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[RELEASE] Aeon Nox 2.0 (deprecated)
chanders Wrote:Hey guys, I'm a longtime user of Aeon65 but I have recently tried Nox and I must say, it has become my new favourite.

A few bugs I noticed
1. On the main menu, if you press down on movies and choose recent, genre etc. it does not work. The only thing working is trailers.
2. When watching a movie, if you press M for the menu, you cannot select the subtitles button (third from right I think). If I am not mistaken, this launches the subtitle plugin? I use this all the time to download subtitles (when using Aeon65) and it would be great if it could be enabled here.

1. In the TV show menu, if you press down and select schedule, you should be able to go directly to the said TV show by selecting it and pressing enter. As it is, it looks good with info and all but the extra functionality would be cool.

Thanks again and keep up the good work!
You probably have the option "Submenu of Movies Uses Cinema Experience Script as Default" enabled in general skin settings, but haven't installed the cinema script. Disable the option and the links will work.
For subtitle addon you have to enable it in Add-on shortcuts, just like in Confluence.
Thanks. I'll give it a go tonight and let you know how I fare!
one thing i forgot to mention. when playing a video while on the home screen, with the Glass or Classic menu enabled, and the video timer appears on the menubar, the graphic/text reverts back to the default look. here's a screenshot to show what i mean...

it changes from this...


to this...


is there a way to keep the font and clear background graphic when the timer starts showing?
Sub-Menu.... wins..... (sorry, Mortal Kombat is due soon, Im excited!)
Big_Noid Wrote:I can make option for infowall to show which aspect ratio the thumbs have. For showcase view that's impossible.

That would be great! Thank you Noid!
Hello Noid.

On the topic of the infowall, can you add an option to show landscape files instead of posters for TV Shows? Also, is it possible to allow landscape.jpg support at the season level? To allow use of season landscape thumbs?
heres a nice collection of planet images that i use as background wit this skin

After updating XBMC to the actual Git (Git: 20110404-f994942) and RecentlyAdded script to version 2.1.7* i have noticed, that the Thumbnails on the RecentlyAdded box (movies) are not displayed.

Error messages in my log file:

15:50:46 T:2898164592 M:1306464256    INFO:   msg: PICTURE::LoadImage: Unable to open image: special://profile/Thumbnails/Video/4/auto-4f0ee041.tbn Error: (2)
15:50:46 T:2898164592 M:1306464256   ERROR: Texture manager unable to load file: special://profile/Thumbnails/Video/4/auto-4f0ee041.tbn
15:50:46 T:2898164592 M:1306464256    INFO:   msg: PICTURE::LoadImage: Unable to open image: special://profile/Thumbnails/Video/3/auto-3849a5d8.tbn Error: (2)
15:50:46 T:2898164592 M:1306464256   ERROR: Texture manager unable to load file: special://profile/Thumbnails/Video/3/auto-3849a5d8.tbn

Screenshot: http://img534.imageshack.us/i/screenshotge.jpg/
Full Log here: http://pastebin.com/SsPX01gG (Lines 688-697)

I'm using latest SVN version of Aeon Nox (r623).

Is this a skin bug? Or RecentlyAdded script bug? Does anybody have the same problem?

Thanks in advance!

* http://transparency-xbmc.googlecode.com/...-2.1.7.zip)
Big_Noid Wrote:I'm not sure I understand what menu item you mean. I can switch to file mode by disabling Library mode in the media menu and pressing Video in the home menu takes me to the files mode.

Ok. I have Movies, TVShows and Video. And I am expecting Video by default is opening Video Files. But it opens in last mode. For example, if I have visited Movies, Video opens Movies, if I have visited TVShows, it opens TVShows.

I didn't see such behavior with Confluence. So, I search the difference and looks like i got what I need:
Index: 720p/Home.xml
--- 720p/Home.xml       (revision 627)
+++ 720p/Home.xml       (working copy)
@@ -663,7 +663,7 @@
           <item id="2">
-            <onclick>ActivateWindow(VideoFiles)</onclick>
+            <onclick>ActivateWindow(Videos,Files,return)</onclick>
             <visible>!Skin.HasSetting(HomeMenuNoVideosButton) + [Skin.HasSetting(HomeMenuNoMoviesButton) + Skin.HasSetting(HomeMenuNoTVShowsButton)]</visible>

with this patch, Video menu opens VideoFiles, independent to visit history.
Excellent work with the latest updates Noid. Everything works great. One thing though. If it's not too much trouble, can you put the video window for the "Low List" back to how it was before? Seems a little too small and high to me.
great work on the new release noid!!! all fixes implemented and works great Big Grin

i do agree with Victim though. the video window for the lowlist was better the way it was before.
Shinu Wrote:one thing i forgot to mention. when playing a video while on the home screen, with the Glass or Classic menu enabled, and the video timer appears on the menubar, the graphic/text reverts back to the default look. here's a screenshot to show what i mean...

it changes from this...


to this...


is there a way to keep the font and clear background graphic when the timer starts showing?

skiller2k1 Wrote:Hi.

After updating XBMC to the actual Git (Git: 20110404-f994942) and RecentlyAdded script to version 2.1.7* i have noticed, that the Thumbnails on the RecentlyAdded box (movies) are not displayed.

Error messages in my log file:

15:50:46 T:2898164592 M:1306464256    INFO:   msg: PICTURE::LoadImage: Unable to open image: special://profile/Thumbnails/Video/4/auto-4f0ee041.tbn Error: (2)
15:50:46 T:2898164592 M:1306464256   ERROR: Texture manager unable to load file: special://profile/Thumbnails/Video/4/auto-4f0ee041.tbn
15:50:46 T:2898164592 M:1306464256    INFO:   msg: PICTURE::LoadImage: Unable to open image: special://profile/Thumbnails/Video/3/auto-3849a5d8.tbn Error: (2)
15:50:46 T:2898164592 M:1306464256   ERROR: Texture manager unable to load file: special://profile/Thumbnails/Video/3/auto-3849a5d8.tbn

Screenshot: http://img534.imageshack.us/i/screenshotge.jpg/
Full Log here: http://pastebin.com/SsPX01gG (Lines 688-697)

I'm using latest SVN version of Aeon Nox (r623).

Is this a skin bug? Or RecentlyAdded script bug? Does anybody have the same problem?

Thanks in advance!

* http://transparency-xbmc.googlecode.com/...-2.1.7.zip)
This skin has not been tested yet on nigthlies. I will branch off a version for the nightlies shortly. Btw I don't think this is a skin bug.
magnimus Wrote:Ok. I have Movies, TVShows and Video. And I am expecting Video by default is opening Video Files. But it opens in last mode. For example, if I have visited Movies, Video opens Movies, if I have visited TVShows, it opens TVShows.

I didn't see such behavior with Confluence. So, I search the difference and looks like i got what I need:
Index: 720p/Home.xml
--- 720p/Home.xml       (revision 627)
+++ 720p/Home.xml       (working copy)
@@ -663,7 +663,7 @@
           <item id="2">
-            <onclick>ActivateWindow(VideoFiles)</onclick>
+            <onclick>ActivateWindow(Videos,Files,return)</onclick>
             <visible>!Skin.HasSetting(HomeMenuNoVideosButton) + [Skin.HasSetting(HomeMenuNoMoviesButton) + Skin.HasSetting(HomeMenuNoTVShowsButton)]</visible>

with this patch, Video menu opens VideoFiles, independent to visit history.
The behaviour of the videos you describe is when movies and tv shows are disabled as menu items.
Victim Wrote:Excellent work with the latest updates Noid. Everything works great. One thing though. If it's not too much trouble, can you put the video window for the "Low List" back to how it was before? Seems a little too small and high to me.
I'll have another look at it.
Why does the .zip file on page one, only contain 2 files?

Should it be bigger than 64k?

Is it possible to center flags on the new episode view?

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did you change anything on the chapter skip ? I mean on older version when i make a chapter skip in the bottom left corner i could see in which chapter i jump. Now there is nothing Smile Could you add this again ? So that the skin shows in which chapter i skip.

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[RELEASE] Aeon Nox 2.0 (deprecated)29