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That's a tough one. Have you tried naming it its IMDB# (tt0259822)? Even typing in 45 (2006) doesn't bring it up in IMDB as the only result. It still puts Severance before it.
For the few movies that didn't scraped right, Open edit movie details and give in the IMDB ID tt********. Can't go wrong then.
Right that is what I have been doing. He just asked for some examples of movies that were not scraping right. I was just posting trying to help Smile.

jetskijoe Wrote:Right that is what I have been doing. He just asked for some examples of movies that were not scraping right. I was just posting trying to help Smile.


IMDB is getting acting a bit strange at the moment, I think it must be in transition. Last week "10,000 BC" worked fine, now IMDB does not find anything unless you remove the comma.

And have you tried "The Dark Knight" The only exact match is a 1995 short movie of the same title.
Media Companion has quite an intelligent search and most issues would be avoided if you include the year in you filename, eg:- "The Dark Knight (2008).avi"

Unfortunately while I could program the scraper to return a correct result, there would always be another movie that is incorrectly identified. Ultimately, the job would be endless and for the small number of movies that have issues I really don't think it's worth it.

All I can suggest for such movies is to create an .nfo file :-
Using notepad or similar enter the IMDB ID and save it like the movie filename eg:-

The nfo need only contain the IMDB ID, nothing else is needed. This nfo will either be overwritten or renamed to .info depending on how you have set the preferences.
Media Companion can also get the ID from scene .nfo files if they are named like the movie.

I will be uploading a new version of MC in the next few days with a tweaked IMDB scraper that will have an improvement of the accuracy of the scraper when not using the year.

In addition to this, if Media Companion does scrape the wrong movie then it is very easy to change it from the edit menu. Click the "Change Movie" button and a webbrowser will display, simply browse to the Movies page and select OK to get the correct movie
One other thing I've noticed is that when downloading images using the Fan Art or Poster browser, the File Name Conventions are ignored, it will never use the unstacked naming convention even if they are enabled.
Is there a way to use DVD Covers instead of Movie Posters?

Feature Request: Can we have a way to manual add movies instead of doing the auto scrape. this way i can guarentee the movie its scraping is the right one.
jetskijoe Wrote:yes I was doing that with all of my files. He is one that I am trouble with.

What is the filename and path?
filename = .45
path = M:\movies\45 (2006)\

You cann't make a .45 as a directory. So it looks like IMDB returns it as Severance (2006). Is there anyway I can name a folder around this so it will pick up the right movie?

Are you using folder names?
Is it a DVD folder?
Is DVD folders enabled?

What is the entry in the output log for a movie it is unable to scrape?
Severance (2006)

even though it wont fix the scraping issue at the moment (imdb's issue, as mentioned), you can name your folder .45 if you want to

using the command prompt, navigate to the folder that you wish to create the .45 directory in (XP's "command prompt here" powertoy is great for this, vista users will have to navigate to it using oldschool dos "cd" commands afaik)

once you're in the right folder, type this (including the quotes):

mkdir ".45"

that's it!

AaronG85 Wrote:Is there a way to use DVD Covers instead of Movie Posters?

Feature Request: Can we have a way to manual add movies instead of doing the auto scrape. this way i can guarentee the movie its scraping is the right one.

pretty useless feature imo. what i do instead is just scrape entire folders as you normally would, then check each entry manually. essentially it is the same thing as manually adding movies, but with a majority of the work already done for you
HI All,

Is there any way to output a formatted RTF, DOC ,TXT list of all your movies.

I ofcourse printed out the html list for all my movies and then opened that in front page and tried to convert it - no go.

Could the HTML output be set to configurable with a choice of options.

Like output format and ext - remove hyperlinks if TXT file, Output all movies in Alphabetical order. These would be great options I realize you may only use it once but I change my list almost daily. Maybe a table output format possibly a couple font choices and sizes.

Just asking.


I've just found a workaround for the .45 issue.

Set your preferred IMDB mirror to http://akas.imdb.com

filename = Anything you want.avi
path = M:\movies\Calibre 45 (2006)\

This will return the correct movie.
just to point out a problem with 2 films that i have.

Star Trek VII - Generations = Star Trek: First Contact

Star Trek VIII - First Contact = The First Procession in State of H.M. King Edward VII

if i try and fix them by selecting the film manually it will only over write Star Trek VII - Generations files not First Contacts and it only creates a nfo file for First Contact nothing else.

its easier if you just try it rather than me trying to explain what it does.

here are the two dummy files.
Dummy Files
Name your files Star Trek First Contact and Star Trek Generations and the should scrape fine.
Version 2.131

Bugfix - with multi volume rar files, when checking non XBMC nfo files for IMDB ID would look for file named "moviename.part001.nfo" instead of "moviename.nfo"
Bugfix - Stacking preferences were ignored when using the fanart or poster browser. (Fanart or Posters that already exist using the convention not selected will be renamed to avoid the possibility of multiple fanarts and/or posters for the same movie)

The delete function has been improved to be more intuitive. When delete is selected now the dialogue now has all items unchecked, you then check the items you wish to delete. FYI there is also a 2nd confirmation dialogue after this that lists the files you have selected and asks if you wish to delete them.

I've changed the way the IMDB scraper works for movies that don't contain a year, it should be more accurate now. I've listed all the filenames in my testfolder below and all returned the corect movie. Names that include the release year (ie "moviename (xxxx),avi") are still the most accurate way to scrape and sometimes the only way.

My test List of dummy files that people have had issues with at some point.

All the movies below returned 100% accurate IMDB IDs. "Bug" returned the wrong poster, "Wall-E" had the correct poster, but not from IMPAwards, all movies had the correct fanart if it was available.

10,000 BC.avi
300 CD1.avi
300 CD2.avi
310 to Yuma.avi
2001- A Space Odyssey.avi
American Teen.avi
Batman (1989).avi
Batman Begins.avi
Bolt (2008).avi
Buffy the Vampire Slayer.avi
Bug (2006).avi - Correct Movie IMDB ID, wrong poster from IMPAwards
Crash (2004).avi
Dark Knight.avi
Definitely Maybe.avi
Don't come knocking.avi
Eagle.Eye (2008).avi
Father of the Bride (1950).avi
Father of the Bride (1991).avi
fun with dick and jane (1977).avi
fun with dick and jane (2005).avi
Ice Age The Meltdown.avi
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956).avi
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978).avi
Jackie Brown.DVDRipa.avi
11_14 cd1.part01.rar
Jackie Brown.DVDRipb.avi
Let the Right One In.avi
Mamma cd1 mia.avi
Mamma cd2 mia.avi
Outpost (2008).avi
Planet of the Apes (1968).avi
Planet of the Apes (2001).avi
Road House 2 - Last Call (2006).avi
Short Circuit(1986).avi
Snow Angels (2007).avi
The Art of Travel (2008).avi
The Goonies.avi
The Ladykillers (2004).avi
The Ladykillers [1955].avi
TMNT (2007).ogm
Vantage Point.avi
Wall-E.avi Correct Movie IMDB ID, No poster found at IMPAwards
From Russia With Love.avi

Download Version 2.131

Rocky5 Wrote:just to point out a problem with 2 films that i have.

Star Trek VII - Generations = Star Trek: First Contact

Star Trek VIII - First Contact = The First Procession in State of H.M. King Edward VII

if i try and fix them by selecting the film manually it will only over write Star Trek VII - Generations files not First Contacts and it only creates a nfo file for First Contact nothing else.

its easier if you just try it rather than me trying to explain what it does.

here are the two dummy files.
Dummy Files

I've tried this with the new version 2.131, it seems like IMDB is again the problem and there is not a lot I can do about it.

Star Trek VII - Generations
returns this page :- http://www.imdb.com/find?s=all&q=Star+Tr...enerations
Star Trek VIII - First Contact
returns this page :- http://www.imdb.com/find?s=all&q=Star+Tr...t&x=27&y=9

As you can see from the results on those pages it would be very difficuly for any scraper to return the correct movie.

"Star Trek VII - Generations (1984)" does however return the correct movie.
"Star Trek VIII - First Contact (1986)" returns "The Making of 'Star Trek: First Contact' (1996)", and there is not really a lot I can do about it. "Star Trek 8 - First Contact" does return the correct movie.

In any case, at least with version 2.131, the change movie worked without any issues.
Do I need any codecs installed to use the create thumbnail option? Only ffmpeg.exe stops working on Vista.
I have a problem with version 2.131 where ive setup a test folder to test how it imports movies and i have set it up with 15 dvds but when i goto scrape the folder it only scrapes 14. I have done the above and renamed all the movie folders with the same name as IMDB but still it only scrapes 14 and not the 15Huh
Edit: The movie that isn't scraping is 'A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2 Freddy's Revenge (1985)' booth the folder and the file are named this but MC wont scrape it?

Also the movie 21 (2008) the poster it scrapes is the poster for 'Tropic Thunder'?
Quote:Feature Request: Can we have a way to manual add movies instead of doing the auto scrape. this way i can guarentee the movie its scraping is the right one.

If you add a .nfo file with a imdb id and put in your movie folder, mc will use your imdb id to scrape.


or if you use a .info file add it to your movie folder with the imdb id.


be sure to activate the scan .info file in your settings.
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