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[WINDOWS] HOW-TO use MCE remote in XBMC under Windows the easy way
Hello, I am running Win7 with your brilliant tweak/software that I downloaded today. I have a standard MCE Remote (eHome) Receiver and Remote (RC6). The Sleep button seems to press 'S' (tested using google chrome). I was wondering how to set it to sleep - p.s. it can wake from sleep if i manually put it to sleep.
I just bought a OriginAE RC197. It works exactly the same as the old Philips 5100 (except for the 4 in 1 function). Close to all buttons work flawless with your reg, but is there a way to find out the reg id for the extra button "TV Power"?

One more thing I'm a bit curious about, the setting for WM_APPCOMMAND RWD and FWD always skips 2 tracks forth or back in WinDVD. Any ideas why?
When using XBMCCustomRegis v2.60.12, which button brings up the context menus?
For example, if you are in the Music menu, and you right-click on "Artists" you get a sub-menu with "Queue Item", "Play" etc.

Using a GP-IR02BK MCE RC6 remote

Nevermind...found it ! "Guide"
I have not figured out the WM_APPCOMMAND RWD and FWD skipping 2 tracks issue, but I have another question;

Is it possible to completely restore all default settings for the RC6 remote? I realize a backup would have fixed this, but I have none...
Sorry for the total noob question, but I read on the wiki that MS remotes are plug and play, instantly recognized by XBMC, but then I've seen in here and other posts that you need the keymap or keyboard reg files (or the autoinstaller in first post). Is that so? So they aren't truly 100% plug and play?
Found it out. Delete the registry key and uninstall the driver.
So i followed all the instructions and my green start key on my remote still does not launch xbmc. It still launches WMC. Some more information:

-ctrl-alt-enter on the keyboard does launch XBMC.
-autohotkey and the .ahk scrip is running GSB_Script_AllinOne.ahk v.2.38
-The remote works like it did when i first plugged it in . All the buttons work normally and the remapped buttons per your keyboard.xml file work in XBMC.
-The PC has been rebooted many times
-I have been able to remap the green start key with LM Key Mapper but i lost the mouse pad and right click button functionality (HAMA MCE remote configuration). LM Key Mapper is now disable and the remote is back to normal.
-I did the manual install method
-I have not made any manual key remappings in the registry other than what your scripts do if any.

Here are the answers to your other questions.....

1- What Operating system are you using? The version of the OS i.e. Beta, Final Release, Ultimate etc..? 32bit or 64bit?


2- What Remote are using? Is it Microsoft Comaptible or is it Microsoft Certified?

Ortek RC-INF and the back of the remote says VRC-1100

3- Was the Remote Certified for use with Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7?
Windows 7 Vista XP Media Center MCE PC Remote Control and Infrared Receiver for Home, Premium and Ultimate Edition

4- What IR receiver are you using? HTPC built-in or a USB one? Did the IR receiver come with your remote or did you buy it separately?

USB one that came with the remote

5- IF you are using a USB IR receiver have you got a built-in IR receiver in your HTPC by any chance? Have you disabled the Built-in IR receiver before using the USB one?

I dont think so. I have a ZBOX D-41u HTPC. The specs say nothing about a built in IR reciever.

6- Is your IR Receiver listed as "Microsoft eHome Infrared Transceiver" under the "Human Interface Devices" in the "Device Manager"?

Not sure. I will have to check the HTPC when i get home. I dont have access to it right now.

7- Have you tried any kind of software before trying my customised setup? Have you used any apps like EventGhost before using my setup? This is*IMPORTANT, if you used Eventghost in the past you might still have the "Hid service disabled" then you need to Enable the HID service again by*UNTICKING*"Disable hid Service"*in EventGhost.

I have tried LM Key Mapper. It works except for one major flaw. The mouse pad and right click buttons are not supported and don't work after going through the setup. However, it did remap the green startkey to launch XBMC. LM Key Mapper is currently disabled as not interfere with the dfferent setup.

8- Please let me know which version of the .reg file you used or if you used the Auto installer method?


9- If its Keyboard.xml issue, then please include what version did you use and where did you put it? Also if you changed anything in the Keyboard.xml in the system installation folder of XBMC?
XBMC works just fine with the remote. I will eventually want to map specific media folder locations to the colored buttons and also map some random button to favorites. I assume that this can be done and is really a different topic.

10- Finally What XBMC version are you using?
Hi EVeryone,
I trust you are all well.

OS: Windows 7
Remote: MS Remote & Keyboard
Driver: Certified
IR : USB (External)
XBMC: Version 12

I added the below script via right clicking auto-hotkey icon in task tray.
My intention was to create short cut to start program called Pheonix RC (pheonixRC.exe).

Actions and symptoms
* Press Yellow key - starts Pheonix RC.
* Minimize all windows and press yellow key - Pheonix RC re-focused and working
* Minimize all windows and press Green Button - XBMC Starts
* Minimize all windows and press Green Button - XBMC re-focused and works
* Press Yellow key (while XBMC Open) - Pheonix RC Startsm or refocused
* Press Green Button (while Pheonix RC running & XBMC NOT in background)- Phonix RC Minized and xbmc loaded
* Press Green Button (while Pheonix RC running & XBMC Running in back ground)- Phonix RC Minized and black block displays and can't see xbmc window

- How can I force the close of XBMC when running Pheonix RC and Visa Versa?
- How can I map a "ALT-F4" to the clear button to close the current active window?
- If you have another solution, I'm open to suggestions


#SingleInstance, Force
^y:: ;Ctrl-y is the shortcut to start Pheonix RC using the yellow Button.
IfWinNotExist phoenixRC.exe ;If phoenixRC.exeis not running
DllCall("GetNativeSystemInfo", "uint", &si)
if ErrorLevel {
MsgBox Windows XP or later required.
ARM := NumGet(si,0,"ushort")
run % ARM=0 ? "C:\Program Files\PhoenixRC\phoenixRC.exe" : ARM=9 ? "C:\Program Files\PhoenixRC\phoenixRC.exe" : ARM=6 ? "IA64" : "Unknown System"

f (ARM = 0)
32or64 := "32bit"
If (ARM = 9)
32or64 := "64bit"
If (ARM = 6)
32or64 := "Unknown System"

WinActivate ;Activate and Refocus Pheonix RC
WinShow ;Bring App to front.
WinGet, Style, Style, ahk_class XBMC
if (Style & 0xC00000) ;0xC00000 is WS_CAPTION, meaning window has a title bar.
Send {VKDC} ;Maximize Application to fullscreen mode if its in a window mode.

SetTitleMatchMode 2
#IfWinActive PhoenixRC ahk_class PhoenixRC; phoenixRC detection for phoenixRC/GSB Home Screen action.
WinGet, Style, Style, ahk_class XBMC
if (Style & 0xC00000) ;0xC00000 is WS_CAPTION, meaning window has a title bar.
Send {VKDC} ;Maximize phoenixRC to fullscreen mode if its in a window mode.
;WinMaximize ;Maximize phoenixRC if Windowed.
send, ^!{VK74} ; if phoenixRC is Active (GSB Home Jump will activate)
#IfWinActive ;
Can I check, I also use Windows Media Center as well as XBMC, applying these registry settings will break the remote when in Windows Media Center wont they?!

hi i set up new harmony touch and configured it and all buttons work
but when i add it to an activity the buttons dont work

and advice ive been searching everywhere and cant find a solution

I've been using XBMC on an old PC with an MCE remote ( vista vrc-1100 ) and its external usb receiver for ages now without any problems.

Recently I upgraded to an htpc i put together using an MS-TECH MC-20 itx case which came with an MCE "Compatible" remote and an Internal usb receiver which I connected to the CIR header on an AS-Rock motherboard.

Although I was a little surprised to NOT see a "green start button" on the remote, I still expected the remote to work out of the box given it was MCE Compatible.
Unfortunately, despite having installed all the AS Rock drivers successfully and enabled all the CIR related options in the BIOS, all I can get the remote to do is turn on and off the pc with the power button. No other remote buttons are working, or at least no keypresses are being signaled

Any suggestions or experiences to share with MS-TECH remotes would be greatly appreciated.

I'm trying to change the mappings on my rosewil rrc-126 The blue button has been configured to live tv for some reason.. I'm trying to get it back to the blue button and make it do L, I also want to make the Yellow button change the audio track.
(2013-02-22, 23:46)smurfyboy2 Wrote: Hello, I am running Win7 with your brilliant tweak/software that I downloaded today. I have a standard MCE Remote (eHome) Receiver and Remote (RC6). The Sleep button seems to press 'S' (tested using google chrome). I was wondering how to set it to sleep - p.s. it can wake from sleep if i manually put it to sleep.

Brother I am with you. It took me a few hours to figure this problem out. I have a Harmony One that I am using with my eHome IR receiver. I press the power button and it turns everything off and puts my HTPC into sleep mode. I like things easy and I don't like extra programs running on my computer. Elitegamer360's hard work seemed perfect for what I wanted. Basically I just want a button on my Harmony that will launch XBMC and refocus it if the task bar is showing. I want the info button to pull up info in XBMC and I want to exit XBMC and be able to go back into sleep mode with the power button while it shuts down everything else. When I installed the auto installer the "Green Button" launched XBMC and refocused it and the info button worked but for some reason it broke the power button putting my HTPC into sleep mode.

I searched the forum and found info on editing my reg that made no sense to me. I don't even know where my reg file is. All my media is stored on my NAS and since it is so much (6 terabytes) Watchdog is not a good option for me. I have to be able to start XBMC every time I power on so it will scan once for new media. That is why I want to exit XBMC before I go into sleep mode.

This is what I did to get my system working the way I wanted:
I followed everything in section "1.2 Green Start Button" http://xbmccustomregis.sourceforge.net/r...art_Button
When I got to step 3 I just dragged the .ahk script file to the Start button and dropped it in the Startup folder.
I right clicked on XBMC and choose to "Run as Administrator".
I went to System, Add-ons, Get Add-ons, xbmc.org add-ons, Program add-ons, MCERemote.
Once I downloaded that I selected it to go into the configuration menu for the MCERemote. I went down to Info/More/Details and I set that to the letter i.
I exited out of XBMC and opened up the MCERemote.exe application the elitegamer360 has a link to and under Videos set it to Ctrl Alt Return.
I rebooted the computer and programmed my Harmony with an XBMC button and set the command to "MyVideos".

Now when I push the XBMC button on my Harmony or the Videos button on my MCE remote it launches XBMC. The info button does what I want. The power button on either remote puts the computer into sleep mode.

I usually do a lot of searching around before I make a post for help. This is what worked for me. Maybe it will work for you. Maybe someone looking for a solution to the same problem in the future will find this and it will work for them. It would have been nice if I found this out 10 minutes into searching for an answer instead of 3 hours of messing around with this crap. By the way, if you already installed elitegamer360's "Auto installer" you will have to run it again and select to uninstall before you start what I mentioned above.
Hi all
few day ago, I upated som stuff in my system, ad xbmx12.1/skin/xbmc launcher ...
after that when I press LiveTV on my remote doesn't show anymore the dialog box to dowlonad subtitles....

This feature was very helpfull and I would like to restore it

How can I do that?
Antec Fusion - A6 5400k / Ati HD7540 - Kodi Isengard
ASRock Beebox n3150 - Kodi Jarvis
Oled 55E6V - Onkyo nr809 - B&W 5.1 - Harmony One
Hi there I hope someone can help me out here, I have tried using XBMC under Ubuntu but the driver support for my DVB-S2 card was fairly bad so had to go back to Windows and to be honest with you I'm glad. I'm also using DVB Link as a PVR Add on and it works a treat still needs to be a little polished but it does what it says on the tin.

Anyway let me not bore with all the unimportant stuff. So I have my Silverstone LC16m case with iMON IR VDF, Windows 7 x64 SP1 and a latest version of XBMC Frodo 12.1. For my remote I'am using Harmony 650 which emulates MCE remote. I have added XBMC in the applications list in iMON Manager and I'm getting basic function now. I can navigate around play, pause and stop movies. Even the info button is working however I still need to configure button like:

- Live TV
- Guide
- Menu
- Videos
- TV Shows
- My Music etc....

My question is this setup on this thread going to help me at all? If not can someone please point me in the right direction. I think XBMC Windows edition should be remote control compatible from the box it's a shame you have tinker so much just to get you remote control working. Anyway I'm not complaining so if anyone could help I would greatly appreciate it.
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[WINDOWS] HOW-TO use MCE remote in XBMC under Windows the easy way15