notes in there to read from the stream a little more before deciding - right now hard-coded Rolleyes
System: XBMC HTPC with HDMI WASAPI & AudioEngine - Denon  AVR-3808CI  - Denon DVD-5900 Universal Player  - Denon DCM-27 CD-Changer
- Sony BDP-S580 Blu-Ray  - X-Box 360  - Android tablet wireless remote - 7.1 Streem/Axiom/Velodyne Surround System
If I have been able to help feel free to add to my reputation +/- below - thanks!
@DDDamian - There is a larger underlying issue here also that I have realised. If you select 2.1 output, your sound card may open extra channels to access FL, FR and CE (ALSA does this).

The problem here is the down-mix code assumes that output should go to all channels in the output sink, which in this case with ALSA, it's wrong, it should only output the channels in the standard layout (2.1), but pad with null for the extra channels that are not in use as the user may not have those speakers even attached.
I am not scared of SVN - Cutting my hands open on the bleeding edge.
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