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Linux [RELEASE]Plugin for Timer- and Powermanagement in XBMC/Kodi and TVHeadend
(2013-09-28, 14:07)Gulliver Wrote: pvrmanager.log is quite light:

28.09.2013 13:14:11: Wakeup for Recording by ACPI at 28.09.2013 14:56:00 (UNIX-Time: 1380372960).
28.09.2013 13:14:16: Instruct the system to shut down.
28.09.2013 13:14:16: Service(28) finished.
28.09.2013 13:14:16: <<<

This if I only press F12 and wait...
No countdown, no shudown.
Any idea where I can search ?

You have a problem with the shutdown.sh. 'Instruct the system to shut down' calls this script. Owner and group is the user which runs xbmc (in your case 'my-user')?

Hello Bj1

Thanks for your answer.

~/.xbmc/addons/script.program.pvrmanager/resources/lib$ ls -l
total 8
-rwxr-xr-x 1 bm bm 262 oct. 2 13:56 shutdown.sh

and the shutdown script (I added "sudo" in front of "shutdown -h now ....." in order to run it as root).

#! /bin/sh
sleep 2
case "$1" in
echo 0 > /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/wakealarm
echo $2 > /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/wakealarm
nvram-wakeup -C /etc/nvram-wakeup.conf --directisa -s $2
sudo /sbin/shutdown -h now "PVRManager shutdown the system"

This script runs very well (it shutdowns the system) when launch by "bm", my user.
stop the system.

And the sudoers:

bm All=NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown,/home/bm/.xbmc/addons/script.program.pvrmanager/resources/lib/shutdown.sh

In the config, I don't check ethernet connections.

Nothing in syslog, neither in wbmc.log (just the same things as pvrmanager.log):

05.10.2013 10:54:29: No PIDFile found, assuming that system just powered on.
05.10.2013 10:54:29: Service(900) finished.
05.10.2013 10:54:29: <<<
05.10.2013 10:54:44: Wakeup for Recording by ACPI at 05.10.2013 11:01:00 (UNIX-Time: 1380963660).
05.10.2013 10:54:49: Instruct the system to shut down.
05.10.2013 10:54:49: Service(838) finished.
05.10.2013 10:54:49: <<<

I don't understand ....
I'm going to make some other tests ....

thanks to you if you have any idea.
Have a good week end !

I understood !
Issue was with sudoers. My ubuntu release doesn't like several lines like this:
bm All=NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown,/home/bm/.xbmc/addons/script.program.pvrmanager/resources/lib/shutdown.sh

For one user, we have to write all the command on the same line and not several lines "user ......" and below "user .....".

It works very well. Thanks for your job and your help.

Just a last question: is it normal this behavior ?

--- programming a timer
--- press F12
--- the system halts
---the system wakes up
--- the timer is recording
--- the system doesn't halt after this record.

Thanks a lot and good week end !
(2013-10-05, 16:58)Gulliver Wrote: Just a last question: is it normal this behavior ?
--- the timer is recording
--- the system doesn't halt after this record.

No, this is'nt normal behavior. What says the prvmanager.log after recording?

Hi _BJ1,

I've just installed XMBC and your addon but I'm having problems getting it to work right. It seems like the addon is not starting right. The only lines I get in the log are:
01.01.2014 13:21:17: Found PIDFile with ID 1876 but this should be 1725!
01.01.2014 13:21:17: Service(674) finished.
01.01.2014 13:21:17: <<<
01.01.2014 13:21:17:               _\|:|/_
01.01.2014 13:21:17:                (o -)       BYE BYE
01.01.2014 13:21:17: ------------ooO-(_)-Ooo---------------------
01.01.2014 13:21:17: <<<

Does this give any clues as to what might be going wrong?

(2014-01-01, 15:26)markbt Wrote: Hi _BJ1,

I've just installed XMBC and your addon but I'm having problems getting it to work right. It seems like the addon is not starting right. The only lines I get in the log are:
01.01.2014 13:21:17: Found PIDFile with ID 1876 but this should be 1725!
01.01.2014 13:21:17: Service(674) finished.

Does this give any clues as to what might be going wrong?


How do you switch off the system? It seems that you switch off by pressing the power button on your device. Normally the 'Power'-action restarts the pvrmanager (you have to modify the remote.xml/keyboard.xml) and pvrmanager shut down the system but checks for network/future recordings/EPG before. This looks like this:

23.12.2013 20:12:27: No PIDFile found, assuming that system just powered on.
23.12.2013 20:12:42: Service polling, monitoring tasks Net/Post/Rec/EPG: 0010
23.12.2013 20:12:42: Recording of "Vielleicht lieber morgen" becomes active.
23.12.2013 20:12:57: Service polling, monitoring tasks Net/Post/Rec/EPG: 0010
23.12.2013 22:05:01: >>> Last message repeated 446 time(s)
23.12.2013 22:05:01: Recording of "Vielleicht lieber morgen" has finished.
23.12.2013 22:05:01: "Vielleicht lieber morgen" completed, Mail delivered to [email protected].
23.12.2013 22:05:01: Service(214) was running without any user activity.
23.12.2013 22:05:01: EPG-Update interval is set to 4 days.
23.12.2013 22:05:01: Wakeup for Recording by ACPI at 24.12.2013 09:26:00 (UNIX-Time: 1387873560).
23.12.2013 22:05:06: Instruct the system to shut down.
23.12.2013 22:05:09: Service(214) finished.
23.12.2013 22:05:09: <<<
23.12.2013 22:05:09:               _\|:|/_
23.12.2013 22:05:09:                (o -)       BYE BYE
23.12.2013 22:05:09: ------------ooO-(_)-Ooo---------------------
23.12.2013 22:05:09: <<<
Ah, I was using the power button, not F12, so that solves part of the problem, thank you. However, now that I am using F12 the system will not shut down. A pop-up appears telling me about the next recording, and then disappears, but the system remains on. Using inotifywait I'm monitoring access of shutdown.sh, and it doesn't get accessed. Here's the xbmc.log:

08:32:46 T:2912074560  NOTICE: Thread XBPyThread start, auto delete: false
08:32:46 T:2912074560  NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
08:32:46 T:2912074560  NOTICE: script.program.pvrmanager: No recordings to schedule.
08:32:46 T:2912074560  NOTICE: script.program.pvrmanager: EPG-Update interval is set to 2 days.
08:32:46 T:2912074560  NOTICE: script.program.pvrmanager: Wakeup for EPG-Update by ACPI at 04.01.2014 03:00:00 (UNIX-Time: 1388804400).
08:32:51 T:2912074560  NOTICE: script.program.pvrmanager: Instruct the system to shut down.
08:32:51 T:2912074560  NOTICE: script.program.pvrmanager: Service(716) finished.
08:32:51 T:2912074560  NOTICE: script.program.pvrmanager: <<<
08:32:51 T:2912074560  NOTICE: script.program.pvrmanager:               _\|:|/_
08:32:51 T:2912074560  NOTICE: script.program.pvrmanager:                (o -)       BYE BYE
08:32:51 T:2912074560  NOTICE: script.program.pvrmanager: ------------ooO-(_)-Ooo---------------------
08:32:51 T:2912074560  NOTICE: script.program.pvrmanager: <<<
Yea everybody seems to be correct except the shutdown. Seems to be a rights issue for execution. Note that xbmc is the user which runs/install xbmc. It's possible that you have to change this to your own user. From README.txt:

2. Change group/owner of shutdown.sh and make it executable

    cd /home/xbmc/.xbmc/addons/script.program.pvrmanager/resources/lib/
    sudo chown xbmc shutdown.sh
    sudo chgrp xbmc shutdown.sh
    sudo chmod 755 shutdown.sh

3. Make possible shutdown.sh runs under root/sudo privileges without password

    sudo visudo

add below/at the end of the file:

### XBMC specific configuration ###

    Cmnd_Alias PVR_CMDS = /home/xbmc/.xbmc/addons/script.program.pvrmanager/resources/lib/shutdown.sh

for XBMCLive (Ubuntu 10.04):

append at last line 'PVR_CMDS' (for example):

for XBMCBuntu (Ubuntu 11.10/12.04 and up) add following line


Hope this helps.
Update. For more informations see first post...
Thank you for this new release. I just installed the update. I did not have to change any setting.
Several smaller bugfixes. Mail was'nt delivered after a successfull recording. This has no effect for people who does'nt use this feature. Anyway it is fixed now.
Still no mail on my setup. Never got one!
Logs please!

more ~/.xbmc/temp.xbmc.log | grep -i script.pvrmanager
Here are the logs. "script.pvrmanager" gives nothing. "pvr manager" gives:
more ~/.xbmc/temp/xbmc.log | grep -i "pvr manager" > /tmp/log

There is something wrong with the version management of xbmc. You are using a very old and outdated version of this addon. Confused Anyway the log says:

Quote:14:01:00 T:1926232896 NOTICE: PVR Manager: Recording of "Bondy blog café" has finished.
14:01:00 T:1926232896 NOTICE: PVR Manager: ERROR: SMTP AUTH extension not supported by server.
14:01:00 T:1926232896 NOTICE: PVR Manager: Mail could not be delivered. Check your settings.

Check on your providers page what encryption type is used (none, STARTTLS, SSL) and adjust this in your mail settings. Anyway I suggest you to uninstall the old addon, reboot/restart XBMC and then install the latest one. You see the version numbering here (last lines in the right corner):

16.06.2014 10:48:42: Service(705) finished
16.06.2014 10:48:42: <<<
16.06.2014 10:48:42:               _\|:|/_
16.06.2014 10:48:42:                (o -)       BYE BYE
16.06.2014 10:48:42: ------------ooO-(_)-Ooo-------------- V.0.2.0 --
16.06.2014 10:48:42: <<<
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[RELEASE]Plugin for Timer- and Powermanagement in XBMC/Kodi and TVHeadend2