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AEON [ALPHA] (formerly "Xephyr"): Skin Release Thread
Right. I have an idea.

I can't do too many view types at once because it's just too awkward for the user... but I can make one view type do two different things. So rather than have two entirely different TV Info views, for instance, have two different versions of the same one which you can switch between in the Custom menu.

Here's my proposal. Given the support you guys have given throughout this whole thing, and how vocal you've been regarding these mod views, it seems only right that something comes of it. So get together, draw up one alternative version of the views you have issues with (just concepts, no code required) and give me a rough idea of what should be shown, where and with what animations.

Then, when I have something substantial, it's yours. I'll make it fit with the rest of the interface and give you the option to switch. It'll bloat the XML, sure, but so long as neither performance or usability suffers it's no problem. So hop to it. Big Grin
With the posted PSD I mocked up something I'd like everyone's opinion on...

I like seeing a shortened time/date in the upper right corner and the weather in the lower left corner on the home screen.

If everyone likes this example maybe djh will take the images I made for it and code up the back-end... otherwise I will have to resort to hacking up the code myself, and I'm not sure anyone wants to see that mess! Shocked

What do you think of this example...

I'm not an expert but I play one at work.
@ Djh

Personally the views that I feel are "must haves" would be the tv info/ movie info views and if you can work in the tiled movie view i would be totally content. I know you have said you are going to add more music views so I'm not sure what you have planned there. However, all of the music views are quite nice as well.

In case you have not seen tvinfo/movie info view it could take the place of the icon info or list info. It is great for tv once your reach the individual episode level. The episodes are listed on the left had side of the screen as you currently have, however the episode thumb appears on the right hand side filling the shaded area. Then, after a few moments the thumb shrinks down to a reasonable size (still on the right hand side) and reveals the episode information. The thing i love about this setup is you get large images (for a moment) and full episode info all in one view. The only difference between the tv info and movie info view is that the text for tv info leaves room for the series banner. Movie info works the same way but the info covers all of the empty space on the right hand side.

The tiled view is quite nice as well. If you could figure out a way to make the Videowall function similarly to the tiled view i think it would be more usable on regular basis. As it is the "WOW" factor far outweighs the functionality.

Lastly, I think you have mentioned that you are working on an info screen. Even though you can fit quite a bit of information on the main screen, views like the movie wall and the tiledview would definitely benefit from having a dedicated info screen that can be called when needed. This would also open up the possibility to have a coverflow view like XTV for those of us that love big hi def images. Cheers and thanks for all the hard work.
One thing to consider (just going by what I've read - I have not actually played with these info views):

Anything that you have to pause on during browsing to get the information you want to see is a bad design. If you are not sure which episode to watch, the thumb for the episode is probably not going to tell you an awful lot, whereas the plot outline will tell you what you need to know.

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Affini Wrote:I like seeing a shortened time/date in the upper right corner and the weather in the lower left corner on the home screen.
but now playing.. & volume bar etc is on the bottom. the current layout is ok, but it be nice to have the icon showing too.
R111 Wrote:but now playing.. & volume bar etc is on the bottom. the current layout is ok, but it be nice to have the icon showing too.

my proposal does not interfere with anything on the current interface... most items like Now Playing and Volume are on the left side or center.
I'm not an expert but I play one at work.
Affini Wrote:Skunk,
Are you planning on porting the mods you did to the new version and/or working with djh to integrate them - my preference Cool

I'm not currently planning on doing any mods (I'm up to my eyeballs with coding the Fluid stuff at the moment anyway) but once djh has completed his vision for the skin I'll no doubt be checking it out and if there is some scope to add further views (and djh is happy with it) then I'd be happy to see what I can do.
jmarshall Wrote:One thing to consider (just going by what I've read - I have not actually played with these info views):

Anything that you have to pause on during browsing to get the information you want to see is a bad design. If you are not sure which episode to watch, the thumb for the episode is probably not going to tell you an awful lot, whereas the plot outline will tell you what you need to know.


jmarshall you should check out the tv info view, I think you might like it. It only shows the enlarged image for a moment then zooms out revealing the episode info. I actually find that i makes finding episodes easier for me. If i am looking for a particular episode i usually recognize the screenshot first and having it large makes this visual identification much easier. Then, just to make sure, you can check the episode info. Then on the other hand if you are looking for an episode that you have not seen (obviously you could just switch to "unwatched") you can scroll through until you see a screenshot that you don't recognize, then read the episode info to be sure that you didn't just miss something. Long story short, it works very well for me. If you feel that image takes too long to zoom out you can always adjust the time and make it shrink faster. Personally I love large images, they look amazing on my 120' hd screen so I changed the values for movie info to wait even longer before zooming out. Obviously these are just personal preferences. Cheers.
I agree with Rand Al... the TV Info view is SWEET!
I'm not an expert but I play one at work.
wow, now this is really beginning to be supernice... love the pictures views and movie views. But as music is the main thing for me i cant really see any updates theres.. Only one view in the music section still?? Or is something wrong at my box?

keep up the great work!
Hi all - DJH thanks for the most recent update its fantastic.. Would like to see a couple of more music views as thats what I use the most. having said that the best things come to those who wait..!! Perhaps the TV INFO view could be replicated for music in library mode. Or reinstate some of the mods like the album wall.. Nice to have some variety

Fantastic update this time - I look forward to the next release.

shanedoyle Wrote:the best things come to those who wait..

Couldn't have put it better myself. To those wondering about the lack of music views, they're next on my list. Once I've figured out how to do a fullscreen icon panel properly, that is.
Quick question, I was wondering what i would have to do in order to make the "clips" section link to my music videos in the video library. Thanks in advance.
Great skin.
you can go into the custom skin options and there will be a section that lists all the main menu options and a corresponding target. Make sure to set music videos as a source then list its name in the clips target. I'm at work right now so i can't remember all the details but it is pretty easy to accomplish. Cheers.
well, by putting in the directory I can easily link to the folder where my music videos are stored, however I can't get it to link to my music videos portion of the library.
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AEON [ALPHA] (formerly "Xephyr"): Skin Release Thread24