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[RELEASE] Aeon Nox 2.0 (deprecated)
Big_Noid Wrote:Can you please give me the exact entry for it in the database, so I can add the logo for it?

Hey Noid, apologies for my late reply. What I mean is, when a movie has multiple studios you can have its studio flag, but it won't display it all.
For this screenshot I selected Dreamworks Animation from the Studios list. As you can see Kung Fu Panda has a flag, while Shrek 2 doesn't. Shrek 2 also has Dreamworks SKG listed as a studio, Kung Fu Panda only has Dreamworks Animation. Is it a setting I missed? Skin is perfect for me apart for this tiny detail!

Whizz Wrote:Hey Noid, apologies for my late reply. What I mean is, when a movie has multiple studios you can have its studio flag, but it won't display it all.
For this screenshot I selected Dreamworks Animation from the Studios list. As you can see Kung Fu Panda has a flag, while Shrek 2 doesn't. Shrek 2 also has Dreamworks SKG listed as a studio, Kung Fu Panda only has Dreamworks Animation. Is it a setting I missed? Skin is perfect for me apart for this tiny detail!


That's strange. Shrek2 shows up in the studios list under Dreamworks SKG, and it shows a studio label. If it doesn't show a label, I bet the label in the videodatabase is just a bit different. What scraper did you use?
I keep coming with new annoying questions! Tongue

Maybe a idea to auto hide the Ratings label when there is no rating available for the episode/movie?
Rionsic Wrote:I keep coming with new annoying questions! Tongue

Maybe a idea to auto hide the Ratings label when there is no rating available for the episode/movie?
Feedback is always appreciated!
Yeah, that's a good idea. I will add that in the pre-eden branch.
Checked with Confluence and has the same problem. Can't figure out what it could be. Gone check some shows seperatly.
boulala Wrote:Does anyone else have a problem with the sorting of the tv show episodes?
a few posts earlier someone wrote that in the all season folder the sorting is wrong but with me it's even in the season folder.
i will try to get a screenshot tonight and make a test in confluece or another skin if it appears there to.

I don't have issues myself and I have about 65 shows with multiple seasons in my library. Did you choose sort by episode in the view settings? This is the only thing I can think of.

\\ OpenElec \ Frodo \ ASROCK 330HT \\ AEON NOX 4.0 \\

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@ Big_Noid

Option request

On lowlist view at the show level it shows the studio but no longer the age rating (i.e. TV-MA, TV-G etc.), would it be possible to add the option to switch between studio and age rating. I personally feel age rating is more appropriate at this level. Or even perhaps keep both but put the age rating next to the title of the show with alignment on the right, most show names are relatively short and should fit nicely.

Nice to see 1.0 released keep up the awesome work. Smile

\\ OpenElec \ Frodo \ ASROCK 330HT \\ AEON NOX 4.0 \\

Free Online Storage: Copy

Just found this skin, and I LOVE it!

One feature request though, if I may. The only thing I miss from the skin I was using previously, aeon65, is an animation that occurred whilst browsing movies in the showcase view.

I like to use showcase with the infopanel and 4-thumbs mode enabled, but I also like to see the large fanart image in the background whilst browsing for a movie.

What aeon65 did was perfect - it didn't show any infopanel until the user "settled" on a movie (stopped clicking through), at which time the infopanel would sort-of "slide in" with the desired layout on it. This meant that one could peruse the movie covers, with the lovely background fanart changing appropriately, and then get more info on a movie when you stop on it.

Is there any chance that this effect could be adopted into your fantastic Aeon Nox? Other than that the skin is perfect.

Either way, keep up the great work!
Big_Noid Wrote:Those settings are correct. If nothing shows, it's probably not scanned correctly to the library. That view relies on info from the library to look like that.

So does this information not show up when using Icefilms? Does it only work with items inside your personal library and not with add-ons?
Thanks again
Love the skin, two quick comments:

When resuming from pause, Playing is in gray across the top of the screen and elements at the top left and top right don't completely leave the screen. This does not happen after seeking, only resume after pause.

I love the episode view but it lacks any identification as to show or season. Any thoughts of adding those in a small, unobtrusive way to the best view out there (even if it is admittedly an homage to Alaska)?
I just tried this wonderful skin and I have to say that I am very impressed. The speed is incredible, and the amount of views/options made this my current default skin. I have an RSS on the SVN and am eagerly awaiting what you come up with next. Keep up the great work.
dascmo Wrote:I don't have issues myself and I have about 65 shows with multiple seasons in my library. Did you choose sort by episode in the view settings? This is the only thing I can think of.

Checked with DVD sorting and absolute sorting but didn't change anything. Will have to check my tv shows for errors.
I have another question on a little different topic.
Is it possible to jump directly to a favorite/addon from anywhere in the skin with one keystroke?

i was configuring my remote and made buttons for my Movie Library, TV Show Library and Music Library. Everything works fine, but i use the iPhoto Plugin to display my Pictures and would like to jump to that directly but can't figure out how. i can jump to the picture library but not to the plugin itself.
dascmo Wrote:@ Big_Noid

Option request

On lowlist view at the show level it shows the studio but no longer the age rating (i.e. TV-MA, TV-G etc.), would it be possible to add the option to switch between studio and age rating. I personally feel age rating is more appropriate at this level. Or even perhaps keep both but put the age rating next to the title of the show with alignment on the right, most show names are relatively short and should fit nicely.

Nice to see 1.0 released keep up the awesome work. Smile
I can make an option for that in the pre-eden branch. Yeah 1.0 is almost there, it's out on svn and should be available through official xbmc repo soon.
lloydsmart Wrote:Just found this skin, and I LOVE it!

One feature request though, if I may. The only thing I miss from the skin I was using previously, aeon65, is an animation that occurred whilst browsing movies in the showcase view.

I like to use showcase with the infopanel and 4-thumbs mode enabled, but I also like to see the large fanart image in the background whilst browsing for a movie.

What aeon65 did was perfect - it didn't show any infopanel until the user "settled" on a movie (stopped clicking through), at which time the infopanel would sort-of "slide in" with the desired layout on it. This meant that one could peruse the movie covers, with the lovely background fanart changing appropriately, and then get more info on a movie when you stop on it.

Is there any chance that this effect could be adopted into your fantastic Aeon Nox? Other than that the skin is perfect.

Either way, keep up the great work!
It's already in the skin. Enable option Auto-Hide for infopanel. In the viewtype options you can set the delay.
blueseeka Wrote:So does this information not show up when using Icefilms? Does it only work with items inside your personal library and not with add-ons?
Thanks again
Only if that plugin gives xbmc that metadata and announces itself as a movie addon.
GJones Wrote:Love the skin, two quick comments:

When resuming from pause, Playing is in gray across the top of the screen and elements at the top left and top right don't completely leave the screen. This does not happen after seeking, only resume after pause.

I love the episode view but it lacks any identification as to show or season. Any thoughts of adding those in a small, unobtrusive way to the best view out there (even if it is admittedly an homage to Alaska)?
First is a known bug. It's fixed in svn and in coming release. Workaround is to enable the videoinfo on paused option.
On the episode view, you are right. I made it with the breadcrumbs option in mind. I will try to add it.
boulala Wrote:I have another question on a little different topic.
Is it possible to jump directly to a favorite/addon from anywhere in the skin with one keystroke?

i was configuring my remote and made buttons for my Movie Library, TV Show Library and Music Library. Everything works fine, but i use the iPhoto Plugin to display my Pictures and would like to jump to that directly but can't figure out how. i can jump to the picture library but not to the plugin itself.
I always make a favourite of the item I want mapped to the remote and the look in favourites.xml in the userdata folder for the path. You can then add this path in keymap.xml or remote.xml.
maybe a cool idea instead of the original backgrounds for movies and shows the program could randomly select one fanart of the movies/shows in the library ?
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[RELEASE] Aeon Nox 2.0 (deprecated)29