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Support Thread for libstagefright
(2013-08-30, 10:48)kanthan Wrote: Zoom will cut off the top and bottom. stretch is the closest you can get to 16:9 without picture getting cut off.

I hope the default can be changed to stretch 16:9 just like the remote input is enabled by default on xbmc for ouya version 12.2
I believe more users would prefere 16:9 than 4:3 even if its stretched.

Please do consider this, for better user experience.

I wouldn't want any of my media become "Smurf version". Never use stretch, never like it. I can live fine with black borders as long as the media content won't get distorted.
Might be more of a skin issue than anything else so apologies in advance...
Using Alpha 7 and love it to bits.
I know it's working fine as it's spotting all my SBS rips and offering to play them as such.
Despite running the default skin I don't have a dedicated 3D button though (as shown on the monthlies page) for the couple of films it doesn't pick up on.
I've uninstalled/cleaned and installed again but I'm at a loss.
Any thoughts please?
(2013-09-05, 21:47)danbst Wrote: Despite running the default skin I don't have a dedicated 3D button though
You'd better move this to a specific 3D thread or create one...
Playing MTS files for me are blocked. The sound is synchronised with the movie but is blocked (like mosaic). Can this be fixed?
(2013-09-06, 11:36)blowk Wrote: Playing MTS files for me are blocked. The sound is synchronised with the movie but is blocked (like mosaic). Can this be fixed?
No, it can't. Unless you provide a log which gives us a slight idea of what is happening, of course Wink
(2013-09-06, 11:36)blowk Wrote: Playing MTS files for me are blocked. The sound is synchronised with the movie but is blocked (like mosaic). Can this be fixed?

Sound like interlaced media. All my interlaced files behaved like that.
Will there be any further development of the libstagefright part of xbmc?
(2013-09-09, 17:55)joelbaby Wrote: Will there be any further development of the libstagefright part of xbmc?
Not sure what you mean by "development"... Will it be supported, yes, of course, until something better comes out...
Not sure this will help with anything, it's the source code of RockVideoPlayer, the video player on Rockchip TV Sticks.
Maybe some of the code is interesting and can help with xbmc video playback on Rockchip devices.
I'm running a Kogan (Konka) branded 40" 3D TV. Its OS is Android 4.2.2

In the past, XBMC would crash trying to play any h264 video files.
The 13.0-Alpha7 version of XBMC (Git:20130831-2da9c97) does not crash on playback.
Audio stream plays fine but no video is shown except for a very thin coloured line in the top left of the screen. CPU load hovers around 30% to 40% during playback.

Log is attached: http://xbmclogs.com/show.php?id=58420

Please note that the default video player for this Android TV (com.konka.kkvideoplayer) can play all file formats but not over a network.

Support for this would be greatly appreciated - please advise if more info is reqd.
Koying, i am running a minix x5 in build of 08 august under system info I see >60 fps, all september nightlies show around 29 fps. Not really a bug, but is this expected?
Is the mk809 compatible with the libatagefright Xbmc?
Hi guys, great work on this. HD movies (MKV) on my android devices seem to be working great.

Should this be working with Live TV? I'm using an HDHomerun ATSC tuner, streaming HD channels (1080i I think?). The TV stream is beautiful but playback is choppy, and does an alternating fast-slow thing every few seconds. I tried turning off "Allow hardware acceleration" just to see what happens and it seems to have no effect, which implies HW acceleration may not be working at all for these streams. I've tested on two different Android devices: Nook HD (OMAP4470) and an HTC One (Snapdragon 600). Both of these work great streaming 1080p MKV movies. I've tried recent nightlies as well as some of the more recent builds on page one of this thread.

I think Live TV through an HDHomerun is MPEG2, right? Unfortunately I don't think I have any movies with MPEG2 but I'll look online for some test videos to see if I can isolate this to MPEG2.

I can post some logs later tonight if someone is willing to look at them?

Thanks again!
(2013-09-16, 13:36)awp0 Wrote: I think Live TV through an HDHomerun is MPEG2, right? Unfortunately I don't think I have any movies with MPEG2 but I'll look online for some test videos to see if I can isolate this to MPEG2.
Most MPEG2 formats are not supported by Android natively which means Android is going to have to use CPU decoding (IE software) rather than GPU decoding so enabling/disabling hardware acceleration won't matter when viewing an MPEG2 video...at least that's my assumption.
(2013-09-16, 13:48)bac522 Wrote:
(2013-09-16, 13:36)awp0 Wrote: I think Live TV through an HDHomerun is MPEG2, right? Unfortunately I don't think I have any movies with MPEG2 but I'll look online for some test videos to see if I can isolate this to MPEG2.
Most MPEG2 formats are not supported by Android natively which means Android is going to have to use CPU decoding (IE software) rather than GPU decoding so enabling/disabling hardware acceleration won't matter when viewing an MPEG2 video...at least that's my assumption.

Damn. If that's true then that sucks! I thought this would be a great way to watch TV on a tablet or phone. As it stands, it's "almost" watchable. But not quite.

Thanks for the response!
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Support Thread for libstagefright6